My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 42 Low On Money

(Celestino and Mozzy_da, Thank you for the Ice Cola you have gifted me.)

As soon as Yuan stepped through the door, he darted straight for the bathroom, eager for a refreshing and invigorating wash. With everyone else eagerly anticipating their turn for a soak, he didn't want to keep them waiting too long, especially since dinner preparations were still underway.

Approximately seven to eight minutes later, Yuan emerged from the bathroom wearing a bath towel. He had just finished taking a brief shower.

As the girls laid eyes on his lean, half-naked physique, a rush of warmth flooded their cheeks, painting them with a rosy hue of desire.

"I-Isn't our Yuan just way too handsome...?" Lily playfully muttered, while staring at Yuan's partially exposed body with a flushed countenance and an urge to embrace him.

"Hehe~ I concur wholeheartedly with your sentiments, Lily, my dear. Darling is positively too exquisite for words! My innermost desires are currently in a heated struggle to resist the temptation of pouncing on him this very moment!" With a voice that dripped like honey and a seductive expression that could make hearts skip a beat, Grace exuded an irresistible allure.

The mere thought of him ignited a fervent flame within her, burning with an intensity that only he could quench.

"Oh my goodness, you two are simply too much!" exclaimed Anna, her face turning red with extreme embarrassment.

'I must confess that they are correct in their assessment. The mere sight of him causes my heart to skip a beat, for he possesses a certain allure that we are unable to resist. I am ashamed to admit this, but it is the truth... Ahh! What I'm even thinking? This is so embarrassing...!' Emma spoke to herself with a flushed countenance as she gazed upon Yuan's half-naked body as he came out of the bathroom.

As he walked towards them, he noticed their eyes were fixed on him, and he could feel their gaze on his partially bare body. Yuan felt a sudden wave of self-consciousness wash over him, but he couldn't help but feel a little pleased with the attention.

'What are they whispering about? And why is their face so red...?' Yuan's gaze fell upon them and he couldn't help but notice their flushed faces, raising suspicion in his mind.

However, He did not feel uncomfortable when they stared at his half-naked body. Even if they stared at his fully naked body, he would not mind.

"I'm done with the bathroom, you guys can use it now. I'll go dressed up now if you guys need me I'll be in the living room."

Yuan departed after uttering those words and proceeded towards his bedroom to attire himself, as he was solely draped in a bath towel.

After Yuan left, Lily spoke with a pondering expression, "As the bathroom is now available for use, may I inquire as to who among us shall proceed first?"

"I think I should go first, I need to prepare dinner for everyone and I don't want to waste any time," Anna spoke as she reached the bathroom door.

Grace and Emma nodded in agreement, then Grace spoke up in her typical matter-of-fact tone. "Anna's right, we don't want the food to be late. Additionally, there is no pressing need for me to use the bathroom."

"I agree with Mistress Grace!" Emma added.

Lily smiled and shrugged, "Okay, that's fair enough."

Then Anna quickly entered the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Lily, Emma, and Grace waited patiently outside, chatting and giggling.

After a few minutes, Anna emerged from the bathroom, and Grace and Emma followed. Finally, Lily concluded by being the last individual to use the bathroom.

Meanwhile, after arriving at his bedroom, Yuan proceeded to change into a set of very casual attire, considering that he had no specific destination to visit at the present hour.

The change of clothes reflects his relaxed state and lack of urgency to dress more formally.

"With my attire perfectly in place, I should probably make my way to the living room and await their arrival."

"Sigh! Too bad that this world doesn't have any perfume at all..." he muttered with a sighed, disappointed by the absence of a simple pleasure he had taken for granted in his past life.

But he knew that he couldn't complain about this alone, for this world was deficient in so many basic necessities. From soap and shampoo to other everyday use items, the world seemed to be lacking many such simple yet very useful things.

[Host, the word "This world doesn't have" does not imply an insurmountable barrier to creation.] Nora spoke, and after a silence, she continued, [In fact, with the help of alchemy, you have the power to bring them into existence. Alchemy's potential extends beyond the realm of pill refinement, as it possesses a myriad of other applications. The creation of pills is but a mere fraction of what alchemy is capable of achieving.]

Nora's remarks were true; Yuan nodded in agreement and replied, "Although I am aware that most materials are readily available in the local market, I intend to defer their creation until a future date when I have procured all necessary resources. This is my current plan."

After saying those words, Yuan left his bedroom and made his way to the living room.

Upon his arrival in the living room, Yuan assumed a relaxed and comfortable posture on the couch, placing his legs on a small table commonly used for serving tea. The manner in which he conducted himself conveyed a sense of ease and contentment.

A few moments later, when Yuan was sitting on the couch in a relaxed manner when he heard footsteps approaching him. Turning around, he saw his mother Anna walking towards him.

Anna came to a stop in front of her son, and with a pleasant smile on her face, she asked, "Are you feeling hungry, Dear?"

Yuan replied flashing a gentle smile on his face, "Not really, I'm not that hungry."

Anna nodded and said, "Give me a few minutes, and I'll cook something good for us to eat."

Yuan watched as his mother walked away towards the kitchen. He admired her graceful gait and how she seemed to move effortlessly.

As Yuan waited for his meal, he suddenly heard footsteps approaching again. To his surprise, he saw his mother Grace, his elder sister Lily, and his lover Emma walking towards him.

Without uttering a word, they seated themselves on the same couch as Yuan, prompting him to experience a profound sense of joy and gratitude.

Just as they were settling in, they heard Anna's voice calling from the kitchen, "Dinner is ready, you guys; come and eat!"

"Let's go and eat while the food is still hot, shall we?" Yuan said excitedly, to which the girls nodded their heads.

Excitedly, they all got up and made their way to the dining table, where Anna had laid out a delicious spread of food.

After having a delicious meal together, Yuan and the others proceeded to the living room to relax a bit before going to bed.

Grace cozied up to Yuan, enveloping his right arm with a tight embrace, her ample bosom pressing against his skin, igniting a fire within him.

Meanwhile, Lily snuggled up on his left side, her own curves molded against his arm, sending electric sensations coursing through his body. With both beautiful women snuggled up to him, Yuan was in a state of pure bliss. A moment he would never forget.


With their mischievous grins and playful giggles, Grace and Lily radiate a seductive smile that's impossible to resist. Even Anna and Emma can't help but shake their heads at the shameless display, but deep down, they secretly enjoy the thrill of their wild and carefree attitudes.



Upon observing the nonchalant demeanor of Grace and Lily, Anna experienced a twinge of envy towards their physical familiarity, and spoke, "Lily Dear, can you accompany me for a shopping trip tomorrow? Our current stock of provisions is running low and would only suffice for breakfast tomorrow. Furthermore, we require additional groceries and I believe it would be convenient to do so together."

"Of course, Mom. I'll accompany you tomorrow..." Lily abruptly halted her sentence as she came to a significant realization. Her countenance grew grave as she exclaimed, "Oh, shit!"

Yuan and the others furrowed their brows as they saw Lily's countenance suddenly turn serious. Anna and Grace were concerned about her after seeing her solemn expression, and Anna asked, "Are you okay, dear? Did something happen to you?"

"Sigh! Mom, it has nothing to do with my health; rather, I immediately realized that we're running out of money. Since I left the "Magic Academy" a month ago, we have been living off of our savings to buy food and your medicine. We now only have a very few copper and silver coins in our possession."

Yuan turned to Anna once Lily had finished speaking and stated, "Mom, Why don't you folks use that money to purchase whatever supplies you can get while I proceed to register myself as a hunter with the "Hunter's Association"? The registration and evaluation process is relatively brief, after which I can undertake a minor mission."

He smiled and continued, "Although the job involves some risk, it pays well. The risk is mainly for mages who take a long time to cast their spells and have weak bodies. However, we are cultivators, and our bodies are very sturdy, making this a suitable job for us in our present situation."

The ladies agreed with Yuan's choice to become a hunter, as they were confident in his martial arts skills to overcome dangerous creatures. Additionally, they acknowledged the favorable remuneration associated with this profession.

Yuan turned to Emma, who sat next to his mother Anna, and asked with a smile, "Emma, would you like to come with me to the hunters association and register as a hunter tomorrow?"

"Mm!" Emma just shyly nodded.

"That settles our money problem, then!" Lily exclaimed.

"It's already quite late; we should go to bed now," Anna suggested.


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