My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 63: “Who is Speaking”

Chapter 63

[Why is his father so overwhelmed by this matter?]

[Don't tell me he expects his son who hasn't even graduated middle school to take the public service exam.]

Everyone: Pfft, your imagination is too vivid, how is that even possible?

The officer on-duty was roused from sleep. He'd lost his night's rest, listening to two groups debating, quite the undesirable ordeal.

“Enough, hold your peace for a moment.” The officer looked towards Lu Jianquan’s father, “We summoned you here not so you could take your son home but to facilitate compensating the victim. Your son has stolen from someone, there has to be compensation.”

Hearing the officer's words, Lu Jianquan's father thought his son was going to be let off and his face broke into a joyful grin, “All right. How should I compensate? I'll follow your instructions.”

When it was time to question Shi Li and the group, it was revealed they weren't even the victims.

The police were rendered speechless, so it isn't even your problem? Instead of sleeping soundly in your beds at this late hour, you're here watching a freak show, is that any fun?

Looking at their youthful faces, the officer could tell they were just children, either middle school or high school students.

Here they were at the police station at two in the morning, did they not have school the next day?

Shi Li weakly explained, “That freak jumped into our house. We couldn't have peace of mind without coming along to check. We can't adopt an indifferent attitude even if it doesn't directly concern us. We are the future of this nation, we must be concerned about every matter happening around us.”

As she spoke, she grew more fervent, like she was endowed with strength surging through her.

Officer: Okay, okay, with future leaders like you, there's no worry that our nation won't rapidly realize modern socialism!

Unable to help himself, the officer waved it off, “Why don’t you all go back home then, don't you have school tomorrow?”

“We're not in a hurry, it's safer to go back with the adults in the group. We're afraid of bumping into the freak on our way home.”

The police were wordlessly choked up. This group of about twenty or thirty people included over ten strapping young lads. And they were saying they were afraid of running into trouble. If they really did encounter a freak, the one in danger would be the freak.

The police didn't bother wasting any more breath on these kids. Their own work was wrapping up and everyone would be home soon.

Lu Jianquan's father individually compensated each victim at the scene. His son had stolen quite a bit this time, and he simply felt a great pain at the sight of his money being handed over. For his son's future, though, he decided to grit his teeth and bear it.

He thought that as long as he paid up, he could take his son home.

But then he heard the officer say, “Fifteen days of detention, come to pick him up after half a month.”

Both father and son from the Lu family were stunned. They thought if they obediently compensated, the police would let them off.

But they hadn't expected to face fifteen days of detention.

It was just some underwear, not some terrible crime that had been committed. How did that warrant detention?

The simple and honest expression on Lu Jianquan's father's face faltered for a moment. He pleaded anxiously to the officer, "Comrade, we've paid our dues, is detention still necessary?"

The police officer gave a big yawn, "Yes, your compensation act towards the victim reflects a good attitude. Detention for fifteen days, is the exaggerated punishment result I've secured for you. Your son disturbed social order, a serious charge that could typically land him in jail for at least a month to half a year."

The mishap dragged on until the early morning, causing him to lose patience, "What, is fifteen days too little for you?"

Lu Jianquan's father thought there was room to negotiate, hearing the stern tone from the police, he fears they might add more days. His son might have to spend the new year in detention.

He hurriedly waved his hand, "No, no, no. Whatever you say, fifteen days is not short."

[Well that's just perfect, until his grandson's generation, they won't be able to take the civil service exam.]

After witnessing the spectacle, everyone headed back to their apartment complex, as Shi Li had suggested.

Though they initially stayed at Duan Yaojing's house for the commotion, now the situation was over.

At present, Duan Yaojing's place did not have enough guest rooms to comfortably host everyone, especially for a good rest.

But it was already past three in the morning, daylight was only a few hours away.

At this hour, calling the driver over and returning home would be a hassle.

So in this back and forth mayhem, everyone decided to stay the night at Duan Yaojing's home and find a spot to get a few hours of sleep.

Seeing people scattered haphazardly all over her house, Duan Yaojing couldn't help but admire, she had never seen rich kids this down-to-earth.

If anyone had said such a thing on social media in the past, she would have accused them of being shameless trend chasers.

She realized, she had been narrow-minded.

Her classmates were truly helpless as they held their heads and chuckled.

Barely sleeping four hours the night before resulted in them dozing off as the teacher lectured during class.

Even Shi Li, who never fell asleep during class, was fighting to keep his eyes open.

In the entire class, the only ones who didn't doze off and diligently took notes were Gao Yun, who always ranked last in exams, and Fu Huixing, who was typically found sleeping during class but for some reason stayed awake this class.

The world has truly gone mad, Teacher Zheng had reason to suspect, had the two sleepless students cursed the rest of the class?

Teacher Zheng rhythmically knocked on the blackboard twice.

Startled by the sound of the knocking, everyone blinked their eyes open.

[Nobody could disagree, those short naps during class were the sweetest.]

Shi Li, on his third return to high school, sincerely thought.

After making sure everyone had their eyes wide open, Teacher Zheng questioned, "What were you doing? Did the entire class pull off a heist together last night?"

Everyone: We didn't steal, but we did bring a pervert to justice.

No, they weren't the executors of justice, they were mere observers.

Filled with disappointment, Teacher Zheng inquired, "Only Gao Yun and Fu Huixing didn't fall asleep. What on earth were the rest of you doing last night?"

Everyone stayed up all night and even went to the Police Station together, yet only Fu Huixing didn't fall asleep.

Shi Li thought resentfully: [Everyone slept at the same time, why isn't he sleepy?]

Apart from Gao Yun, everyone else was thinking: Yeah, why didn't you sleep?

Gao Yun: Huh? Is that not the case? Sisters, you two spent the night together, what exactly happened in my absence?

Teacher Zheng didn't expect to get an answer, and her next sentence was a loaded bombshell, "Your happy days are coming to an end, your homeroom teacher will soon finish his business trip. He will probably be back by next week."

"Wait until your homeroom teacher comes back, you will have to face the music!"

With these threatening words from Teacher Zheng, the goal of waking up the students was achieved, and she continued with the class.

Regardless of the type of student, the pressure exercised by the homeroom teacher is always stronger than that of an interim or subject-specific teacher.

While Teacher Zheng was the acting homeroom teacher, she normally managed the class, but still not as strictly as a homeroom teacher would.

Since the beginning of the school term, they had not seen their homeroom teacher, it had always been Teacher Zheng.

Everyone was very curious about this absent teacher, some thought about asking Shi Li what kind of person their homeroom teacher was.

If he were not competent, it would be better that he doesn't come back, he could spend a couple more years at other schools, and only return after they graduate from high school.

Once this idea was brought up by a student, another thing came to mind.

[Do you think our homeroom teacher can hear Shi Li's inner voice?]

[Probably not, the Politics teacher, Math teacher, History teacher... none of them can hear it, he probably can't either.]

[Only students from our class should be able to hear Shi Li's inner voice.]

Everyone was not sure if the homeroom teacher could hear Shi Li's inner voice, so the defining word they used was "probably".

It's been two months since they could hear Shi Li's inner voice and until now, no one understands why they could hear Shi Li's inner voice, and whether there were others who could do the same.

[Let's prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.]

Teacher Zheng didn't lie; on Monday, a tall, young, and unfamiliar man stood in front of the classroom with a long ponytail.

In an instant, everyone remembered the words Teacher Zheng said last week, this must be the homeroom teacher who had been away for half a term.

Fu Huixing intended to enter the classroom before the bell for morning self-study, the homeroom teacher saw the class was filled, it was time for self-study, so he closed the classroom door.

Because there was a stern face homeroom teacher standing before the podium, all students remained silent after entering the classroom, making the classroom unusually quiet.

Shi Li was familiar with the homeroom teacher, just his posture revealed his intentions.

She rested her face on her hand, looking at the man on the podium, [Ah, a lecture is coming.]

In the quiet classroom, Shi Li's voice was very noticeable.

"Who's talking?"

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