My Evil System

Chapter 105 Yuko . . .

"I knew you would come," Yuko said, voice echoing in through the hills.

‖ Y U K O ‖

Name:  Yuko

Nature:  Cunning

HP:  5 000 000

MP:  1 000 000

STR:  10 000

DEF:  50 000

MDF:  100 000

INT:  100 000

AGL:  200 000

LCK:  20 000

P A S S I V E  S K I L L S

❶ Fox Form (Passive)

– As a bonus action, Yuko can change between her fox form and Yokai form. In her Fox form, she will lose her ability to Fly but her walking speed increased.

Her Yokai form resembled a humanoid. Her favored form is a woman with fox ears and nine fox tails. Otherwise, her statistics are identical in each form. Any equipment she is wearing or carrying is absorbed into her fox form, and she resumes wearing or carrying it when she returns to her Yokai form.

❷ Innate Spellcasting

Yuko can innately cast the following spells, requiring only verbal components:

At will: Lightning Bolt

3 / day each: Counter Spell, Dispel Magic

1 / day each: Chain Lightening, Teleport

❸ Legendary Resistance ( 3 / day )

Yuko can resist both Magic and Physical attacks three times a day.


❶ Multiattack (MAX)

– Yuko makes three Magic Bolt attacks or casts one spell. She can also use one of her abilities, either Yokai's Charms, Kitsune's Revenge, or Entangling Snare.

– Cooldown 5 – 6 minutes

– cost –50 000 MP

❷ Entangling Snare (MAX)

– Yuko weaves a web of magic, targeting a point she can see. All creatures affected are restrained for one minute.

– Cooldown 4 – 6 minutes

– cost –20 000 MP

❸ Kistune's Revenge (MAX)

– With her weapon, Yuko deals piercing damage to a single target.

– Cooldown 1 – 2 minutes

– cost –1 000 MP

❹ Magic Bolt (MAX)

– a ranged spell that hits multiple targets

– Cooldown 4 – 6 minutes

– cost –20 000 MP

❺ Yuko's Charms (MAX)

– Yuko can target three creatures and deal psychic damage and become incapacitated for one minute. Charmed creatures will attack each other.

– Cooldown 4 – 6 minutes

– cost –20 000 MP



Yuko can take three legendary actions when its life is threatened, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used.

● Cast a Spell

Yuko can cast a spell from her lists with double damage.

● Enduring Spirit

Yuko regained half her Hit Points.

● Unearthly Leap

Yuko flew away while she is immune to all attacks for one minute.

‖ E N D ‖

Hmm . . . my fingers skimmed my jawline. Her stat was higher than Little Piggy, and her list of spells was awesome too than that Pig.

That [Unearthly Leap] must have saved her from whatever God she faced before. But it only delayed her inevitable death at this rate.

"Oh? You know that we would come?" I asked while staying close to Megu and Angelica.

Yuko's eyes turned to slit, and a low growl vibrated from her chest before she nodded. "No need to act cautious. Both you and I wanted something, right? That's why you're here. But before we start, I will change into my Yokai form so we can talk eye to eye."

And before anyone could react a cloud of thick pinkish smoke engulfed the whole area.

When it settled, Yuko transformed into a giant girl with porcelain white skin, long white hair, fox ears, nine fox tails, and sharp nails dyed in red, while the top of her head had some kind of a small tattoo in the shape of red petals.

She was wearing a loose kimono exposing her shoulders while her enormous breasts almost slipped through her clothes, if not for the sash that held her kimono in place.

She was a feast for the eyes if not for the gruesome blood that stained the silk around her stomach.

She appeared before us like a giantess before her size was reduced to that of a human.

"We'll then . . . Let's get down to business, shall we?"

Megu and I quickly exchanged glances while Angelica was clapping her hands. She was probably amazed at Yuko's transformation.

When no one reacted, Yuko's brow raised. "What?"

"I thought that Gods are aggressive and don't like mortals," I honestly told her.

Yuko stifled a laugh. "Don't lump me with that pig. I'm only aggressive to my kind since they're invasive, and we consume each other's mana core to make us stronger. Besides, mortals don't pose any threat to me."

She wasn't arrogant. She was simply stating a fact. I bet all Gods thought that way. In their eyes, mortals were insignificant.

I smirked. "Is that so? But I think there's another reason. It's because you need something from us, right?"

Yuko's smile fell, and her slit eyes steadied on me. I felt Megu's tight hold on my arm, and I gently rubbed my thumb to calm her.

"That's right," Yuko confirmed. "When you're at the brink of death, your . . . perspective in life changes. When I killed that pig and couldn't get its mana core to add years to my life, I knew that something wasn't right."

Yuko's long sharp nails played with her lips. "It's because he became a minion of some . . ." she looked me up and down and smirked, ". . . player."

"That's right. Little Piggy is my minion," I said. "And if you want to escape death, that's the only option for you, too."

". . ."

A heavy silence descended between us before Yuko's laughter boomed in the sky. Her laughter was desolate, drawing all attention to her.

Yuko looked over at the sky, eyes blank, and her face couldn't be read. "I thought that I would never need help, much less from a mortal. In my eyes, you were insignificant. A God becoming a mortal's minion . . ."

Yuko shook her head with a sad smile on her face. "No greater shame than that. I would rather choose death. But then, when death was staring straight into my face, I hesitated . . ."

Yuko then faced me with an unwavering gaze. "I realized that I don't want to die . . . yet."

Her scarlet eyes then blazed with heat. They were like the strongest of tempest. A fire that would burn everything to the ground.

"I want revenge!" she hissed, canines bared. "Against that God who injured me and stole my territory!"

"Is that so? Is that your condition to become my minion?"

Yuko's warped face returned to normal, and she sweetly smiled at us. "Make no mistake. I don't need your help, mortal. I will take my revenge with my own hands."

"Then what is it? I don't believe that you'll become my minion for free."

"Of course not." Yuko placed her hand over her tilted hips. "I only want to be your minion so that I can live, heal my injuries, and exact my revenge. Nothing more."

I couldn't react for a moment before asking, "And what is it for me then?"

Yuko looked at me with genuinely baffled eyes. "What do you mean?"

"It's not right that you're the only one who benefited from this partnership. If you want to be my minion, then you must contribute to my survival."

Yuko shrugged like she didn't care. "Fine then. Our life will be intertwined anyway. As long as I haven't exacted my revenge, then I won't let anything happen to you."

"And after your revenge."

Yuko flipped her hair and said with a matter-of-fact tone, "Then that's it. Our partnership ends. You're on your own. Getting my revenge is all that matters to me. I can die after that."

I expected as much. A God never cared about mortals. Their desires would always reign above all else.

But it was the same for me, so who am I to complain?

Yuko was consumed by her anger and thirst for revenge, so much so that she was willing to trade everything to kill the God who injured her and took her territory by force.

It was an opportunity for me. As long as she couldn't kill this God, then she would protect me forever. But if she did manage to kill it, nothing would happen to me except for the fact that Yuko might not protect me anymore.

In this deal. There was no disadvantage. Besides that, this Rocky Mountain Hill would become mine without her interference.

I quite like this place. The view was quite spectacular.

"Done, then," I said, and Yuko didn't waste any second and formed the seal.

( . . . continuation on NOTES)

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