My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 37: This is true

Chapter 37

The waiter, who came over to check the situation, saw the displeased expression on Huang Jie's face, and noticing that he was unable to handle this situation, he rushed over to his master who was near to ask for help.

The youngest daughter of the Lan family, upon hearing the waiter's explanation, walked over and greeted Huang Jie and her Aunt apologizing, "I'm sorry Mrs. Shi, the protocol department has mistakenly arranged your seating. Please, come with me."

She took Huang Jie to a much closer position and apologized on the way, "I'm really sorry for this, Mrs. Shi, and the discourtesy shown by my sister's family has caused embarrassment."

Huang Jie smiled and said, "I can understand."

After all, she was attending a wedding, not there to cause a scene. Even though Huang Jie was displeased, she didn't show it.

Lan Xin, the youngest daughter of the Lan family, led both of them to far more upfront seats, telling Mrs. Shi, "If you sit with our family members here, I can assure you, no insolent person will dare disturb you."

Huang Jie expressed slight satisfaction with the way things were handled, "I'm sorry to have caused trouble for you today."

Lan Xin responded courteously, "It's all due to our negligence in arranging seats. We are deeply apologetic for any rudeness and hope for your understanding."

Shi Li took her place on the left of Lan Xin. As she was communicating with Huang Jie, Shi Li was secretly scrutinizing Lan Xin.

Observing the college junior's calculating ability, Shi Li couldn't help but admire, "This younger sister of mine is remarkable."

There was a brief whispered exchange.

Her classmates, noticing Shi Li changing seats, were entirely unaware of who Shi Li was evaluating.

Everyone was quite anxious, desiring to gather around Shi Li and catch the gossip, wanting to see first-hand who was being evaluated. But each person's seat was fixed, already arranged in advance, and changing seats in the middle would be just too inconvenient.

Not long after Huang Jie and Shi Li switched seats, the wedding ceremony officially began and seats designated to the Lan family were quickly filled.

The host was conducting the ceremony on the stage. This somewhat cliché wedding routine made Huang Jie somewhat impatient and she yawned out of boredom.

At this moment, Shi Li admired Lan Xin's resilience, who after executing such a big plan, was still impeccably composed, a trait that Shi Li found admirable.

Shi Li then turned her gaze towards the groom clad in a red Chinese-style suit, smiling gently at the bride.

In her heart, Shi Li silently exclaimed "despicable man", a statement that wasn't drowned out by the host's voice. Her classmates heard her insult and it was clear who she was referring to, as the only main characters in the wedding were the bride and groom.

Everyone speculated if the groom had illicit relations with another woman or if he had done something unforgivable to the girl, causing her to cause a scene at his wedding.

The couple's love story touched the guests seated below.

Shi Li and her classmates, on the other hand, were engrossed in their own world, eagerly awaiting gossip.

"The Lan family is really unfortunate, their daughter-in-law and son-in-law are having an affair," She commented.

Her classmates responded in shock: "What did you say! Is it what I think it is?"

"Behind the big screen above, a video of the two engaging in an affair will soon be played." Shi Li added.

Her classmate's shocked reply: "Is this true?"

"I feel like my life is completed!"

By rights, everyone had agreed to post live updates of the situation. At this moment, they should pass on Shi Li's shared sentiments back to the class group.

But everyone was shocked by the intensity of those two sentences. Who was in the mind to share with their brothers and sisters at this point? It was clear that I would first understand the whole picture, then share with everyone.

Hence, these few people unanimously raised their mobile cameras.

This was not a scene where filming was inappropriate, even guests in the audience had held up mobile phones to record.

Recording a wedding, that is the most normal thing to do.

Moreover, the Lan Family had arranged for cameras and photographers to capture the wedding from every angle, striving to retain the most comprehensive live footage.

Then disaster struck. While Father of Lan Family was giving his speech, the big screen behind that had been showcasing the couple's happy past, suddenly changed its display.

From innocent lovebirds, to an X-rated film.

The big screen was initially silent, then after two to three seconds, moaning sounds emerged from the 360° stereo system.

Shi Li had four eyes fixed on the big screen in front and two eyes left, one was watching Lan Xin, the other was observing the reaction of the Eldest Brother of Lan Family and his wife.

As Father of the Lan Family was speaking, the big screen behind him suddenly changed into a carnal scene.

Parents covering the eyes of their children could only keep watching themselves.

Father of the Lan Family, as the company leader, was giving an improvised speech.

He was constantly gauging the reaction of the guests to adjust his own state.

The moment when the guests all opened their mouths wide was not because they were moved or in awe of his speech.

It was clearly surprise.

Two seconds later, certain sounds came from the hall, giving him a bad feeling. When the Lan Family parents turned around, they saw two bodies tumbling on the big screen which should have been censored.

The main characters of these two bodies were his eldest daughter-in-law and his second son-in-law, the shock was immense, luckily he had seen it all.

Immediately, in a deep voice, he ordered the control of the big screen to turn it off.

Now was not the time to air the dirty linen in public, in front of so many people, they had lost face and had to cover up this incident.

“Who was it, who played this sort of prank, intending to wreck my daughter and son-in-law’s wedding? Find out who it was, I won't let it go!”

Shi Li’s half attention was focused on the Eldest Brother of Lan Family's reaction, he was more familiar with his own wife, even before the people on the screen showed their true faces, he had already turned pale and stood up from his seat

【It’s here, it’s here, the thrilling Asura Field】

【I too, am a witness to the extremities of mankind, just now the face of Eldest Brother of Lan Family turned green instantly】

Shi Li’s classmates traced the standing Eldest Brother of Lan Family to gauge Shi Li's current position.

With a height of 1.7 meters, even sitting down made Shi Li stand out from the crowd.

From a distance, Shi Li's classmates several seats away from the Eldest Brother of Lan Family spotted Shi Li's slightly turned face.

At the same time, they were trying to ascertain whether the face of the Eldest Brother of Lan Family was truly green.

While enjoying the drama, some people’s points of interest were truly unconventional.

She shared her findings on the class group chat.

[Sobbing, Shi Li's side profile is so superior, it's making this beauty dog drool.]

[Thank goodness, someone is finally talking. How is the scene now? We've been anxious.]

[This matter can't be summed up in one or two sentences; it really is too exciting.]

These few people are keeping everyone in suspense and refuse to say exactly what the matter is, leaving those who are not on the scene to anxiously jump in place.

The patriarch of the Lan Family wanted to explain it away as someone playing a prank, but the Eldest Brother of the Lan Family, sporting a metaphorical green hat, could not tolerate it.

He was already seated in the front row, the shortest distance to the stage. With two strides, he mounted the stage and, in front of his younger sister, punched the groom directly in his face.

The bride, whose complexion had originally paled to a ghastly shade, seemed to have slightly calmed down.

She was neither surprised nor angry when her brother punched her husband-to-be.In fact, her complexion even seemed a bit better after that punch.

With the excellent audio equipment on the stage, the Eldest Brother of the Lan Family's angry shout, echoed from the host's microphone, resounded in the ears of every guest present.

"You slept with my wife!"

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