My Girlfriend is an S-Class Adventurer

Chapter 138 The Champion Versus The Half-Wolf (Part 2)

As the sand from all over the area piled up in one specific spot in the ring, everyone could see it taking shape. First afoot, then two legs... To some, it was predictable that this was a summoning.

Luke didn't want to see what it would be like to fight something like that, so he ran towards the Elf before he could finish what he was invoking. Even though he didn't want to hurt his opponent seriously, Luke summoned the Behemoth Axe and threw it in the man's direction.

All those watching sighed as they saw the Elf begin to summon something, and when the half-wolf drew his Epic Class Axe, those sitting down stood up. Chances were rare when you could see a weapon like this.

The Behemoth Axe flew diagonally towards 'The Champion', but something blocked it before it hit the man. A sturdy sand hand was enough to reflect the Panspermia Weapon as if it had a resistance equivalent to the Axe's attack power.

Even seeing that his weapon did nothing, the half-wolf ran towards the Summoning as fast as he could not wanting to meet that thing when it was complete. However, there was almost no sand left on the battlefield.

Before Luke could get close enough, the sandy grains formed a larger stone and closed the Summoning armor, whose eyes and chest glowed as it was finished.

"MEET THE GOLEM GOD!" The Elf exclaimed while raising his arms high and stamping a massive smile on his face.

When Luke saw that the five-meter Golem was completed, he was not shaken; after all, he had clear goals in his mind. His goal was not to defeat the Summon, only 'The Champion', but one thing he had to admit, this Summon was even cooler than the S-Class Summon.

The half-wolf continued to run towards the Golem and the Elf, who was just behind the creature. As it approached, the monster's chest glowed for a second, and then its mouth burned the same bluish tone. A shiver ran through the back of Luke's neck, alerting him to the danger.

At that very moment, Luke slowed his speed and jumped to the side when he heard a squeak. Tzzzzommm! A laser beam cut through the arena floor in the direction of where the half-beast was standing.

Then another three laser beams came out of the Golem God's mouth and narrowly missed hitting Luke. The trails left by these magics were frightening because they created rectilinear lines on the arena floor.

'This way, I won't be able to move forward; I need a plan.' Luke thought, and that's when he remembered that he was not wholly unarmed; although his Axe had been reflected in a corner of the ring, he still had something in his inventory.

So, Luke opened the <Normal Inventory> in front of everyone as he ran. Many people hadn't even heard about a Gene Skill that can store items, and as soon as he pulled a huge sword from the yellow square, they freaked out.


"You're worried about a simple Inventory skill? I'm more interested in how he will fight with this thing."

"Oh! Oh! Look there, Robs! Even the guy's sword is bigger than you! Hahaha!"

Luke didn't expect that the sword that went through him would be useful someday and he only picked it up to sell it if he need money. The blade was almost the same height as the half-wolf, but Luke didn't care about that since this Weapon was not even half the weight of the Behemoth Axe.

Jilly, Livia, Nathalia, and Shiro recognized the Weapon and were surprised at Luke's courage to use the Weapon of someone he killed in such a high-profile tournament. Luke was not stupid and he knew that someone might recognize the weapon, but he was willing to take that risk.

As he wielded the sword, the half-beast could hear the air resistance breaking, and the size of it made the blow much slower. If he wanted to defeat this Summoner, he would have to use his speed to the extreme, but that was not his goal.

When Luke saw the Golem God preparing for another round of ranged attacks, he knew he couldn't wait long. Luke propelled himself in the direction of the Summoner and simultaneously prepared his Claymore sword to engage.

'The Champion', who up until now was confident in his war machine, was incredulous when he saw that the half-beast was managing to dodge the attacks and advance at the same time.

"Golem God!? What do you think you're doing!? You have to attack it head-on, not stand back."

Heeding his Summoner's request, the Summoner stopped shooting lasers, flapped his stone hands, and began running toward Luke to face his fist to fist.

The audience was stunned that they could feel the giant Summoner's footsteps shaking the lower stands. The vast majority had never even seen a Summoner in person, and there were even the less informed who were skeptical of its existence.

"Wait a minute! Isn't that Suiyan? The Summoner who participated last year?"

"Yes, that's him! That stone creature is recognizable, it's definitely him!"

"But why the fuck didn't he use his trump card at the beginning? He looks like shit without the Summoning."

"What are you talking about? He lost to Stella in the quarterfinals last year, otherwise, he would have easily made the final! He has a summoning!"

After listening to the discussions that came pouring in from the audience, 'The Champion' was happy that he was recognized by people and didn't care if it was because of the Golem God or not. The Elf didn't want to be the strongest, he just wanted to be the most famous in the Empire, and if that came with a title like 'Strongest Summoner', that would be even better.

However, Luke had no plans to let the Elf's title become a reality. As he watched the Golem God run towards him, Luke held tightly to the hilt of his sword. As soon as the two got close enough, the Summoning stopped to attack the half-beast with a punch, but Luke proved to be several times faster than he was.

In a moment of cunning and skill, the half-wolf stuck his great sword into the Golem God's mouth and slid under the creature's legs. The sword caused nothing more than a nuisance to the Summoner, but now Luke had a direct path to his real opponent.

Suiyan was startled to see that the half-beast had managed to get past his golem. Desperate, he still tried to punch Luke as he approached, but the half-beast deflected easily and kicked with all of his strength against the Elf's chest.

'The Champion', who was already in the confines of the ring, was thrown against one of the large crystals that illuminated the environment, already outside the confines of the sand circle.

"Three strikes, as I said," Luke spoke, smiling in a corner.

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