My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 135: Father and son reunite after 500,000 years

Chapter 135: Father and son reunite after 500,000 years

While Yun Jhin was cultivating inside the giant skull down in the dungeon the mummified person appeared at the entrance of the palace and muttered something under his breath:

"Back again... here is where I first met him..."

The mummy would have gritted his teeth if he had any left at this point it seemed his hatred for Yun Jhin wasn't small.

Some of his memories were triggered after he appeared at the entrance of the palace and he shuddered, but afterward, he smiled as he glanced inside the palace and started to walk forward.

Trudge... trudge... slowly but surely he reached the former location of the bone throne, he looked at the empty location and frowned then he started to use the same words that Yun Jhin did previously:

"**** ***** *****"

He disappeared from the spot as he found himself in the same dungeon and he continued to trudge forward towards the location of the giant skull, he slowly approached the deeper parts of the dungeon as the giant skull that spewed blood appeared in front of his pupilless eyes.

He could see that Yun Jhin was currently cultivating inside the skull and his face took a malevolent expression as he looked at Yun Jhin:

"Finally, it's you, It can't be anyone else besides you, even if your exterior shell changes it's the same person underneath!"

The mummy launched itself as the gigantic skull his atrophied hands starting to bang on it while shouting like he was possessed, he wanted to break Yun Jhin out of his concentration and make him suffer ki deviation!

Yun Jhin's eyes fluttered open as he looked at the outside of the skull where he saw the mummy banging on the skull's teeth outside.

He frowned, he just finished absorbing the 100,000 black tortoises and was ready to enter into a deep evolutionary process but this person had awakened him before he could fully start.

He analyzed the mummy but he couldn't recognize the person really well, his aura was almost evaporated due to the erosion of time and his physical appearance was unrecognizable due to how his corpse was.

Yun Jhin took a better look at him and the mummy immediately started to shout when he saw that Yun Jhin opened his eyes:


Yun Jhin didn't know to laugh or cry, there have been so many people that wanted his head, and this guy seemed to think that he knew him?

Seeing his puzzled expression made the mummy rage so hard that he almost exploded, as he banged his arms on the skull it could be seen that they fell from time to time and the mummy had to reattach them, Yun Jhin found this to be pretty funny.

As the mummy watched Yun Jhin almost laugh at him he became even angrier as his body started to thin, even more, a thin red drop of blood escaped his body that entered the skull and absorbed the mummy directly inside the skull making him appear near Yun Jhin!

Yun Jhin frowned deeply as he jumped backward a few times to make some distance between him and the mummy, only those with his blood could enter the skull, he could reconstruct his blood to match those of his former lives but only his progeny of his former life could enter this dimension.

It should be literally impossible for a person to live over 500,000 even with the many ways of life-extending techniques and resources, how could have one of his sons or daughters lived up till now?

Yun Jhin saw the mummy slowly trudging towards him, it seemed that he shouldn't be scared of him, he should be so old that his body would fall by itself and transform into dust, but Yun Jhin felt uneasy as the mummy approached him, it was like he had something that could threaten or he knew something about his weaknesses.

If Yun Jhin was honest with himself, he did have weaknesses, he wasn't perfect, but those that knew about them were either dead or absorbed by him, so he felt strange seeing a person that might know his weakness, which one of his sons could he be?

As the mummy slowly approached him Yun Jhin ran around circles around him, the mummy was very slow due to the time he spent existing and he didn't have much time left, the mummy suddenly smiled as he saw Yun Jhin running away from him as he said:

"Just like always, you think that no one can see through you and that you always have the high ground."

"But this time... things will be different..."

The mummy suddenly disappeared as he decked Yun Jhin in the face throwing him around the dimension like a ragdoll, Yun Jhin coughed a bit and felt blood starting to drip from his nose.

While the mummy was atrophied and weak his body was very hard! And it seemed he was only keeping himself at lower speeds to not destroy his already withered body that was kept stitched together by god knows what.

Yun Jhin's body started shaking as he tried to get up, it seemed that punch affected the coordination between his soul brain, and body!

Yun Jhin knew of this type of technique as he fought it before, it was the technique of his arch-nemesis, the only guy who could be considered righteous, the combination of a reincarnated and fortuned one. Yuan Fang.

Yun Jhin gritted his teeth as he regained his balance and glared at the mummy coming towards him again, he was so close and it seemed the mummy was looking down on him as he didn't blitz at him again, Yun Jhin couldn't even identify the speed of his opponent when he did that.

He got shakily from the ground as he took in a deep breath and activated the behemoth mode transforming into a gigantic being as his fist crashed down directly on the top of the mummy's head, the mummy shook his head as he put his fist forward and pushed the gigantic ki construction back!

Yun Jhin felt his body shaking along with the gigantic warrior created from his ki troops, he could feel that the mummy wasn't using any ki in his attacks and that meant he was using only bodily strength!

Yun Jhin started to search through his memories for the technique that would allow someone to reach such a form but he realized that he didn't know of any such techniques! Considering the mummy was using Yuan Fang techniques that meant it should be a technique that only he knew!

Yuan Fang was a person that was a pain in Yun Jhin's sides, he was someone who hated the hypocritical 'righteous sects' as well as the evil sects, he was a person born with innate justice running through his veins and it didn't help that he was a fortuned one as well.

Yun Jhin found him troublesome at first as he fought him back and forth trying to protect his fellow fortuned people, then he offended a righteous sect and considering the people that lived in such sects they strike a deal with Yun Jhin to kill him, in the end, they couldn't secure his soul and he escaped, who knew he realized how to reincarnate himself and awakened his memories along with his fortuned constitution to wreak havoc across Yun Jhin's organization and the 'righteous organizations'.

It seemed the man successfully reincarnated again and created an assassin for Yun Jhin so he wouldn't be able to grow again.

Yun Jhin frowned as the ki construct broke after another punch and his ki started to run sluggish, he looked at the mummies pupilless eyes and asked:

"Who are you?"

The mummy laughed as he shook with anger and said:

"You wouldn't recognize me even if I was whole but I shall indulge you before you die, I'm your son Yun Guancheng!"

Yun Jhin searched for the name in his memories and he remembered him, Yun Guancheng was his 169,420th son and his talents were very bad, it was at a point that he wanted to decapitate him and absorb his body as he was a waste of his seeds, but his mother pleaded for him and Yun Jhin decided to spare him considering he was so talentless that he couldn't break through the King realm.

Yun Jhin couldn't know how Yuan Fang transformed his trashiest son into something that could push someone around with a battle power of the 3rd stage of the sage realm easily, but he knew that it must have taken a huge price out of both of them.

Yun Jhin's eyes started to glow as he looked at the top of his son's forehead and saw that his soul was rapidly burning as his body decayed, the way his soul burned indicated that he wouldn't be able to reach the afterlife after he died, he would become nothing! It was just as if Yun Jhin absorbed someone's soul and they ceased to be, also the pain inflicted upon someone every second their soul burned wasn't something one could endure, even Yun Jhin would found it hard to endure.

The mummy chuckled as he disappeared then drove his fist through Yun Jhin's chest making him cough a big amount of blood then said:

"You wouldn't think that I should be able to endure all of this pain right? You would think that your trashiest son that you wanted to absorb wouldn't be able to reach such heights right?"

"You are wrong, master saw through my potential where you couldn't and left me a technique that I cultivated while he sealed my body in Four celestial ambers so I can take my revenge on you for what you did to me and my mother!"

Yun Jhin chuckled as he looked into the mummies eyes and said:

"What I have done to you and your mother?"

The mummy got angrier as he twisted his fist inside Yun Jhin's chest making him frown and cough out another mouthful of blood, his face also started to turn pale as his pulse started to weaken.

"I'm going to absorb you and show you what my mother felt when you found her to be no longer useful!"

His sickly arm started to inflate as wisps of ki entered Yun Jhin's body starting to absorb his ki, flesh, and blood

Yun Jhin felt his power starting to leave him as darkness started to approach the corners of his vision, but things didn't end here as he grasped his son's arm that was sticking through his chest and said:

"Think you can outdo me at these types of techniques? Eh Yuan Fang?"

The mummy was using a technique that he wasn't familiar with, but that didn't mean it was a technique that was better than his!

The mummy frowned as he felt something wrong, the energies that he absorbed from Yun Jhin were slowly returning to his body as his arm fell from his body and Yun Jhin took it out of his chest and threw it away.

While he was surprised by his son's abilities, speed, and bodily strength that didn't mean he was going to lose here, after all, he was on his home turf!

Yun Guancheng looked around and felt the blood that was running outside the skull converge into the dimension that they were now both in, he looked around and saw as the blood ran inside Yun Jhin's body healing him of all of his injuries and recovering the wasted ki.

Yun Jhin cracked his neck and knuckles as he looked at his son and stated:

"Your body might have grown stronger but your soul is almost burnt and you have no ki inside you, the decay of your body also reached a very high degree, let me guess, your body actually reached the later stage of the God Realm with the help of Yuan Fang right?"

The mummy's eyes widened as Yun Jhin's guess was spot on!

Yun Jhin shook his head as he easily unveiled the weakness of Yuan Fang's technique, he didn't know how he did it but he knew it's weaknesses.

His body disappeared as he disappeared from the mummy's senses, the mummy looked around but he couldn't feel Yun Jhin at all, it was like he didn't exist at all!

Yun Jhin's stealth technique improved marginally after he absorbed Hao Tian, even though it wasn't as good as Hao Tian's at his peak, it was way better compared to his previous one, after all, Hao Tian's technique was unique to him and tied to his bloodline, all Yun Jhin did was take references from his bloodline to improve his technique to what it was considered to be the peak of ki infused stealth.

The mummy chuckled as he said:

"It seems that your stealth technique had improved father, my teacher wasn't the only one considered lucky... but you were always thinking that you planed 4 or 5 steps ahead of your enemy, that was only because you have reincarnated more times than my teacher, but now that he has experience under his belt..."

A wave of ki exploded from the mummy's body as the bandages that were surrounding him exploded and the body beneath it revealed itself fully.

Yun Jhin frowned as his body appeared as well, that ki wave disrupted his stealth technique even though he improved it a lot... it was personal ki coming from Yuan Fang.

Yun Jhin's eyes narrowed as he watched his son's sickly and desiccated body start to return to it's prime as his soul was continuously burning quicker, the transformation between his body and soul was rather unstable as the body returned to his desiccated form after trying to reach it's prime form rather quickly while his soul continued to burn.

Yun Guanchen laughed as he shook his head:

"It seems I will have to do with this body, whatever, at least you can't turn invisible anymore."

Yun Jhin tried to do it only to have his ki blocked inside his body by some tiny chains that tied his ki to his ki pathways roughly.

"It seems you have learned quite a few new tricks, Yuan Fang..."

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