My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 128: Sometimes plans change

Chapter 128: Sometimes plans change

Yun Jhin analyzed the defensive buildings of the headquarters of the Hao clan, he could see that they were made of a special material that he identified as Matrathite.

Matrathite was an artificial metal created by cultivators above the sage realm, only gods could create it, and depending on the stage the God was, the quality could differ, but from what Yun Jhin saw, they were defensive buildings created out of top-notch quality Matrathite!

These type of defensive buildings had to be worn down by constant attacks, even though the metal was very durable, if a God Realm expert wasn't behind it, it wasn't invincible but it was considerably annoying to destroy it.

With his current troops, it would take him 3 weeks of attacking non-stop to break the buildings down so he could attack properly, that wasn't counting the fact that there would be a heavy retaliation from the people defending the headquarters. If the sage realm experts were counted, the time could be cut to around 1 week, but half of the sage realm experts had to fight it with the enemy's sages, so the time would be lengthened to around 1.5 weeks.

Due to their increased number of sages, Yun Jhin's army was in an advantageous position, but because the enemies got these defensive buildings, they were now on equal grounds considering battle power, in a war, the terrain was the most important factor, and Yun Jhin's army was sorely lacking in that aspect, while they had the better fighters, it wouldn't matter if the terrain was against them.

Yun Jhin did some hand signals, making calling all of the generals to him for a meeting, this type of war would be unlike those that he fought previously, now he actually had to intervene and give out orders to win!

All of the generals were peak sage realm experts, they were all stalwart men, that at most were around the middle of their lives, they were full of life force and their muscles were bulging with strength under their mammoth skin clothes.

They were all looking at Yun Jhin with respect and expectations, after all, Yun Jhin's reputation as a strategist was quite unbeatable.

Yun Jhin gave them a simple instruction:

"Half you will fight against the other parties sages along with your direct subordinates, the other half will do their best to break through the defenses of the building, give me reports through soul links when you hit different parts of the defensive buildings, that way I might be able to find a weak link so we could break through faster!"

They all nodded, they wouldn't question him at this point, the patriarch of their tribe was looking down upon them and if he found his orders to be strange he would interfere, they were all trusting Yun Jhin with their lives!

Yun Jhin's expression was as serious as it could be as he waved his hands indicating the war could finally start!

The defensive structures were packed to the brim with defenders, both Emperors, and Sages the Sages immediately started to throw out long-range attacks such as spears of lightning, swords of fire, or even axes of ice.

But their attacks were easily thwarted by the sages of the army, the defensive buildings were good for defending but they wouldn't enhance the attacker's power.

Yun Jhin started to give out orders, the Emperors started to move out attacking the building while defending from the attacks of the Emperors inside the structures. The sages fought it out with the sages.

The building didn't take any scratches from the first round of attacks, it could be seen that Matrathite was a very sturdy material from this, being attacked by so many sages and emperors at the same time while taking no damage was something that only Gods around the 2nd stage would be able to achieve. And unlike the Malatrhite, God Realm experts at the second stage had to exhaust their ki to achieve such defenses. While God Realm experts couldn't be killed by the human wave tactic, they could have trouble with it if they didn't have absorption techniques like Yun Jhin, however, they couldn't be trapped by such tactics as well, if they found it to be troublesome they would just run away.

Time passed and people died, the ones that fell out of the buildings were craftily absorbed by Yun Jhin as the patriarch of the Mao clan had to keep his senses on the Patriarch of the Hao clan, from time to time he would also stealthily absorb his own people that died or were close to death, some of them were even happy thinking that they could be saved from their condition, only for Yun Jhin to put a finger on their lips and absorb their bodies and souls.

5 days passed like this, Yun Jhin watched on as people died and the defensive structures started to creak and break, he even took a big Matrathite and stuffed it into his spatial dimension for later, he could use it to upgrade his clothes and Halberd later when he would use the remaining energy from the Icy White Tiger pool.

The generals were starting to overpower the sage experts of the Hao clan as the defensive buildings were breaking, but their stamina was also getting exhausted with time and they started to get sloppy.

One of them even almost their life, it was the young man that tried to assassinate Yun Jhin, his head was almost severed from its neck by the enemy after a short moment of pause he took to gain some breath.

Fortunately for him, some other peak sage realm expert grabbed him by the back of his neck and the slash was dodged very narrowly, his adam's apple was still cut and he had to use some special herbs to stop the bleeding.

Yun Jhin didn't stay idle during all of this, on the surface he was there, controlling the whole battlefield while making sure things went well, but underneath that he was also moving around the battlefield while making absorptions, He was getting nearer to his quota of absorptions, he was around 65,000 now!

Yun Jhin smiled as he returned to his original spot and continued to control the battlefield, suddenly he felt some killing intent appearing behind him, he hastily dodged by jumping into the army crowd, a sudden red sword slash appeared on the spot he was in previously cutting deep into the earth to the point that lava started to spurt out of the ground!

They were already underground so lava was easily going to appear if they dug deep enough.

Yun Jhin frowned, that sudden attack was from someone at the sage realm, but who was it? he couldn't actually sense anyone, he didn't know that there would be someone more adept at stealth than him, this couldn't actually be possible!

The innate stealth technique of the white tiger would be only useful on the surface, he could easily see through other stealth techniques, but this person made his way behind him and almost cut him into two!

Yun Jhin's wariness increased as he dodged another attack, while the person was at the sage realm, he wasn't that high up there, after all, if he was at the later stages Yun Jhin wouldn't be able to dodge his attacks so easily. Yun Jhin's current battle power was extremely high as he was at the 6th stage of the Emperor realm, he could fight off early sages up to the 2nd realm.

Yun Jhin could feel a disgusting smell in the air, it was the smell of luck and destiny intertwined between each other, a fortuned one!

Yun Jhin found it strange, technically speaking one such person would be born once 500 years, but Yun Jhin already devoured two in the span of 50 or so years, this was the third fortuned person he came across, even though he found 2 on the dragon planet and 1 on the white tiger planet, he still found it extremely strange.

Changes were finally going to happen to the stagnant universe he lived in?

The spawning of so many fortuned people could mean more than one thing, even though Yun Jhin needed to eat 9,998 more fortuned people to become a fortuned caterpillar, he didn't like being around these types of people, they were innately disgusting to him who had to work hard and reincarnate countless times to reach the peak, even though some reincarnation he was born with special physiques or high backgrounds, that didn't mean he didn't have to work hard scheming and fighting his way up to the top.

But fortuned people always got things on a platter for them, you needed to breakthrough? A convenient tournament appeared you lacked techniques? An old eccentric of the dao of righteousness appeared in your pendant/stone/etc inheritance left behind by your missing/dead parents, he had interacted with a lot of fortuned people and killed the same amount, his hatred for them was something that he couldn't explain in words, it was like an innate disgust someone had of things they didn't like. Just like when a person likes carrots, but a different person finds them disgusting. It was a thing you were born with and you couldn't change to like or dislike.

Yun Jhin continued to dodge the attacks, he couldn't ask for help during this tight situation and he felt that the situation wasn't that dire for him, he was here to absorb more people, and going along with the plan would let him do that.

Suddenly a slash came too close for comfort as it sliced his cheek open, blood started to drip from his face to the ground and a boorish laugh could be heard from behind him, Yun Jhin jumped only to see a relatively thin white tiger appear, he had a crafty look on his face as he finally stopped using his stealth technique and Yun Jhin could see his appearance.

He was around 1,60 meters, he was basically a dwarf compared to the other tigers who were all tall imposing, and full of bulging muscles, he wasn't ugly nor handsome, he was pretty plain looking, he was someone that you would look at once and forget his appearance. Maybe this was a factor in his enchanted stealth technique?

He wore different clothes compared to the other white tigers, he wore a dark robe with silver linings on his body and he had a medium-sized dagger in his hand, he kept shifting it from hand to hand like he was playing juggle with it, his silver-colored eyes shifted from side to side as seemingly no one saw him, he was sandwiched between the Emperors of the Mao tribe but they couldn't see him at all!

Yun Jhin frowned, it seemed this was going to be a one on one fight for him, it had been a rather long while since he could stretch his muscles and have an exciting fight against someone, there was a high chance this person could be the child or inheritor of the Hao tribe's God Realm expert.

Yun Jhin cracked his knuckles and neck, the thin tiger disappeared again as Yun Jhin found a slash coming right towards his waist trying to cut him in two pieces.

Yun Jhin chuckled as he took out his Halberd from his spatial dimension and blocked the slash with the pommel of the sword, he was pushed backward a hundred meters as the Emperor Realm experts around him were finally alerted by the shockwave. However, Yun Jhin shouted:


Seeing his courage and willpower, made the army immediately increase in morale, they could feel that he was fighting a sage realm expert, others couldn't break away from their targets as even one small mistake could break their formation and they would start losing their lives, there was a very delicate balance the warriors of both tribes, things were going well for the Mao tribe but if a mistake was made things would shift towards the Hao tribe immediately!

Yun Jhin knew that so to continue his plan he had to put up a strong front, it didn't matter to him, he knew the white tiger fortuned person wouldn't be able to kill him.

That was until he found a knife in his gut after he stopped his descent to the ground.

He coughed a mouthful of blood as he slowly looked behind him, he saw the same thin white tiger giving him a cheeky smile that told him:

"I got you good didn't I?"

Yun Jhin then reciprocated the smile.

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