My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 68: Is Fu Huixing’s nickname so cute

Chapter 68

Shi Li still had evidence of her cat-napping crime in her hands, and the tabby cat grew even fiercer.

She had only meant to help the kitten stay warm, but now she felt like a cat trafficker.

Somewhat embarrassed, she looked at Fu Huixing and said, "If I told you I wasn't stealing cats, would you believe me?"

Fu Huixing nodded slightly. "I know you were afraid the kitten would freeze to death."

Shi Li breathed a sigh of relief internally. [Thank goodness he doesn't misunderstand. This can be explained clearly.]

Shi Li loved looking good, and today she had gone out wearing a white down jacket.

Normally, her jacket would still be clean when she got home.

But she had just used the jacket to carry the kitten. The newborn kitten, unwashed by any owner, was dirty, and as a result, Shi Li's jacket now had a large smudge on it.

After prolonged exposure to the cold air, Shi Li's originally fair hands had turned bright red from the chill.

Fu Huixing was her classmate, and he was a great guy who had helped her twice before.

Of course, the most important reason was that her hands had already gone numb from the cold, and she now needed someone to help share the burden.

So without hesitation, Shi Li handed over all three kittens to Fu Huixing. Her hands were so numb from the cold that when she passed the kittens to him, she accidentally brushed against his palm.

His palm was very warm, so hot that Shi Li quickly shoved her hands into her pockets.

As the three kittens were transferred to Fu Huixing's hands, he took over Shi Li's role as the cat thief, and the mother cat should have been hissing at him.

Infuriatingly, the mother cat actually purred at him in a fawning tone.

Towards her, it had been roaring like Li Kui, but with Fu Huixing, it was all sweet talk.

[This blatant favoritism!]

[Stupid cat, I'm clearly much friendlier-looking than Fu Huixing.]

[How dare it hiss at me and not at him.]

It was so frustrating.

Fu Huixing naturally heard her inner monologue. With one hand holding the three kittens, he reached into his pocket with the other and pulled out a stick-shaped object, handing it to Shi Li.

Shi Li took it, puzzled, wondering what it could be.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a cat treat stick.

Cat treat?

It's not strange for someone to carry cat treats, but for that person to be Fu Huixing was very odd.

These two things just didn't match up.

The school bully not carrying weapons was one thing, but having cat treats on him? What was that about?

Was he planning to bribe the cat squad in advance, so when he got into fights, he could summon the cat squad to help him?

In an instant, Shi Li understood his intention: to use the cat treat to bribe the mother cat and clear her of any suspicion of being a cat trafficker.

Shi Li crouched down and tore open the packaging of the cat treat.

Cats have sensitive noses, and the mother cat quickly smelled the aroma from the opened treat.

Still harboring resentment towards Shi Li for the kitten-napping, it didn't immediately approach.

Shi Li temptingly waved the treat in front of it, and only then did it hesitantly come forward to nibble on the treat.

With the fluffy cat right in front of her, Shi Li couldn't resist. She reached out and stroked the cat's head.

The tabby dodged a couple of times but ultimately succumbed to the allure of the treat, allowing Shi Li's action.

It must have been very hungry, as it devoured the treat quickly.

Soon after finishing one stick, it wanted more. It meowed at Shi Li, clearly asking for another.

Shi Li didn't have the habit of carrying cat treats, and this one had been given to her by Fu Huixing.

After meowing a couple of times, the cat clearly understood that Shi Li was broke, so it shifted its target.

Fu Huixing felt the intense gaze and looked down to see both human and cat staring at him eagerly.

"That was the last one I gave you," he said.

Hearing this, Shi Li disappointedly withdrew her gaze and stood up.

The cat, unable to understand human speech, naturally didn't give up on the big spender. It sat by his feet, meowing, trying to awaken human sympathy.

Shi Li now stood to the side with her arms crossed, waiting to see him in a predicament.

No matter how sweet the tabby's voice was, Fu Huixing had no more treats. He couldn't conjure one out of thin air.

Cats are lazy creatures. Knowing its charm and cuteness wouldn't get it more food, it simply gave up.

Shi Li thought to herself, [Cats are also bullies who prey on the weak and fear the strong.]

When the kittens were in her hands, the mother cat had howled as if its heart was being torn out.

Now that they had been transferred to Fu Huixing's hands, it didn't bare its teeth or hiss at him, as if it didn't even notice its three kittens had been stuffed into Fu Huixing's pockets.

It probably even thought the kittens would be warmer in his hands than curled up in the cardboard box.

It also knew who was warmer. Compared to Shi Li shivering in the cold wind, it lay down at Fu Huixing's feet.

Although dissatisfied with the kitten's fickle behavior, she was still concerned about the approaching winter and wondered how these little creatures would survive the cold season.

Shi Li's gaze turned towards Fu Huixing's pocket direction. The heads of the three fluffy kittens were left outside the pocket, probably because Fu Huixing was afraid of suffocating the little things.

"It's so cold in winter. It's dangerous for these three little ones to be outside, isn't it?" she asked.

Fu Huixing nodded. "Then let's find them a warm place."

Shi Li's heart stirred. Yes, they could find people to adopt the three kittens. That way, they wouldn't have to worry about the cats freezing to death outside in sub-zero temperatures.

But she still had concerns. "The mother cat won't let us take the kittens away, will she?"

It didn't seem right to take someone's children away in front of the mother.

Fu Huixing gave her a brief answer, "Then we'll take her too."

[Is it really that simple and crude?]

However, Shi Li still had some doubts, such as [The mother cat isn't the type to be caught easily. How can we package her up and take her away too? That's a problem.]

And Fu Huixing used his actions to answer Shi Li's questions.

Fu Huixing took a long stride, about to leave.

[Is this called kitten-napping and fleeing?]

Shi Li grumbled internally but followed behind Fu Huixing.

In case Fu Huixing had a unique method of dealing with the cat squad, she had always been liked by children and small animals because of her appearance, but today she had actually lost to Fu Huixing.

She wasn't convinced. Fu Huixing must have practiced some evil secret technique!

Fu Huixing: Cat treat attack, I guess that counts.

The mother cat wasn't full yet, and its newborn kittens had been taken away all at once.

If only it had been allowed to eat its fill, or if they had left one or two kittens behind, it might have turned a blind eye.

But Fu Huixing had fed it some delicious food not long ago. It still remembered that he was its sugar daddy, so it didn't bare its teeth or hiss at Fu Huixing. Instead, it followed behind him, constantly meowing, trying to awaken this human's kindness.

After walking for about five minutes, Fu Huixing led the way through several twists and turns, entering a secluded alley.

There were no shops in this area, a corner that Shi Li wouldn't reach during her shopping trips.

If Fu Huixing hadn't helped her multiple times before, Shi Li would have suspected he was trying to kidnap her along with the cats.

Shi Li had sharp eyes. While Fu Huixing was still leading the way, she had already guessed where he was taking her.

About fifty meters from the corner of the alley, there was a small pet hospital.

This pet hospital was different from the ones Shi Li had seen before. Not only was its location remote, but its decor was also different.

Normal pet hospitals usually have a cozy style, but this one was different. The facade had a simple, cold minimalist style.

Fu Huixing pushed the door open and entered. The mother cat hesitated for a moment at the doorway before following him in.

There was no one at the reception, so Fu Huixing walked straight past it.

The tabby cat, learning from Fu Huixing's example, strutted in grandly.

Shi Li followed behind the man and the cat, feeling somewhat uneasy.

Soon, a green feather duster darted out from inside. After seeing Fu Huixing's face clearly, he turned back into the room, somewhat disappointed.

[Goodness, the feather duster has come to life!]

The "feather duster" spoke rapidly. She heard him muttering, "Thought it was a customer."

Calling him a feather duster wasn't an exaggeration at all. His vibrant grass-green hair had a few strands of purple mixed in.

Especially with his shoulder-length hair sticking up messily, he looked even more like a feather duster.

The bright red and green were too much of a shock to the eyes. Shi Li had to look at Fu Huixing's clean and tidy crew cut to cleanse her vision.

Fu Huixing naturally heard Shi Li's feather duster description. He suppressed the laughter in his eyes and followed the green feather duster into the room.

The "feather duster" clearly hadn't fully woken up. It took him a while to notice Shi Li behind Fu Huixing.

"Ah, what a beautiful young lady! Miss, you look so familiar. Have you been in any TV dramas?"

This was implying that Shi Li looked like a celebrity.

Fu Huixing glanced at him, her warning clear, telling him to restrain himself.

However, he misunderstood her intention. "Is this pretty lady our Xingxing's girlfriend? You two look so good together, a handsome guy and a beautiful girl."

Fu Huixing kicked him in the behind. "Don't talk nonsense. She's my classmate. She just found a litter of newborn kittens."


[Is Fu Huixing's nickname really that cute?]

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