My Girlfriend is an S-Class Adventurer

Chapter 129 Required Items

[For each vial of Flamel Elixir, 30 millimeters of chlorine is needed, plus the following items are required:

- One finger of Forbannet frosk per vial.

- Prum's Blood.

- Gold Crystal.

- 40 millimeters of sulfur.

- 100 grams of lead.

And last, but also the most important thing, it is paramount that you get the cerebrospinal fluid from Heksa Monster. I recommend that you visit the Guild's partner stores, but this is a very rare item to find in Oukiwa].

When Nathalia Strogueher finished reading the sheet of paper aloud, she sighed. "Lucky he really knows how to make this Elixir, so we don't have to go all the way to the Library."

Jilly looked at her cousin with concern. Everyone inside the carriage was certainly relieved that Manilyn knew the recipe, but Nathalia and Livia were very confident about it.

"We're certainly past that stage then...we must be the only ones who figured it out," Livia spoke confidently, stretched her leg forward, and threw her hands behind her head.

The half-wolf didn't know a lot of the items on the old man's list and didn't even know how to find most of them, and what made him most apprehensive was Prum's blood and the liquid extracted from the Heksa Monster because he had only heard those names a long time ago.

"Okay, but where do you think, we are going to find these items? It's all very specific, and we need to go fast, we don't have much time." Shiro pulled out the subject that Jilly had been waiting so long for that question.

Jilly took a deep breath, and before anyone else could say it, she answered loudly, "I think we'd better split up."

Surprised, Livia, Nathalia, and Shiro didn't even have time to question her because, soon afterward, Luke also spoke up.

"I think so too... we have to find six different items and some may already be in short supply, so we have to split up to be able to buy everything."

"Besides, we will still have to find time to prepare. If Manilyn can't help us for some reason, it will be hard to find a way to prepare." Jilly continued.

In the end, everyone was left with some item they had an idea of where to find. Even though she is a new resident of the city, Nathalia is finding the Golden Crystal. Jilly promised to get the chlorine, sulfur, and lead. Livia and Shiro stayed together to get the two monster items, which were Prum's Blood and Heksa Monster's brain fluid. Finally, Luke set out to get the Forbannet frosk fingers.

The half-wolf put the other things out of his mind and focused on what he should do. If he kept wondering whether or not his companions would get the necessary items, he would become paranoid. So, they arranged to meet at 4 pm in front of Manilyn's house.

Since dealing with Forbannet frosks was something familiar during his training with Yoelona, Luke already knew where to find them. On the outskirts of Oukiwa, there is a hollow swamp, where many strange animals dwell. After half an hour's walk after leaving the city, he finally arrived in the vicinity of the swamp.

He knew he was pretty close because of the mephitic smell that usually drives away a good number of travelers and causes roads to circle the area. In addition, crooked trees were common in the area, and on them, there were no leaves, only their distorted branches.

So, Luke pulled up the collars of his new jacket and covered his nose with his right arm. His legs sank easily into the thin mud at the beginning of the swamp while the half-wolf slowly entered the region that had a dense, creeping mist.

The swamp was silent, and sometimes, when Luke passed by the lakeside, he could hear movement near the surface of the water. For some reason, the Forbannet frosks were not attacking him as they did when he was younger.

'Is this happening because I am stronger? ... or is it for some other reason?' he wondered, as he walked with careful steps so as not to sink into any holes.

However, the reason for the aggressive animals not leaving the water was another. In the last few months, a new predator dominated the swamplands, and as soon as Luke saw this creature from afar, he could hardly believe the real size of that beast.

The animal that was sleeping near some rocks would easily exceed three meters in height if it stood upright. It had scaly skin, but unlike a giant lizard found in Dungeons, this one looked more like a monkey than a reptile.

On his back, you could see green hairs, which also gained spaces between the gaps of some scales.

What the fuck is that? Is that really an animal?' analyzed Luke, watching the huge creature sleep. 'Well, it can't be anything else...'.

The half-wolf thought it impossible that that creature was a monster from the result of a demon's presence because Alexis would realize with the help of the item made by Chris, that this was indeed an animal. Realizing that the swamp was no longer the same since the years he had spent there, Luke pulled out the Behemoth Axe.

'If I want the Forbannet Frosks to get out of the water, I suppose I'll have to kill that thing first. It will be better than ignoring it and it manages to eventually attack me from the side.'

Luke didn't roll much and knew he wouldn't get much out of being stealthy with such a large animal. So, he began to run toward the creature, and his boots began to crackle in the shallow troughs of water.

'If I decapitate it with a single blow to the head, there won't be any problems.'

The beast opened its eyes when it heard the loud noises. Its green, glowing eyes like the asses of fireflies fascinated the half-wolf, who felt a brief pity at having to kill such a fascinating animal.

As soon as the animal's survival instincts whistled, alerting him about the strength of the half-wolf running towards him, the lizard-ape chose to live and turned to run.

This reaction almost convinced Luke to let it escape, but he knew that he could not leave the animal in the area; otherwise, the Forbannet frosks and the other animals would soon migrate to another region. An animal as large as this could quickly extinguish some species that only live in this swamp, so Luke began to chase it.

The creature's speed was constant, and he never seemed to get tired, but it hit many things in the meantime. Rocks, trees, and fissures were not a problem for such a large animal.

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