My beast Emperor System

Chapter 256: The absolute skill, Devour!

Chapter 256: The absolute skill, Devour!

"Hee! Don't even think for a moment that these kids stand a chance against me!" Kaido said with a wide grin on his face.

"I have tangled with gods, demigods, and cosmic beings... How can these mere mortals compare?" Demos said coldly!



Two of them shot forward viciously, not even bothering to listen to Derik's reply!

"ATTACK!" The same voice cried out again but this time it seemed more annoyed than fearful!

How dare these invaders to walk into their land? Do they think they can do whatever they wish in the fire dragon territory?




Countless flaming javelins shot into the air, raining down on Demos and Kaido!

"Basic!" Kaido growled as the sun tattoo on his forehead lit up and the massive sun appeared above him and Demos!


The two flew under the massive sun, allowing it to take the hit from the javelins while reducing the distance between them and the wall!


Suddenly numerous cries could be heard and multiple beams of flame shot forward, smashing towards Demos and Kaido violently! Using the massive sun as a shield!


The massive sun shook violently as countless beams struck it at the same time, pushing it back!

"Impossible!" Kaido roared as he flew behind the sun and used his body as a wedge, preventing it from getting pushed back!

He was stunned as he saw many cracks in the artificial sun and he soon realized it will crumble soon.

"We are mortals too you know... We are not at full strength and even now, I hate to as we don't even have ten percent of our true strength so don't find this too shocking" Demos said indifferently as he watched Kaido struggle


Clasping his hands together, the world around him trembled as darkness spread across his body, covering the entire fire dragon clan territory like a dome! The scorching sun above the desert vanished and was replaced with a blood-red moon. At this point he grabbed Kaido by the shirt and pulled him away, appearing over a hundred meters away as they watched countless attacks bombarding their previous position!

Where did they go?

What the hell is this?

How can they turn day to night?

Many screams could be heard but they did not stop attacking! Kaido was stunned by this as well. He could see the enemy clearly but the enemy could not see him. Such a large-scale AOE spell like this can be considered godlike in a large-scale war like this one!

"WHO DARES ATTACK MY FIRE DRAGON CLAN! YOU MUST BE TIRED OF LIVING!" A vicious voice shook the skies and a powerful beam of scorching red light shot straight to the blood moon.

Seeing this Derik frowned and charged forward!


A painful cry can be heard as the dark world quickly crumbled and Demos fell on one knee. He spat out blood continuously and Kaido tried to hold him up, forgetting the countless barrages of attacks flying towards them!



Derik's figure appeared in front of them and his black aura surged out uncontrollably! It soon began to spin violently sucking in all the attacks sent at the two.

"You are not yet used to your bodies and after staying dead for a long time your fighting skills have depreciated! Letting you do this alone is a mistake on my part" Derik said with a frown while Demos and Kaido didn't dare look him in the face.

They made mistakes! While Kaido forgot to take into account that he is in a much weaker body than his original body, Demos went ahead to use a skill tied to his body, even when he knew there was a hidden powerful existence in the massive egg above!

They were both reckless and that's why they almost died here, wasting the opportunity given to them by Derik!

"I apologize!" They both said at once and Derik simply nodded in response.

"As long as you understand" Derik said calmly as he noticed the enemy was not attacking anymore.

They must have seen that throwing countless attacks at the black wall was not working so they stopped.

"Devour!" Derik said as his eyes revealed bright red light and all the attacks were launched back to the wall in an instant!


No one knew who said those words but many people fled as the walls were bombarded with an army worth of attacks released by one man! Kaido and Demos watched as the walls came down with just one move from Derik and they couldn't help but admit that this Derik may be weaker in terms of cultivation when compared to his past self but, right now he had a power that far surpasses what he had in the past!

In one attack, a good number of dragon guards stationed at the wall died instantly and the rest were badly injured! The wall crumbled, revealing a small welcoming red dragon army, waiting for their turn to make a move but at that moment that furious roar echoed again!

"YOU DARE!!!!"

It cried out again and the massive red beam descended from the heavens like a divine judgment! Seeing this, Derik let out peals of laughter as his body shot into the air and he raised his hand towards the massive red beam!

"DEVOUR!!!" Derik growled as the black whirlpool appeared once again, greedily consuming the bright red beam sent to kill them!


Pointing the black Whirlpool at the army ahead the powerful red beam was released, surging towards the enemy greedily!


A massive explosion occurred as the castle shook violently and when the dust had cleared only scorched corpses can be seen! Not a single one of them survived!

"You..." the loud voice spoke again but this time it was reluctant to attack.

"Rise!" Derik said with greedy eyes!

He ignored the voice and watch his death aura spread amongst the dead!

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