My Evil System

Chapter 85 Hmm . . . A Chat Over Dinner?


Dinner was quickly wrapped up. They seemed to be really hungry. Only a few minutes had passed, but all the food prepared was all gobbled up. Even the women lost their poise.

It was quite scary, actually. I even shrunk into my seat because I felt like I was surrounded by hungry wolves munching on flesh and gnawing on bones.

I tried to eat the small pieces of chicken and fish I managed to put on my plate as carefully as I could so as not to catch the attention of my wild guests.

"Damn! When was the last time I tasted chicken and fish meat?!" Edgar yelled with his mouth full. "These things are so delicious!"

"Hey, that's mine!" Sheryl growled and snatched the last piece of chicken leg from Edgar's hand.

"What do you mean yours?! I got this first!"

"You've already eaten a whole chicken! How shameless can you be?!"

"Enough, you two." Emi wiped her mouth before she stared at me and smiled her brightest, but I only felt that something was off with her.

"I'm sure Cross has some chickens left, right? I think I saw a barn outside."

"Hey, that's right!" Edgar's eyes shone. "So you have more chickens? If you're raising them, then can you butcher another one?"

"Egh? Really?" Sheryl then flung her attention at me and clasped her hands in prayer. "Can I have one too? I'm really starving. Pretty please~."

"Everyone, it's rude to ask our Host for more. In this time of–"

"Oh, shut up," Emi cut him. "Stop being a hypocrite. We all know that you want more food as well. Even Ford is silent at the side and not complaining."

"Egh?" Ford looked at Brago and the others before he stared at the empty plates in longing. "W-well . . . I am still kind of hungry."

Brago cleared his throat while his face crumpled.

Then all eyes went to Megu and her child. The latter smiled and said with a timid voice, "The fish soup is really good. I don't mind another serving."

". . . I-I see . . . then we'll cook another," I said, and they all cheered and happily chatted with each other.

<First, it's food. Then before you know it, they'll be the master of this house.>

Shut up.

"My Lord," Florin said with her usual disturbing smile. "We only have two adult chickens left. If we butcher one, then the eggs we'll get in the morning will be less."

I get what she was saying. Egg dishes were our highlight for breakfast. It was our staple menu in the morning. We must have eggs at all costs.

In the first place, I only equipped the property for two people to last for seven days. Those seven chicks we had weren't mature enough to lay eggs. And the one we butchered now was supposed to be just a welcoming gift for the guests.

"If you're talking about adult chickens, then there are clearly chicks, right?" Emi said and added. "You can just butcher one and let the other lay. The chicks would mature soon enough.

They all nodded in agreement, and I also nodded in agreement.

<That's called peer pressure, Host>

Florin only took a breath while her smile never left her face. She was playing with her food as she said, "And we only have two fish meat left."

"It's fine," I said. "It'll rot in two days anyway. We might as well cook it now. Besides, I can just catch another fish in the river and we have lots of dried fish for the meantime."

Florin's smile wavered. "But the blood rain."

"It's fine." I cut her again. "I'd be fine as long as I don't stay outside long in the rain. And we have medicines here too."

The others smiled their brightest, but Florin only shot me a look before beaming.

"As you wish, my lord." Florin then looked over at the others with a smile. "Excuse me while I prepare another round of serving."

When Florin left, I felt the atmosphere lightened. I didn't want to say that her presence was heavy, but that was exactly what the others felt around her.

We all chatted at first while waiting for Florin to return. We didn't run out of topics, especially about what we missed on earth — the food, the movies, our family, how easy it was to find shelter, and of course, the technology and how convenient it was, living back on earth.

I told them about my job as well. It wasn't really a big deal since, at this point, status wasn't important. Here, we were back from square one.

Even if you were the daughter of a president or the richest person back on earth, in this world, you were nothing but a player like us with nothing on your name.

Sheryl flipped her hair and said with a proud voice, "It might come off as a surprise, but I'm a student at Fate Academy. Ever heard about it? It's the best school in the world."

Emi rolled her eyes. "We're more surprised that you're already in college. We thought that you were still in high school based from your childish behaviour."

"What did you say?!"

Emi raised her head high with a proud smirk on her face. "I was a real estate broker back on earth, and I earned six digits every month."

Sheryl scoffed. "Oh really? I thought that you were a professor or lawyer, given how you acted like you know it all."

Emi glared at Sheryl, and the latter glared back. There was static between them, but the chatter carried on.

"I'm a professional gangster back in the days," said Edgar.

No one paid him any mind.

"I was a kindergarten teacher," Megu said as she played with her child.

We guys beamed like flowers were blooming in front of our faces. Megu's voice was so pleasant, like a lullaby.

A kindergarten teacher suited her just fine.

Brago crossed his hands and said next, "I was a security guard."

Very fitting.

Ford rubbed the back of his neck and said, "I was a . . . insurance salesman."

Our topic changed again from our previous life when Emi asked.

"What's that white-looking thing over there?"

I briefly looked over at where she was pointing and answered her, "That's a salt cave. Since refrigerators don't exist here, I have to find a way to preserve food, even just for a few days."

Sheryl clasped her hands. "That's amazing."

"Since the ocean is nearby, you have to do at least that much," said Emi.

"If you know it, then why didn't you do it in the first place?" retorted Sheryl.

( . . . continuation on NOTES)

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