My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 130: Small incovenience

Chapter 130: Small incovenience

Yun Jhin shook his head after he saw the notification, he needed to catch up with Hao Tian!

Things wouldn't end well for him if he escaped, making an enemy with a fortuned person was the worst thing you could do!

They would hold grudges really badly and they would hunt you down, in the end, no matter what if they felt that they grew strong enough, all you could do was either grow faster than them or kill them while they tried to mature. In most situations, fortuned ones who escaped from their attackers would either find a quick way to heal themselves while increasing their cultivation at the same time.

Yun Jhin frowned, would he escape or would he use the Icy White Tiger pool to heal himself?

He wasn't sure in which direction he went but if he used the pool he would absorb the energy that he needed!

He could feel the pool energy inside the settlement of the Hao tribe, the energy was currently resonating with the other energies in his body, from the jade dragon pool and the fiery phoenix pool. However, he couldn't know how much energy was left unless he was there to assess it.

Yun Jhin left the battlefield behind, the Mao patriarch didn't stop to question him as he entered the remains of the Mao settlement, the sage realm experts did a good job of destroying most of the buildings while capturing the people that they could, executing the ones that they couldn't.

As he made his way through the rubble he found the entrance of a deep cave, he entered the depths and followed the scent of the Icy Tiger pool, technically speaking being so deep inside the earth the pool should be full of a lava-like substance just like the fiery phoenix pool.

However, the core of the planet was the thing that influenced the seasons of the planet, the core was actually a dark icy circular object that would exude the ki that changed the outside surroundings, the Icy White Tiger pool was connected to the core of the planet and that was why it had so many beneficial effects.

Yun Jhin looked around and saw that there were murals engraved on the walls of the cave but he ignored them, he didn't care about the history of the planet that much, he pretty much understood the circumstances that surrounded the 4 sacred beast planets by now.

He finally reached the Icy White Tiger pool after 2 more minutes of walking, the cave was rather long and the pool was located at the end of it. Yun Jhin looked around and frowned, there was enough energy in the pool for him but there was no one around.. did he make a mistake? He was pretty sure the injury he gained from using that smoke technique so many times would prohibit him from leaving the planet.

If he tried to he was sure there was a very high chance of dying in the adverse environment of space, but considering the man was a fortuned one, there was a chance he would also be able to escape.

Yun Jhin gritted his teeth as he looked down at the energy pool below his feet, if he was here that meant Hao Tian should have already left. He sighed, there was nothing he could do here anyway, he jumped down in the pool and started to absorb its contents, it was his reward.

The energy of the Icy White Tiger pool started to converge into his chest and ki pathways as it ran quickly through his body, it was just like a galloping stallion and Yun Jhin had to tame it to increase his cultivation base.

Yun Jhin's cultivation base that was at the 6th stage of the Emperor realm finally saw some improvements, it was slow but it was obvious that his cultivation was increasing, but from the energy in the pool, he realized that at most he would reach the 8th stage of the Emperor realm before his body would get used to the energy. Due to how many times he refined his body, while he could accept most energies better than 90% of cultivators, his body would also get used to them faster.

Yun Jhin inhaled and exhaled on the bottom of the pool as the energy inside it entered his body to temper it along with his ki, the body tempering wouldn't do much more as his body reached the pinnacle of what it was allowed to, but the ki tempering would refine his ki quality to the peak of what an Emperor practice could achieve, this was just one of the other benefits of cultivating in a pool that leaked from the planet core. These pools weren't unique to the 4 sacred beasts' planets, but only planets above the medium quality would be able to spawn them.

As Yun Jhin was absorbing the contents of the pool on his own, the Mao patriarch was talking with his sage realm experts:

"Where is Gao Yanting?"

The man who tried to assassinate Yun Jhin immediately came and bowed to the patriarch as he responded with a respectful look on his face:

"He has entered the ruins of the Hao settlement, should I go and search for him, patriarch?"

Mao Ya shook his head as he looked through the settlement to see Yun Jhin down in the cave cultivating to his heart's content, Mao Ya smiled as he looked at him then said:

"Just finish capturing everyone and get them back to our settlement, Gao Yanting is currently cultivating and he shouldn't be disturbed, Mao Shun, you wait here and invite him back to the tribe when he finishes cultivating, go further in the settlement and you will see a cave, wait for him there, and if he doesn't appear after he finishes cultivating you come back and report to me, understood?"

While Mao Ya coveted Yun Jhin's abilities to lead armies, he didn't trust him at all, he only was using him for his benefit, after all, when he healed his arm he could see that the death energy came from a God Realm expert and he knew that it was extremely strange for an Emperor Realm cub to survive in the face of a God Realm expert, even if it was a dying one, he or she should be able to easily kill an Emperor Realm person.

Yun Jhin knew that the Mao patriarch was suspecting him but there wasn't much he could do in this situation besides bet on the fact that the Mao patriarch would be too greedy for the title of the strongest on the planet, he had to take a risk that wasn't associated with his planning and cunning nature, and the risk was still there! Who knew what the man would do after he was done cultivating?

It seemed that he was a man of honor at least, considering he let Yun Jhin cultivate without any hitches.

Yun Jhin continued to cultivate inside the pool as time passed slowly outside, the ruins of the settlement slowly disappeared as they were picked up by the Mao people, and the place became deserted as the tribes united into one, at first the people from the Hao tribe were resisting the fusion, but there wasn't much they could do as their patriarch had abandoned them, he went even further inside the core of the planet to heal his injuries, and considering he had opened them up further by fighting Mao Ya, there would be a long time before he appeared again.

Yun Jhin's body was glowing deep inside the pool as the energy around him was absorbed at a quicker pace than before, his cultivation was at the peak of the 7th stage as it slowly neared the 8th stage.

A crack could be heard coming from his body and ki pathways as they enlarged and his cultivation finally reached the 8th stage!

Yun Jhin's eyes fluttered open as he looked around, the remaining energy from the pool stood at his ankles, but it was still enough to refine his clothes and weapon.

He got up from his cross-legged position at the bottom of the pool and started using his innate ki flame and took a cauldron from his spatial dimension before he threw his clothes into it along with some liquid energy from the pool, using half of it to refine the clothes and half to refine the halberd.

It took him almost 2 years to finish everything. He blew a cloud of energy out of his mouth as he finished cultivating.

He sighed as he jumped out of the pool and flexed his muscles, then did some stretching exercises to feel the new currents of ki that were running around in his body.

He felt quite nice, it was always a good feeling to increase your cultivation base, it was a feeling of fulfillment and enjoyment that Yun Jhin couldn't get tired of even after so many reincarnations, the taste of improvement.

Now that he finished cultivating he now had to get back to the Mao settlement and talk things out with the patriarch, he knew that if he tried to escape at this point he would just anger him and he would appear in front of him and tear him to pieces, talking things through with him would be better, he wouldn't make things hard for him as long as he didn't realize he was a reincarnated one.

Yun Jhin left the cave to be met with Mao Shun, the man was bored of waiting but at least he had time to work on his cultivation base, the moment he felt Yun Jhin leaving the cave he immediately got up from the ground and said:

"The patriarch invites you back to the Mao settlement, he would love to see you now."

Yun Jhin nodded as he followed Mao Shun back to the settlement where he went to Mao Ya's garden.

The old man had healed his surface injuries at this point, he was resting under the shade of a tree when Yun Jhin and Mao Shun arrived in the garden, Mao Ya waved his hand indicating that Mao Shun could leave them alone.

Then he patted the spot beside him making Yun Jhin appear on it, a smile appeared on the old man's face as he said:

"Sit down and let's talk, you aren't from my race and your knowledge is quite interesting, you must have come from the other planets after you offended a God, it's a small matter for me as that god should be dead by now."

"What I'm interested in was how could you survive such an attack while only losing an arm? I guess your knowledge must also be pretty good compared to the others of your kind, let me see who you really are though."

Yun Jhin's appearance changed back to his original one as the old man waved his hand, his draconic horns along with his Ying-Yang appearance made the old man pause shortly before he snorted:

"You are a lucky brat, if you were a pure-blooded dragon I might have turned you into a meat patty right now!"

"Considering you are only a halfling I'm not going to make things hard for you, give me all your knowledge on formations and war and you can leave."

Yun Jhin didn't beat around the bush as he sent him some of the more important knowledge of formations and battle tactics, but he didn't send him everything, he only sent him the things that he used on the surface and a little bit more to make him think that was all he knew.

The old man nodded after making sure everything looked genuine, he looked Yun Jhin up and down then said:

"You are quite good but you still didn't explain to me how you survived that attack."

The old man's easy-going expression took a turn as he glared at Yun Jhin, it seemed the old fossil thought that Yun Jhin had some special means or treasures that he now coveted!

Yun Jhin frowned as he activated his clothes making them shine brightly, the old man looked at them for a short while before he laughed:

"Oh so this is what you rely on, it seems you have been to those old chickens planet as well, is Bai Yun doing well?"

Yun Jhin just nodded, Bai Yun could be considered that she was doing well at this point, the planet had equality and she left for greener pastures to improve her cultivation base.

"Whatever, this old man is still a bit injured considered how ruthless that fool fought me back then, you can leave now!"

Yun Jhin bowed his head as he left the garden, he frowned as he got to the surface and looked in the direction of the jumping pad formation of this planet after he absorbed so many people he was ready to leave and end his journey in the surrounding 4 planets.

The flight to the jumping pad formation took him little time as his feet touched the snowy ground below him, he frowned as he felt something wasn't right, he dodged to the side to find a familiar dagger ready to skewer through his guts, Hao Tian didn't leave?

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