My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 82: Eating Melons in Progress

Chapter 82

Shi Li said that everyone hadn't ordered food specifically for her, as the coffee table was full of takeout boxes but only a few pieces of fried chicken and sushi remained.

Under her slightly accusatory gaze, Shi Qiuyu immediately explained, "You were still asleep, and the food that was delivered got a bit cold. Eating cold food isn't good for your health, but throwing it all away would be wasteful, so I called our classmates over to help finish it."

Yes, that was exactly the reason.

Shi Qiuyu felt her quick thinking was improving. She could now explain not only why they had ordered food for Shi Li but hadn't saved her any, but also why everyone was in Shi Li's room.

As Shi Li was being pressed onto the sofa, a few classmates sitting near the coffee table swiftly cleaned up the garbage.

Before Shi Li could say what she wanted to eat, someone was already calling the restaurant to have more food sent up.

Shi Li felt a strange, indescribable sensation.

Everyone was trying hard to make small talk, and she forgot the question she most wanted to ask: why were all her classmates in her room?

The food arrived quickly, and Shi Li finally understood why there was a room full of people in the living room, yet she had been able to sleep peacefully in the bedroom without hearing any noise.

Everyone was silently entertaining themselves, wearing headphones to play games or watch movies.

Even when eating, they tried not to make the slightest sound.

Even though Shi Li was now awake, everyone was still conscious of being guests and tried to keep quiet.

Everyone's thought: All for the sake of gossip!

One classmate who couldn't hold back anymore pretended to gossip with another, "Do you remember that male celebrity we saw yesterday?"

"The one we missed because we took the stairs?"

"Yes, that's the one."

"What a coincidence, he's staying on the 26th floor just like us."

Most of their class was staying on the 25th floor, with a few on the floor above due to lack of rooms.

"When we were going back to our rooms, we happened to see him and that girl go into a room together."

The classmate who returned with her: You just happened to see that? You were clearly following them to get a better look.

Shi Li: [I knew we were lucky. Now we know where he's staying]

[I think I can have a nice chat in Wei Wei's room tonight]

Wei Wei was the class monitor's desk mate, and also the classmate who had purposely followed the celebrity to get a better look.

Everyone: We concur.

Wei Wei: I'm fine with that.

After everyone had eaten their fill in Shi Li's room, Wei Wei suggested they all go to her room to play cards in the evening.

No one objected, and Shi Li readily agreed.

The room's soundproofing was excellent. With the doors and windows closed, you couldn't hear anything from outside.

So the last person to enter deliberately left the door slightly ajar.

Shi Li didn't know the others had left the door open. During a break from cards, she went to the door intending to leave a small gap for safety, but found it was already not fully closed, which put her at ease.

As for locking doors and windows when away from home to prevent danger, while generally applicable, it wasn't so important when over thirty people were gathered in one room.

Shi Li returned to the card table, playing while keeping an ear out for any sounds from outside.

She wasn't alone in this; those who had been wearing headphones to watch shows or play games in the afternoon were now gone, replaced by a circle of people watching the card game.

Those playing cards also lowered their voices to avoid interfering with any sounds that might come.

Everything was ready; they just needed the right moment.

At nearly ten o'clock, one classmate who was watching the game but had all their attention on the hallway suddenly spoke up, "Did you hear someone screaming?"

In an instant, everyone stopped what they were doing and rushed towards the hallway.

Shi Li, surrounded in the center of the card table, couldn't move as quickly as those on the outside.

A group of people stood in the hallway. A passing waiter stopped and asked, "Sir, is there a problem?"

As the diplomatic representative of Class 1-1, the class monitor spoke for everyone, "Hello, we thought we heard a scream from one of the rooms. Could you check if everything's alright?"

The male waiter gave a polite smile, "Sir, our hotel is very safe. The situation you described absolutely couldn't happen here."

If they didn't believe him, there was nothing more he could do.

As the waiter was about to leave, he too faintly heard a sound.

His expression grew serious, but for the sake of the hotel's public relations, he didn't inquire further.

He advised the group, "Since you heard something, our hotel will conduct a thorough investigation. For everyone's safety, I suggest you don't linger in the hallway. It's best to return to your rooms and lock your doors and windows. Once we've finished our check and lifted any alerts, the hotel will inform you via your room phones. Please wait patiently."

Then, the group waiting to see some excitement was ushered back to their rooms by the male waiter.

They all looked at each other, wondering if their half-day's effort was about to be wasted.

The class monitor, acting as everyone's mother, wasn't so concerned about gossip now. Worried that the person might be indiscriminately harming people, she didn't want her classmates to get hurt for the sake of gossip, so she also advised against going out.

The classmates: Boo!

A sad atmosphere enveloped the room. If sadness had a color, it would be Class 3-1 color.

Fu Huixing, who had been standing by the window, suddenly spoke, "There are police cars and ambulances downstairs."

Shi Li, who was close to the window, immediately rushed over.

Shi Li was so focused on the blue lights flashing below that she didn't notice Fu Huixing steadying her when she almost crashed into the glass.

"It's true! The police uncles are here. Can we go look now?"

Shi Li looked eagerly at the class monitor.

Faced with thirty pairs of expectant eyes, the class monitor could only wave her hand, "We'll go out once the police arrive."

[Sigh, actually Pei Nuo's target is only that scumbag. She won't harm innocent bystanders indiscriminately]

Everyone: Wait, are you saying that person is Pei Nuo?

Knowing it was Pei Nuo, the class monitor felt more at ease.

After hearing a rush of footsteps in the hallway and seeing doctors in dark green emergency uniforms through the peephole, followed by police, she finally allowed everyone to open the door and watch the excitement.

The Chinese love of watching excitement is practically in their DNA. By the time they opened the door, several onlookers were already standing in the hallway.

Shortly after the doctor entered the room, a stretcher was brought out carrying someone. The doctor carrying the stretcher had some blood stains, suggesting a violent scene.

The patient on the stretcher, seemingly still conscious and afraid of embarrassment, had covered their face with a blanket.

The stretcher didn't come with a blanket; the one covering the patient was clearly from the hotel.

Shi Li had reason to guess that when Pei Nuo burst in, he was in the middle of lovemaking and not wearing clothes.

That's why he needed the hotel blanket for cover now.

[Wonder if the emergency doctors took the cut-off part with them when they left]

[Maybe it could still be reattached and used]

Everyone frowned upon hearing this. What thing? Was Pei Nuo so fierce that she directly cut off Yan Hanyi's finger?

The subsequent commotion certainly fit Pei Nuo's image as the entertainment industry's crazy beauty.

[If he can't control his lower half, he deserves it. Let's see how he flirts around now]

Others: Hold on, is it what we think it means?

So what was cut off wasn't a finger, but something else?

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