My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

I Prepared To Visit The Store

“Good morning, Mr. Takumi. I trust you slept well?”

“Yes. I’ve already eaten and am ready… I am fully prepared.”

The next morning, Tilura came to play with Leo, though she pretended that she had just come to wake me. And then we went to the dining hall.

After eating breakfast there, I returned to my room and prepared to leave.

That being said, it wasn’t going to be a long journey, like when I went to Range village, and so I was finished very quickly.

I left the room and greeted Mr. Ekenhart, who had arrived at the entrance hall first.

By the way, since we were going to Ractos, Sebastian had told Nick that he didn’t need to come today.

It would save time to just give the herbs to them directly.

“Anne… You are coming too?”

“Why wouldn’t I? It concerns my family, after all.”

Ms. Claire and Ms. Anne were talking as they came down the stairs.

Ms. Claire did not seem pleased about this. But I was starting to believe what Mr. Ekenhart had first said, that they were more friendly than they appeared to be.

…Perhaps they were friends of the same age… And Ms. Claire just wouldn’t admit it.

“Your Grace, we are ready to depart.”

“And the wine?”

“We have loaded a few bottles of it.”

“I see. Good.”

Sebastian came to tell us that everything was ready, and now everyone who was going was present in the hall.

It was me, Leo, Mr. Ekenhart, Ms. Claire, Ms. Anne, Sebastian, with Phillip and Johanna accompanying us as guards. And then there were Mr. Ekenhart’s three private guards as well.

So that was eleven including Leo… It was quite a crowd.

“Be safe!”


“See you later, Tilura and Sherry.”

“Please be safe. We await your return!”

I called out to Tilura and Sherry before leaving, and then we all stepped outside.

As always, the servants formed a line and raised their voices in unison. I was used to it now. 

Though, I did see Milina with them… I suppose she had been practicing?

Perhaps I could join them one day…

“Your Grace, here is your carriage. You too, Lady Claire.”


“Thank you.”

As there were many people this time, instead of the carriages for two to three people, we would go in something much more luxurious.

…It was practically a small room on wheels… I had never seen a carriage with doors like that.

But then again, maybe this wasn’t anything fancy for a duke…

“What about you, Mr. Takumi?”

“I…will ride on Leo.”


“Anne. I can see that you are just dying to ride on Leo as well?”

“Do not joke about such things. I will take a seat in the carriage.”

“Hahaha. I think you should ride on Leo after you are more accustomed to being around her. All right, Leo. Let’s go.”


I called Leo, who had been playing with the horses, and then I climbed onto her back.

I suppose that Ms. Claire was just joking about Ms. Anne riding on Leo.

The others all entered the fancy noble carriage, and Sebastian climbed onto the driver’s seat.

The guards all mounted their horses as well. And we were ready to go.

“We will depart now, Your Grace!”

Phillip said, as his horse moved to the lead.

And the other horses and carriage began to move.

Unlike other lightheart excursions to the town, there was a nervousness in the air. I suppose it was because of the duke.

“Leo, don’t get too excited.”


As Leo was faster than the horses, she would often run around them and go back and forth playfully.

While Phillip and Johanna were used to this behavior, Mr. Ekenhart’s guards were not.

And so it would be best if she didn’t do anything that was unnecessary.

…Besides, I had seen them flinch a little when Leo got close.

“Why won’t that thing calm down? It is most indecent.”

“Don’t mind Good Leo, Anne.”

“Mmm. Leo is a Silver Fenrir. She is like the symbol of our great house. It is proper for her to be free and live as she chooses.”

When Leo moved close to the carriage, I heard the conversation happening inside.

Well, the window happened to be open, and I saw that Ms. Anne glared at us. So I knew she would say something that wasn’t kind.

I suppose she now felt safe since she was in the carriage.

“…A Silver Fenrir…? Is that true? Well, it does have silvery fur…”

Oh? Apparently, Ms. Anne hadn’t known that Leo was a Silver Fenrir.

Now that I thought about it, no one had explained to her about Leo or me… I just assumed that she knew, because she was a noble. But maybe it was only this house.

“Yes, it is true. There is no doubt that Good Leo is a Silver Fenrir. She can destroy monsters with ease. I have seen it with my own eyes.”

“I wish I had been so fortunate… But Anneliese, Leo is definitely a Silver Fenrir. And since she obeys Mr. Takumi, he is our honored guest.”

“…But surely…no human could command a Silver Fenrir…”

While Ms. Anne knew about Silver Fenrirs, she had not connected them to Leo.

Well, if they were supposed to be ferocious monsters that yielded to no one, then the quiet Leo might not have fit her image of them.

Though…Leo is just my buddy, not a servant.

“So…this Mr…Takumi, did you say? He is not some commoner?”

“Mr. Takumi is special. And kind. And bright…”

“…You seem to have a high opinion of him, Claire… Well, you are not wrong. He has improved much with the sword as well. And yes, he is not stupid. I think he is talented.”

“That is a lot of praise from the both of you…”

Oh, now they were talking about me.

While Mr. Claire and Mr. Ekenhart were both rather generous in their estimation of me, I felt like I was still a far way off from deserving it…

Perhaps they felt it was necessary for them to do so, to prevent Ms. Anne from feeling too much disdain towards me…?

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