My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 101 High And Mighty?

"Now that we've left the city, when will you teach me and Emma how to fly on the flying sword like Mothers?" Lily's face was filled with excitement to learn how to fly using a flying sword.

"We've come pretty far from the city now, so no one can notice us even if we fly. Yuan, you can freely teach us now, no?" Emma added, and she was equally eager to fly on a flying sword.

"We can start now since we're far away from the city. However, Emma, you don't have a sword with you, right?" He was was ready to start teaching them how to fly on a flying sword now, but he remembered that Emma doesn't have a sword with her.

Emma shook her head, indicating that she didn't have one.

"It's not that she doesn't have a sword, Yuan. It's just that you didn't give her one." Lily interjected, and said

"This..." Yuan now realizes that because Emma practiced hand-to-hand martial arts techniques called the 'Iron Plam technique', he actually forgot to buy a sword for her.

Yuan gave Emma an apologetic look and said, "Emma I'm sorry, since you're practicing the 'Iron Palm technique', I completely forgot to give you a proper weapon to protect yourself."

"It's alright, Yuan. I don't mind at all," Emma said with a genuine look. For her, everything Yuan has given her until now is enough. 

"Nora, purchase a similar sword to the ones that I gave to my two mothers and sister for Emma," Yuan immediately decided to buy a sword for Emma from the system store. 

[Sure, Host!] Nora responded. 

<The Earth-Grade Medium-Quality Spiritual Sword will cost 40 SP. Does the host want to make this purchase? >


<40 SP has been deducted from your total SP!> 

<Purchase successful! The item has been placed inside your system storage.>

Yuan retrieved the gleaming sword he had recently acquired through the system. He handed it to Emma, a warm smile gracing his face.

"Here, Emma. You can use this sword from now on," he said, his voice filled with encouragement.

Emma's eyes widened with delight as she accepted the sword from Yuan. "Thank you, Yuan! I can't wait to learn how to fly with this."

Lily retrieved her own sword from her storage ring. "Now that we both have our swords, let's begin the flying lessons! Teach us how to fly on a sword, Yuan!" Her eyes were sparkling with excitement. 

"Let's start then... Hmm?!"  Yuan suddenly sensed something and looked behind.

He felt like someone is following them. He immediately used his divine sense to scan the area and found out that Adrien and his two friends from the tavern were following them and were hiding behind the trees. 

Seeing her son staring intently at something behind them, Anna furrowed her brow and asked, "What is it, dear? Did you sense any monsters nearby?"

Yuan let out a chuckle, shaking his head. "Not monsters, Mom. It seems we have a few 'rats' tailing us," he replied with a mischievous grin.

Anna and the rest of the group exchanged concerned glances at the mention of 'rats'. They clearly understand what Yuan is referring to as 'rats'. But the question is, why would someone follow them without any reason? What was their motive for following them? 

Grace wrinkled her nose in distaste and said, "Rats? How annoying."

"I don't like rats. They're so dirty," said Emma.

"I hope they're not carrying any diseases." Xi Meili added. 

Yuan's gaze turned sharply towards the direction of the few trees where Adrien and his two friends were hiding. With a firm tone, he called out, "You three 'rats' who have been following us for a long time, come out and show your disgusting faces!"

Adrien, Thomas, and Lucas emerged from their hiding spot, their expressions filled with arrogance. 

Adrien retorted, "You may have some abilities to notice us, but how dare you refer to us as 'rats'! Do you even know who we are? Now, hand over the beauties beside you to us."

Thomas sneered, adding, "Brother Adrien, let's teach this insolent brat some proper manners. How dare he compare us to something as disgusting as rats?"

Lucas chimed in, his voice filled with disdain, "Brother Thomas is right. After all, you're a third-circle mage now, and above all, you're a top student in the kingdom's most prestigious magic academy. They may be handsome and beautiful, but they don't have the right to humiliate us like that." 

Yuan's expression changed. "You may boast about your titles and your so-called superiority, but I won't allow anyone to threaten or disrespect my family. If you think you can intimidate us, you're gravely mistaken." said Yuan. 

He has already fought and killed many more powerful opponents than a mere third-circle mage; what's there to be afraid of? He is not even a proper opponent for him. 

Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili stood beside Yuan, their expressions determined. Anna spoke with a steely tone, "We won't hand over anything to you. If you want a fight, we're more than ready to defend ourselves."

Adrien's face contorted with fury upon hearing their defiant response. He couldn't believe that these mere weaklings with no mana dared to reject him, a third-circle mage and a top student in the prestigious magic academy.

"You insolent fools!" Adrien spat, his voice seething with anger. "How dare you defy me, someone who possesses far superior power and knowledge? Your insignificant lives will soon be crushed under my might!"

Thomas and Lucas stood by Adrien's side, their expressions matching his rage. 

"You're nothing more than a bunch of ignorant fools. You have no idea who you're dealing with!"

"You think you can stand against us? We'll show you what true power looks like, and you'll regret ever crossing our path!"

"So be it then; let's see who will regret it later." Without hesitation, he closed the distance between himself and his adversaries, moving with incredible speed and precision. In the blink of an eye, he grabbed hold of Thomas and Lucas by their necks, his grip firm and unyielding.

"What are.. ?!" The suddenness of the attack left Adrien stunned, his mouth agape in shock. Before he could even process what was happening, a resounding thud echoed through the air. 


The force of the impact caused the ground beneath them to tremble, leaving a small crater in its wake.

Thomas and Lucas's heads collided with the unforgiving ground, their bodies rendered helpless and immobile. Blood trickled from their ears, a testament to the sheer power of the impact. Gasping for air, they struggled to breathe, their senses overwhelmed by the overwhelming force of the blow.

Adrien's eyes widened in disbelief as he witnessed the swift and merciless display of strength.

'What just happened? When did he move? Why don't I see him moving? How can he be so strong without having a single bit of mana in his body? It must be a dream, yes, it must be a dream!' His arrogance crumbled in the face of such raw power. The reality of his own vulnerability became painfully evident, and fear began to creep into his heart.

While Adrien was in a daze, thinking all this was a dream and not real, Yuan approached him without his noticing and landed a powerful slap on his face. 

"Bang! " The slap was so powerful that it sent Adrien a few meters flying.

"Aghhhh! How dare you!"  Adrian screamed like a girl as he rolled left and right in pain on the ground like a pig in the mud. His face was completely swollen and bleeding a lot since most of his teeth had fallen off from the slap. 

"You dared to cast your disgusting gazes upon my wives, seeking to claim them for yourself. Your actions will not go unpunished. Consider this a lesson in humility and respect." Yuan then lifted his leg and crushed Adrien's leg, breaking his leg completely. 

"Aghhhh!... You... You broke my leg! You won't get away with it! Aghhh! It hurts so much!"  Adrien cried in pain as he crawled in pain on the ground; even though his leg was crushed, his arrogance was still there.

Yuan gazed down at Adrien, who writhed on the ground, clutching his injured leg. A smirk played on Yuan's lips as he spoke with a cold, disdainful tone. "It appears that you still haven't learned your lesson, have you? Your arrogance knows no bounds."

With deliberate cruelty, Yuan brought his foot down upon Adrien's other leg, eliciting a scream of agony from him. 

"Aghhhhh!" another painful scream came out of Adrien's mouth. 

"You see, Adrien, what I despise the most is people like you, who believe themselves to be superior. But in reality, you are nothing more than a feeble ant, weak and fragile. And ants, well, I quite enjoy crushing them underfoot."

Adrien winced in pain as he mustered the strength to speak, his voice filled with defiance. "You won't get away with this. My uncle is a powerful teacher at the magic academy. He won't let you off the hook!"

Yuan smirked, his eyes glinting with amusement. "We'll see about that," he replied casually. "For now, we'll take our leave. Enjoy being a snack for the monsters lurking around here."

Adrien's expression froze, a mix of fear and desperation spreading across his face. He realized the gravity of the situation and the impending danger that awaited them.

Yuan turned to his companions, his gaze sweeping over Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili. "Let's not waste any more time here. We have already wasted enough time here, and we have to reach the ruin before night."

Curiosity flickered in Emma's eyes as she spoke up. "But what about them?" she asked, concerned for the fate of their captives.

"I sense numerous monsters nearby," he explained. "I have a feeling they'll become the monsters' lunch."

Grace chimed in, her voice filled with amusement. "You've certainly become quite mischievous lately, my darling ," she said with a smirk. "But I have to admit, I quite like it. Let them face the consequences of their actions."

Yuan and his wives turned around, their expressions unyielding, as Adrien's desperate pleas filled the air.

"Wait! Don't leave me here!" Adrien screamed, his voice filled with fear and regret. 

"I know I was wrong. Please, I don't want to die here!"

"Are you guys ready to learn how to fly on a flying sword?" Yuan asked, looking at Emma and Lily. 

Emma and Lily exchanged excited glances and nodded vigorously.

  "Yes, we're ready!" Emma replied, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Yuan began the lesson, guiding them through the steps of flying on a sword. He explained the techniques, the balance, and the concentration required to stay aloft.

Minutes turned into hours as they practiced, their determination unwavering. Yuan patiently corrected their posture, provided guidance, and encouraged them to keep trying.

After about two hours of relentless effort, Emma and Lily started to grasp the essence of flying on a sword. They were able to maintain their balance and control even at high speeds, their confidence growing with each passing moment.

Excitement surged through Lily and Emma as they eagerly followed Yuan's instructions. They adjusted their postures, ensuring a firm grip on their swords, and prepared themselves for the increased speed. Yuan took the lead, his sword slicing through the air with precision.

As they soared through the sky, Yuan's two mothers, Anna and Grace, and his wife, Xi Meili—joined them on their own flying swords.

Yuan watched proudly as Emma and Lily flawlessly maneuvered their flying swords, their expressions radiating a sense of accomplishment.

"Now, you can both fly on your own flying swords without fear of falling, even at high speeds," Yuan announced with a satisfied smile. 

As they continued their journey towards the ancient ruin, the experience of flying on the swords started to become second nature to them. Their control over the swords became more refined, and their speed increased as they became more accustomed to the sensation of soaring through the sky.

With each passing moment, their bond with the flying swords grew stronger. They felt a surge of exhilaration as they glided through the air, their bodies in perfect sync with the enchanted blades beneath them.


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