My German Empire

Chapter 46:

Chapter 46:

Wilhelm held a high-level military meeting that night.

"Everyone, before his departure, His Majesty William II issued some new regulations on the leadership of the Wehrmacht, one of which is 'from this moment on, Crown Prince Wilhelm will personally exercise command over the whole army'. According to this regulation, I order from this moment on, the revocation of the Imperial Military Department and the establishment of the National Defense Command Headquarters, I will be the highest military commander in the country. The original naval, land and air, oh, sorry, I forgot that there is no air force command. The navy, land and general headquarters are all reduced to combat staff ."

"!!!" As soon as the voice fell, there was an uproar below. These words directly vetoed the legitimacy of the Supreme Command and deprived all their rights. The title of commander-in-chief of the army and the chief of the general staff became empty frames. The commanders became the staff members who could only be responsible for the formulation of combat plans. The plan of the Operation Department must be finally reviewed by the Command Department before being implemented.

The commander-in-chief of the army, Weyler von Frisch, was the first to stand up against it. "I disagree, Your Highness, this is not in line with our tradition!"

Wilhelm sneered, mocking mercilessly. "What tradition? Can you win wars with tradition? The last war told us that certain traditions are no longer in line with the rhythm of the new era. New wars require new models. This order cannot be changed. All you can do is obey ."

The commander-in-chief of the army blushed, his mouth choked by these few words and retorted loudly. "No, Your Highness, I can still resign."

This trick again? Do you really think I will compromise like William II? Wilhelm nodded without hesitation. "I approve your resignation. Weyler von Friesch, you are not a German soldier from this moment on, please leave this military conference now. Also, if anyone else wants to resign, I approve it, you can leave now."

"..." Weiler von Frisch didn't expect Wilhelm to be so decisive at all. The muscles on his face trembled frantically, he gave Wilhelm a sorrowful look and turned and walked towards the door.

Hans Zenkel, commander of the navy, also stood up.

Wow, a quarter of the people in the conference room stood up after a brief silence. The army commanders followed Weyler von Frisch, and the navy commanders followed Hans Zenkel, commander of the navy.

However, these people are just small characters, and they didn't make much contribution in World War II of the original time and space. Some people are even unheard of. Even if they are all gone, Wilhelm will not feel distressed.

Except for one person.

Seeing that Brausic also stood up, Wilhelm spoke. "General Brausic, do you remember the question I asked you a few years ago? It seems that this is your answer." What a trash, worthy of being a weak person.

Brausic gave him a complicated look, saluted him silently, and turned to leave.

After these people left the meeting room, Wilhelm winked at Reinhard and motioned to put all these people on the watch list.

The departure of these people was in his expectation. If he had some more time, he might be able to persuade more people to stay, but unfortunately there is really no time. If no action is taken, no one knows what will happen in Germany next.

The door to the meeting room closed again, and Wilhelm smiled at the rest of the people. "Well everyone, why are you so serious? Any comments?"

Reinhard stood up first and saluted him. " I swear allegiance to Your Highness! Long live Germany!"

With him at the beginning, the rest of them stood up and saluted Wilhelm. " I swear allegiance to Your Highness! Long live Germany! I swear allegiance to Your Highness! Long live Germany!"

"Long live Germany!" Wilhelm gestured for everyone to sit down after a salute. "Before announcing the new personnel appointments, I have one more important thing to mention. It about the German Air Force that is about to be rebuilt. I decided to divide it into Air Force Aviation, Army Aviation, and Naval Aviation.

The Air Force Aviation consists of fighter jets and strategic bombers. Its main tasks are homeland defense, seizing air supremacy, and strategic deep bombing. "

"As for the army aviation, it is mainly equipped with attack aircraft, tactical bombers, transport aircraft, and other flying equipment. Their task is to cooperate with the ground offensive forces and provide them with timely and powerful fire support and mobile transportation."

"Navy aviation is mainly equipped with fighter jets and attack aircraft. The mission is to annihilate the enemy's maritime forces, cover and support the combat operations of its own ships; protect its own maritime communication lines and destroy the enemy's maritime communication lines; destroy the enemy's coastal airports, bases, and ports and to protect the security of its own naval bases and ports; conduct maritime reconnaissance, patrols, anti-submarine, early warning, mine-laying, mine clearance, communications, guidance, ambulance, and transportation." Because Germany has never had naval aviation before, Wilhelm specifically Introduced its duties carefully.

"Albert Kesselin will be temporarily in charge of the Air Force Aviation ." Although Erhard Mirch has good abilities, this guy is too petty and has a strong vengeance. He likes to involve private matters in his work.

"Army aviation is temporarily commanded by Wolfram von Richidhoven and the Naval aviation by Hans Jurgen Stumpf.

"The Chief of Staff of the Army is temporarily held by Gerd von Lundstedt." This position was originally reserved for Brausic, but he did not grasp the opportunity.

"The chief of the naval staff is temporarily served by Erich Raidel. The aircraft carrier formation is temporarily commanded by Ltjens, and the submarine force is temporarily commanded by Dunnitz."

"From today onwards, all intelligence agencies will be merged with the Deutsche Intelligence Center, and the chief person in charge is Reinhard Heydrich."

He had to continue with other appointments because of those who left, basically everyone in the room has been promoted out of thin air, which is simply a joy to everyone.

After announcing the personnel appointment, Wilhelm asked the four secretaries to start distributing the handbook. "This is the new military uniform I designed."

It is no exaggeration to say that the German military uniform in World War II was the most handsome in the world at that time. Light blue-green, big-edge officer's hat, chic army windbreaker, just the right steel helmet, with the tall German figure and a delicate face, it was simply a piece of art.

Hitler believed that military uniforms should be 'cool' , so that young people will join the army without hesitation!

Young people are the main force of the army, and those who join the army love the vanity of showing their masculinity, strength and excellence, and if you add another handsomeness, it is simply the dream of all men and the fantasy of all women. On the other hand, the big bear hat of the British army or the black death uniform, like a mourning dress, the earthly green French military uniform, lacked that element to influence young people. Who wants to die wearing such an ugly uniform?

At the end of the brochure is the new Wehrmacht oath.

"I solemnly swear before the Constitution and take an Oath that I will honor my life as a brave and loyal German soldier. I will be unreservedly loyal to my emperor, and loyally serve my people and motherland. In the name of a brave soldier, he keeps his vows and even sacrifices his life.

Every comrade-in-arms is my brother, regardless of origin, status, gender, or skin color. I will show the firmness and unity of the family to be together forever. Respect the troops, respect my chief, discipline and friendship are strength, courage and loyalty are virtues. "

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