My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 107: Hatred from fellow men

Chapter 107: Hatred from fellow men

Yun Jhin was sent outside by Qinghe as she had to talk about some important stuff with her sister, Nattaha took a better look at her little sister and asked:

"I'm pretty sure I never saw that male in my life in our sect, where did you get him from?"

Qinghe started to fidget under her big sister's stare which was boring into her soul and she immediately relented telling her:

"I found him in the male's quarters, it seemed he was just finishing his cultivation session, I'm not sure..."

Nattaha narrowed her eyes as she asked:

"Male's quarters? Didn't only the ugly ones remain? Where did this hunk come from? And his cultivation base is rather decent too, well it doesn't matter much since he is a male even if he is an outsider since he came to us let's make him stay!"

"Did you make sure he wasn't marked by anyone else though?"

Qinghe nodded her head making her fat cheeks roll around, Nattaha patted her head while giving her a warning:

"Just make sure you continue your cultivation, even though you look like this due to it, sooner or later all the ki will flow back into your body!"

Qinghe nodded again at her words and Natahha waved her hand indicating that she should leave.

Nattaha returned to her male which was still standing there waiting, his face was pale but he seemed to have recovered some stamina.

Nattaha jumped directly on him without giving him any more time to rest.

Yun Jhin looked as Qinghe came out of the pavilion and smiled at him as she intertwined her hand with his while saying:

"I cannot be with you always as I have to cultivate as well, and considering the technique, I'm cultivating I would be in closed-door cultivation for quite a while in my next session."

"You see I'm telling you this because the other males might go and attack you, after all, you are rather unknown and since you have become my man they would be very jealous, they have worked rather hard to get to their current positions and you know... I said what I had to say."

She continued smiling at him as she kept her hand in his, they walked around the sect grounds while Qinghe showed him here and there, they were on a little date that Qinghe decided spontaneously, she wanted to enjoy herself before she went back to cultivating.

Not all cultivators were like Yun Jhin, some of them wanted to enjoy the finer things in life before they died and if they reached a high cultivation base it was good for them, if they couldn't that just meant they weren't talented enough and decided to live lavishly above commoners who couldn't cultivate at all. Some pursued romance that would last through their whole lifetimes, some pursued strong people to fight against until their death.

Cultivators each had their dreams, Yun Jhin was actually a minority, his obsession with eternal life was high even among cultivators with the same goal, this obsession combined with his strong will let him reincarnate so many times, normally very few people have the ability or luck to reincarnate and regain their memories, but Yun Jhin reincarnated for such a high amount of times and then gained all of his former life memories as well!

Qinghe watched as Yun Jhin laughed and played along with her, her fat face had a sweet smile on it as she chatted with him from time to time while they looked at some flowers, Yun Jhin laughed from time to time and even took the initiative to steal a few kisses from her here and there.

Qinghe thought she was on cloud nine as she did this with Yun Jhin for a few hours, they just traveled around the sect and then in the city, they even bought a few fishes and Qinghe made Yun Jhin cook them as the stay-home husband.

After one or two days of acting like this Qinghe finally entered closed-door cultivation according to her sister's instructions, before she entered into closed-door cultivation she gave Yun Jhin a passionate kiss and winked at him whispering that she could barely wait for the next time they met each other.

Yun Jhin waved to her as he stood motionlessly on the spot, he then left the female quarters as he wasn't allowed there without Qinghe anymore, however, he didn't go to the same male quarters as before, considering he was owned by a female now he could go to the higher male quarters, even though they weren't as luxurious as the female ones, they were still way better compared to the ones from before.

He appeared at the quarters rather quickly, the buildings were red in color and still considerably smaller compared to the female ones, but they had a hint of luxury in it, Yun Jhin had his own building now, there were around 800 buildings in total at the most upper rankings of the quarters where Yun Jhin's building was located.

Yun Jhin was assigned building 58 among the upper ranked buildings which were a bit more luxurious compared to the others.

Males from the other buildings were already out talking and chatting, they already recognized him and they were either glaring or having a fake smile on their faces, but not many approached him, among the 800 buildings the lowest-ranked male had a cultivation base around the 2nd stage of the King Realm.

The highest-ranked male that sat in building 1 had the cultivation base of the 3rd to 4th stage of the Emperor Realm and he was owned by a grand elder that cultivated all day long in the pavilion that Yun Jhin was previously.

Yun Jhin wanted to get to his building but his entrance was barred by two male's at the cultivation base of the 1st stage of the Emperor realm and one at the 2nd stage, they were all proud-looking and wore the same garments as Yun Jhin, they were respectively from the 30th, 29th, and 26th buildings.

The two males at the 1st stage could be considered rather handsome with chiseled jaws and athletic builds, however, their faces still didn't match Yun Jhin's.

The one at the 2nd stage was buff but had an exquisite face with a good temperament that made him look like a scholar, he also wore glasses, and the combination of a scholar body and a bodybuilder's made an interesting look.

"My name is Zhao Changeng and these are my associates, Zhao Bumgu and Zhao Zindu, we heard from some reliable sources that you have become the partner of miss Zhao Qinghe and we would like to welcome you to our clique."

Changeng had a big smile on his face as he said those words but his actions were different, his hand immediately disappeared as it shot towards Yun Jhin's abdomen in the form of a punch.

It seemed they wanted to beat the newbie and show him his place around, they wanted to show that even though he was favored by a high-ranked female in the sect that he would still be below them because of his cultivation base weakness!

Most males were insecure due to the way they were treated on the planet, they would bow and scrape against the females but they would show their talons and teeth at their compatriots as long as they were weaker than they were. They were all people like Yun Jhin but just not as bold nor as scheming.

Yun Jhin easily caught the man's fist and pushed him back telling him:

"Zhao Changeng was it? I thank you for the invitation to your clique and I will make sure to come to all party invitations from now on, please accept my greetings!"

Yun Jhin's aura unleashed at full strength as it pushed against the trio, suddenly time seemed to move a little bit faster around Yun Jhin as he disappeared and appeared behind them, this wasn't speed! It was like he teleported there!

All three of them looked down at their stomach and put a hand over it, they could feel a bruise quickly appearing on it and they had a sweet aftertaste in their throat meaning that they took a little bit of internal damage. While males were allowed to fight they wouldn't be allowed to hit each other's faces or else that would anger the females and they might be even discarded!

Even though they were envious of Yun Jhin they didn't attack his face as they knew how hard it would be for him if he was discarded by such a high-ranking female. While they were envious and wanted to teach him a lesson they weren't that bad intentioned if you would look at it from their point of view. They were just petty and narrow-minded.

The trio immediately backed a bit from Yun Jhin, they realized that he was an expert with strong battle power, after all, most male phoenixes had high battle power and there were some geniuses out there that could fight between realms and from what they realized, Yun Jhin was one of them!

Strength was respected everywhere regardless of customs or if the society was matriarchal or patriarchal, as long as you were strong enough you could break customs and do whatever the hell you wanted!

Zhao Changeng lip was trembling a bit from the pain but he endured and gave a bow then said:

"I welcome Zhao Yun to the male's quarters!"

The other two said the same thing in unison as they decided to quickly run away, Yun Jhin looked at their backs disappearing as they went to their buildings and decided to enter his own.

Back at the pavilion, Nattaha was getting a massage from the same man as before, he was extremely pale compared to before and his eyes were dropping due to exhaustion, his stamina was truly exhausted and if he was forced more his life force would be expanded instead of his stamina, so Nattaha gave him some rest.

She was looking at Yun Jhin through a formation, observing his actions and how he behaved in the new building he got, from what she saw after he left her sister to enter closed-door cultivation he seemed to want to cultivate himself.

Nattaha yawned as she watched him cultivate, it was the normal cultivation technique that all-male phoenixes employed so her doubts about him started to lessen after he employed it, he just thought that he was a male that found his way into the sect and hoped he would be taken in, this was fairly normal and tens of thousands of men were either slaughtered or thrown out due to this as not many were as good looking or as strong as Yun Jhin, however, they still tried their luck.

They all thought that they were good looking enough to impress a disciple of the sect and make her take him in, hoping that they could change their life.

Nattaha stopped employing the formation after a while, she closed her eyes and took in the massage from her man while cultivating at the same time.

Yun Jhin's eyes narrowed as he felt that the formation surrounding him stopped, so he stopped faking cultivating.

While he was currently at the most upper buildings in the male's quarters he got a good look of those below, they lived almost in the same conditions as the other quarters, from what he glanced about when he got up he realized that they had some furniture and bare cultivation resources so they were better than the others.

However, those people below were mostly looking average or just could be barely called handsome.

Yun Jhin put his target on them, while the most handsome men in the sect counted for 800, those below counted in the tens of thousands, if Yun Jhin made an approximation they were around 30,000.

While he wouldn't be able to eat too many of them or else the females would realize something was fishy, this was a good place where he could start harvesting!

Yun Jhin licked his lips for a little bit as he looked out his window at the quarters that were below him, his eyes were glinting with evil intentions.

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