My House of Horrors

Chapter 1170 - They Are All Zhang Wenyu (2in1)

Chapter 1170: They Are All Zhang Wenyu (2in1)

Looking at himself inside the video, Chen Ge was surfeited with fear, he exposed an expression of disbelief, the shock and fear did not look like they could be faked at all. “Is that really me?” Chen Ge’s voice was filled with suspicion and uncertainty. His eyes darted away, showing that he was too afraid to face this version of himself.

“The video can be faked but the wounds on your arms and fingers will not lie.” Doctor Gao put away the phone with the white casing. “No one wants to believe that there is another person living inside them but sometimes with the evidence placed before us, we will have to face the truth.” Chen Ge sat idly on the bed, his expression seemed to suggest that his mind was a thousand miles away.

Doctor Gao studied him for a while and could not help but console him, “Your second persona is getting more and more intense, but that also proves that our treatment is getting more and more effective. He is afraid, afraid that one day he might disappear. Don’t be too saddened by this. Just try to take as much rest as you can while you are here, do not place too much pressure on yourself. Treatment of a mental illness is a very slow process, the more you try to rush it, the more the difficult the treatment will be.”

Chen Ge nodded his head slowly, he seemed to still be in a state of shock. He did not appear to hear Doctor Gao, he was merely nodding simply because that was what was expected of him to do.

“Tonight you shall stay at the quarantine zone. After your condition has stabilized, we will consider moving you back to the normal sickroom.” After Doctor Gao fed Chen Ge three white pills, he prepared to leave.

“Doctor Gao...” Chen Ge turned his head to look at Doctor Gao who had already reached the door. “Will my illness one day be cured?”

“Of course, as long as you have confidence in the hospital and yourself.” Doctor Gao left after saying that, and Chen Ge was left in the room after. The wounds on his arms had been bandaged, so they would not deteriorate. Perhaps due to the effect of the black pill’s dust, Chen Ge had slowly gained consciousness of the broken leg that was wrapped in plaster. After Doctor Gao had wandered far away, Chen Ge laid his bed but the pain and struggle on his face slowly disappeared and in their places was calmness and serenity. If someone looked into his eyes then, they probably would be in for quite a shock because Chen Ge’s pupils were gradually shrinking, “The hospital is lying to me, they do not intend to cure me at all, but they are trying to turn me into a monster that fits their requirement.” With the pillow cushioning his head, Chen Ge turned his head to glance at the straps on his body, “I need to leave the quarantine zone as soon as possible to gain contact with Zuo Han. Yesterday night, he appeared to have found very important discoveries inside the duty room and the night doctor’s office.”

Under the scrutiny of the hospital, the two patients put on a show with their lives on the line. They had temporarily fooled the hospital and had managed to obtain part of the information. “Zuo Han is very clever, he should be able to fool the doctors.” Chen Ge had done everything that he could. From the moment he fainted, the stage was handed over to Zuo Han already. Actually the two had very clear delineation of job, neither party could afford to make any mistake. If any party exposed even the slightest flaw, the other party would be dragged down by it as well.

But from Doctor Gao’s attitude towards Chen Ge, Zuo Han should have done everything flawlessly. There was no clock inside the room at the quarantine zone. After the sky turned dark, Chen Ge fell asleep again. After who knew how long, the door of the room was knocked on suddenly.

Bang bang bang bang

The person knocked on the door four times. When Chen Ge opened his eyes, the knocking sound had already disappeared. “The knocking returns at midnight again?” The door of the sickrooms at the quarantine zone were very unique. To prevent the dangerous patients inside from escaping, all the locks of the door were installed on the outside. In other words, the people could enter the room freely from outside, but the people inside had no chance of escaping the room at all.

Chen Ge’s heart slowly rose to his throat, he had been deeply curious about the identity of this mysterious knocker. “When I was staying at the normal sickroom, I could hear the knocking at midnight, but that I have been moved to the quarantine zone, the knocking has followed me as well! What is the person trying to communicate with me? But from mere knocking, what kind of information could be relayed anyway?” Chen Ge was moved to another area of the hospital but the knocking had arrived like usual, this meant that person behind the knocking was extremely familiar with the happening inside the hospital. “Other patients probably would not be able to know for sure which sickroom I have been moved to, does this mean that it is one of the doctors who has been knocking on my door at midnight?” With limited information, that was only the conclusion that Chen Ge could have come at.

“Assuming this is true, then the doctor who is behind the knockings appear to have a different stance from the other doctors at this hospital, does this mean that there are doctors at this hospital who are willing to help me? They are unable to show themselves so they have been using this method to tell me something? The hospital has been restless for the past few nights. Other than myself, I believe there are other people taking up the hospital’s attention.” After knowing other people had been helping him secretly, Chen Ge became even calmer.

He tried to think back to his own memory little by little. Yesterday night, to stimulate himself so that he would faint, he actively tried to think about things related to his parents and the Haunted House. And the result was before he fainted, his brain really did come up with fragmented images of these two things, “My parents, I believe, have told me when I was very young that to stay away from... Eastern Jiujiang no matter what?”

His limbs were tied to the bed, Chen Ge could not even move down from the bed. He did not dare to fall asleep so he kept staring at the door. Under the premise of not stimulating is brain, he had been arranging the events that had happened for the past few days. Reality and memory were mixed together, it felt like there were two voices arguing in his mind, no one was willing to admit that it was the false one because once the admission was made, it was meant that it would be abandoned.

After the sun came up for a long time, Doctor Gao came into the room with two hospital workers.

“Did you have any nightmare yesterday night?” Whenever Chen Ge woke up from his fainting spell, Doctor Gao would ask that question every time.

“I don’t think so. I slept quite restfully after taking the medicine yesterday.”

“That is good news.” Doctor Gao and the two hospital workers moved some large medical equipment into the room and gave Chen Ge a simple inspection. After he noticed there were still some black spots left on Chen Ge’s arm, the expression on Doctor Gao’s face relaxed a lot. “Chen Ge, do you wish to return to the normal sickroom or not?”

“of course, at that room, I will be able to see that theme park, the Haunted house and her.” Chen Ge answered without wasting a beat.

“But in your current condition, I am unable to persuade the other doctors and no patients will be willing to stay in the same room with you.”

“I only want to return to my previous room. So that I can occasionally see the theme park outside the room. The hospital does not even need to remove the bindings, this way I will not be able to harm anyone...”

“You still do not quite understand it.” Doctor Gao sat down on his bedside. “The problem is not you but your second persona. You represent kindness and he represent evil. You have to use your own determination to shake off his influence on you and deny him from the bottom of your heart, you have to abandon him fully so that you can truly start your treatment. You do not need to worry about being consumed by him, us doctors will always be there to help you.”

Chen Ge nodded his head, “I know what to do now.”

“if you lost control of yourself again, I am afraid you will forever be locked up in the quarantine zone already.” Doctor Gao stood up, “I will try my best to have you moved back to your original room but do not have too much hope about that.” Even though that was what Doctor Gao said, in that same afternoon, Chen Ge was moved back to his previous room by the hospital workers. Honestly, when the ‘second persona’ did not show up, Chen Ge was no different from a normal person, in fact, he was kinder and friendlier than most people. Many other patients thought he had the warmest smile. Only the doctors and a certain ‘victim’ knew how dangerous Chen Ge could be.

When he returned to the room, Chen Ge did not encounter Zuo Han. After asking the doctor, Chen Ge found out after Zuo Han knew Chen Ge was going to move back into the same room with him, he ran out into the corridor to scream and shout. He berated the hospital and threatened them with his life, he would do anything to be spared the fate of staying in the same room as Chen Ge anymore. After the hospital took in various consideration, in the end, they arranged Zuo Han to stay in the room adjacent to Chen Ge’s room. Staying alone inside the normal sickroom, after ensuring there was no one outside the door, Chen Ge walked to Zuo Han’s original bed.

“I almost killed Zuo Han yesterday night. Zuo Han as someone who was supposed to suffer from paranoia, no matter what he would not willing to be my roommate anymore. This matched his symptom perfectly and this would prevent him from being suspected by the hospital.” If Zuo Han had shown no opinion when Chen Ge was supposed to move back in with him, then that would definitely arouse the hospital’s suspicion, after all Zuo Han was supposedly to be suffering from paranoia. How could someone who was supposed to be so extremely sensitive to potential danger be willing to stay in the same room as someone who almost killed him? “Even though Zuo Han had moved away, the hospital workers still intentionally let slip the information that he was just living next to me. Looks like the hospital still has not given up, they still want me to go and kill Zuo Han. Furthermore, even after Zuo Han moved away, a new patient might move into this room with me. The new arrival will me a test for me or it would be an opportunity for me to gain a new person to help me.”

Chen Ge was completely in tune with Zuo Han’s thought. “Now I will have to solve the last problem. Zuo Han definitely had found something yesterday night. Since he had voluntarily asked to move away after he knew that I was moving back here, then perhaps he would have left his findings inside this room, so that I could be able to see them without having direct contact with him.” Scanning the sickroom, Chen Ge mumbled to himself, “Where would he hide all those information?”

There were not many places where one could hide things inside the room. Chen Ge first checked under the bed, inside the bedsheet and mattress before he turned to the pillow.

“Could it be inside the pillow case?” Chen Ge removed the pillow on Zuo Han’s bed from its case, it was completely empty. “After Zuo Han moved away from this room, the hospital workers might need to change his pillow case. After I move back into this room, the hospital workers might inspect my bed as well. In that case, the safest place would be the bed in the middle which had not been occupied by anyone before.” Chen Ge picked up the pillow from the middle bed. After removing the pillow case, he found a few broken pieces of paper that were filled with words. “Found it!”

He was not eager to read them. Chen Ge first returned the sickroom state back to its original and then crawled back into his bed. “He even found pen and paper, looks like Zuo Han had stumbled across a hoard of information yesterday night.” Chen Ge sat away from the door and started to read through the pieces of paper one by one. The first piece of paper had to do with the hospital workers. Zuo Han had scanned through the hospital workers’ identification and duty records. All of the hospital workers at this third sick hall have the surname Chi. Zuo Han suspected the surname Chi has a special meaning at this hospital, he hoped that Chen Ge would pay special attention to it.

The information on the second paper was marked important on the top by Zuo Han. He had found a cupboard which was used to store patient’s record inside the night doctor’s office. All the patient’s record was arranged according to dates. There were seven boxes in the cupboard, corresponding to every day of the week. Six of the boxes only had several patient’s records in them but one of the boxes were filled to the brim with patient’s records. Perhaps there was not even space already, there were a few paper boxes on the ground that was filled with the patient’s records on the same day. Zuo Han took a look at the date, all the patient’s records on that day was from the day before he moved into the same room with Chen Ge, and the strangest thing was all the patient’s name on the patient’s record had the name Zhang Wenyu!

The age, symptoms and even pictures on each of the patient’s records was different but in the space for the name, all the patients had the name Zhang Wenyu. Counting the patient’s records in the few large paper boxes, the patient’s records with Zhang Wenyu’s name had reached up to the ten thousands. The hospital probably did not expect so many patients would appear on the same day, and so an accident happened. Part of the patients had escaped from the hospital before they could receive treatment from the hospital. Currently the hospital was very understaffed because one of the bigger reasons was part of the doctors and hospital workers had to leave the hospital to go to the Xin Hai city outside to go in search of the patients. The above information was obtained by Zuo Han based on the notes of the night doctor as well as his own close observation, it was trustworthy.

“Zhang Wenyu? Yet another familiar name.” His brain was pulsing with slight pain, Chen Ge instantly made himself stop thinking. He continued to read. The third piece of paper wrote that Zuo Han had buried the phone with the white casing that the hospital worker had dropped under the third tree in the hospital garden. The fourth piece of paper contained some of Zuo Han’s speculation and his words of appreciation to Chen Ge for sparing his life. “This kid is so capable. This amount of information he has found is far beyond my expectation.”

The most important piece information was the one related to Zhang Wenyu. The day those ten thousands of patient’s records showed up was the day Chen Ge first woke up from his unconsciousness. That was too much of a coincidence, so it had attracted the serious attention from Chen Ge. He suspected the appearance of such an exorbitant amount of patient’s records had to do with him.

“I have just woken up from my fainting spell and the hospital had received more than ten thousand patient’s records and some of these patients have even escaped from the hospital. If the memory of all the people inside the hospital has been tempered with by the hospital, then the patients who are still wondering outside the hospital, is it possible that they still retain their original memory?!

“yes! That must be it! Or else why would the hospital go through so much trouble of tracking them down! The hospital suddenly had to deal with so many patients, the hospital would not be able to handle all of them so there has to be some who slipped through the cracks, there have to be people whose memory has not been tempered with!”

Chen Ge instantly got excited. There was originally only one voice in this world and that was those of the doctors. He was told to believe that everything the doctors said had to be the ‘truth’ but now things were different, Chen Ge knew that there was another part of people who had a grasp on a different version of the ‘truth’.

“I have to figure out a way to gain contact with the people on the outside. Temporarily I am unable to leave the hospital so I would have to plead Zhang Ya to help me, hopefully I will be able to convince her.”

Chen Ge started to have a plan formed in his mind. He stopped to believe implicitly in Doctor Gao, his search for his own truth had begun.

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