My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 121 Xi Meili's Appetite

"Um, Yuan...?" Rose whispered in a low voice, her tone filled with curiosity and a hint of concern. "Are they telling the truth? Did you really kill Viscount Ethan Lewis and his family?"

"Yes, it was me." Yuan looked directly into Rose's eyes and replied with a calm voice, as if it were a trivial matter to him. 

"Oh, I see... But why did you kill them? Did they do something to any of you? I heard that their son is very lecherous and has committed many hideous crimes, especially against women." Rose was curious to know what the Viscount family had done to Yuan, which led him to decide to kill the Viscount family in broad daylight in front of so many people.

They must have done something serious to anger them to that extent.

"This is..." Yuan hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether or not to disclose the full details of the incident in Clover Town. 

'What should I do? Should I tell her about it?' Yuan thought to himself. 

Sensing his hesitation, Lily turned to her mother Anna and whispered, "Do you think we should tell her?"

Anna pondered for a moment and then replied, "I think we should tell her. Since the news about us killing the Viscount's family is already out, there's no reason to hide it anymore."

"Anna is right. There's no need to hide it now, especially since everyone is already talking about it." Grace, who had been listening intently, spoke, her voice cold yet resolute.

Lily took a deep breath and turned to Rose, preparing to explain everything about the incident with Viscount Lewis's family from the very beginning, starting with their encounter at the restaurant back in Clover Town.

"Well, it was like this when we were..." As Lily recounted the events, Rose listened attentively, piecing together the puzzle of what had transpired. A few moments later, she fully understood the situation that led Yuan to make the decision to eliminate Viscount Ethan Lewis and his family.

"I see, so that's what happened..." Rose spoke with a mix of understanding and disgust. 

She continued, "You guys really did a good thing by eliminating such a monster from society. Who knows how many people's lives you saved by killing them? Especially that Elisabeth woman, how can such a vicious person exist in this world?"

Grace smiled faintly at Rose's naive reaction and offered her insight. "Some nobles are always like this, vicious and cruel. They may appear to be good people from the outside, but deep down, they are monsters devoid of human feelings."

"They will do anything within their power to achieve their goals, even if it means thousands of lives are sacrificed in the process."

"The world is much more cruel than you think. You can trust no one but yourself, and if someone decides to help you, it's usually for their own benefit." Grace said with a dazed smile on her face. 

Rose's expression shifted to one of deep contemplation. "You're right... I have witnessed it myself, how those nobles don't care about the lives of commoners, even though those very same commoners are the ones who sustain them. It's disheartening."

Rose had encountered her fair share of unreasonable nobles who frequented the village, seeking respite for the night. This village, highly valued by well-known merchants, served as an ideal place to rest due to its numerous facilities.

However, it also attracted the attention of those with ulterior motives, revealing the harsh reality of a world where the strong prey on the weak to become even stronger. Rose, long ago realized that the world could be unfair, and the weak had no choice but to comply with the whims of the powerful.

A moment later, the group continued indulging in their exquisite meal.

  Rose pushed aside her previous thoughts and focused on savoring every bite, determined not to miss out on such a luxurious cuisine. 

She knew that opportunities to taste such priceless delicacies might not come again in her lifetime.

As time passed, Anna, Grace, Lily, and Rose gradually felt their stomachs reach their limits. They stopped eating, satisfied with the amount they had consumed.

Yuan and Emma also put their utensils down, indicating that they too had reached their fill. 

Only Xi Meili remained, eating with unabated enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling with delight.

Half an hour later, Xi Meili rubbed her round stomach with a contented expression. "Ahh... The food was truly amazing. I enjoyed every bite of it..."

Rose chuckled, looking at Xi Meili with surprise. "What's even more amazing is your stomach, Xi Meili. I can't fathom how you manage to eat so much with your slim figure. Your physique is far more slender than mine, and yet you can consume such copious amounts of food. It's truly a miracle!"

"Eldest Miss, here is your total bill. Since the young sir provided us with a rare piece of raw material, we only charged for the other ingredients and cooking. However, due to the rarity of the meat, our cook had to put in extra effort, so the total comes to 10 gold coins." The server said and handed her the bill. 

"I will have someone bring the money over later." Rose nodded and received a copy of the bill. 

A few minutes later, several servers and the receptionist arrived at the table to clear the dirty plates and tidy up.  I think you should take a look at

The receptionist expressed her gratitude. "Thank you for your patronage, Eldest Miss, and her friends. I hope the food was to your liking."

Yuan spoke up, praising the cook. "The food was amazing! The cook did a splendid job!"

"What should we do now, Yuan?" Rose asked Yuan after they left the restaurant.

Yuan thought for a moment before replying, "Let's return to the manor. I am too full to do anything else."

"I agree. We should go back to the manor and rest. I can barely walk at this point!" Xi Meili said, awkwardly walking with her round stomach. 

Lily chuckled at Xi Meili's predicament. "Well, that's what happens when you eat so much. You're walking like a pregnant cow!"

"I couldn't help myself. The food was just too good!" Xi Meili pouted. 

Anna intervened, redirecting their attention. "Alright, Rose, let's ignore these two and head back to the manor."

"Very well!" Rose nodded in agreement. 

Upon returning to the Monroe Manor, Yuan retired to his room with his two mothers, Anna and Grace, his elder sister Lily, and his two beloveds, Emma and Xi Meili. Rose went to brief her mother Layla about their little excursion, handing her the restaurant bill. She then entrusted Ivy with delivering the payment to the restaurant.

"What should we do now, Yuan? We have plenty of time until the Lord of the Mountains and his army attack this village, but I don't want to just sit around and do nothing," Lily said, expressing her boredom with the idle situation.

"Most people would cultivate in their free time in the Nine Heavens, as every minute matters to them," Xi Meili interjected, reclining on the bed with her legs spread wide due to her round stomach from the lavish feast.

"If they cultivate in their free time, we should do the same. Since the monsters will eventually attack this village, it's best if we increase our strength before they arrive. Who knows how many monsters we'll have to fight?" Anna's voice resounded, capturing Yuan's attention. 

"I agree with Mom. Since we don't know the exact number of monsters attacking this village, we should improve our strength as much as possible." Yuan said to them. 

Moments later, his wives settled into a lotus position, ready to absorb the spiritual energy in the air. However, they noticed that the spiritual energy in this location was thinner compared to other places they had visited.

'I should try to comprehend the Transcendent Heavenly Scripture more,' Yuan thought to himself. With his significant cultivation progress, there might be something new he could learn this time, just like the Empyreal Severing Sword Strike he had previously mastered.

Yuan retrieved a golden book from his system storage and began reading, his eyes focused on the content. As he immersed himself in the book, he gradually closed his eyes, delving into a deep meditative state.

Several minutes later, Rose and Ava entered the room. Upon seeing Yuan and his wives meditating, Rose called out, "Yuan!"

"Mr. Yuan...?... Miss Anna... Miss Grace...?" Ava also attempted to get their attention, but there was no response from any of them.

"It's no use, Ava. It seems that Yuan and his wives are deeply absorbed in meditation and can't hear us," Rose explained to Ava.

Realizing they wouldn't be able to communicate with them, Rose and Ava decided to leave and return later when Yuan and his wives awakened from their deep meditation.

After a few hours, Yuan slowly opened his eyes, sensing a surge of new knowledge flowing mysteriously into his mind.

<Your comprehension of the Transcendent Heavenly Scripture has greatly increased.>

<Empyreal Consumption Technique Mastery Level (2) → (3)>

«Empyreal Consumption»

«Rank: Divine»

«Mastery Level: 3»

«Description: Absorbs 50 Qi every second. Can only be activated during cultivation in the lotus position.»

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