My Longevity Simulation

Chapter 121: Wooden Staff Overpowers Immortals

Chapter 121: Wooden Staff Overpowers Immortals

The mysterious ox-drawn carriage was evidently another stroke of fortune.

They were also unwilling to share it with strangers for no reason.

So next, they only called upon their own friends to explore the secrets here.

Chen An was one of them.

But though there were now more explorers, the result remained the same.

All were beaten out by the wooden staff.

Things continued this way for half a month, still at an impasse.

Clearly, this group was not clever enough.

And inevitably, the moving white mist drew the attention of other cultivators outside.

Every day new cultivators discovered the secrets within and entered.

However, upon learning of the circumstances here, they also chose to keep it secret.

But they could not prevent the growing crowds outside the ox cart.

Clearly, if this continued, sooner or later the matter would become common knowledge among all in the Cong Yun Sea.

But by then, even if there really was some opportunity here, it would no longer be their turn.

So they decided to seek outside help.

Clever outside help.

And Li Fan, who had left a deep impression on Chen An at Cloud Water Heavenly Palace, naturally became one of the candidates for outside help.

"If fellow Daoist is interested, come to the vicinity of Yutang Island in Cong Yun Sea, and in time someone will lead you here."

"An ox cart, interesting." In his previous life, Li Fan had not heard of this matter.

But since he was free and had nothing to do, and there seemed no danger to life over there, there was no harm in going to take a look.

Li Fan made some preparations and then traveled through the teleportation array to Yutang Island.

Upon seeing Li Fan, the guardian of the island's eyes lit up.

"You must be fellow Daoist Li Fan. I am Zhou Ningchang, a good friend of Chen An's. Please come with me." Without any delay, he directly led Li Fan flying towards the location of the ox cart.

As they flew, Zhou Ningchang briefed Li Fan on the latest developments.

"Fellow Daoist Li Fan, Chen An has probably already told you the general situation. This ox treads on water without stopping for a moment. Although its pace is not fast, it keeps moving forward."

Zhou Ningchang's expression was a bit distressed: "The route forward of this ox is a straight line. Based on our guesses, it seems to be heading straight for Cloud Water Heavenly Palace in the center of Cong Yun Sea."

"At the ox's current speed, it will enter Cloud Water Heavenly Palace in at most another month. That ghostly place is filled with anomalies. It's hard to say what changes might occur once the ox enters. So we'd best find a way in before that."

"Otherwise, even if we're reluctant, we'll have to give up." Zhou Ningchang said.

"Cloud Water Heavenly Palace..." Li Fan's gaze focused. He had not expected this ox cart to be related to the sect that had collapsed thousands of years ago.

After Zhou Ningchang finished briefing him, the two flew on in silence. After flying for most of the day, they saw in the distance a large mass of white fog slowly moving across the sea.

"We're here!" Zhou Ningchang said, then took the lead flying into the mist.

Li Fan had already locked onto Zhou Ningchang with Formless Killing Intent. Activating Vision of Heaven and Earth, he observed the situation within the mist, confirming there was no ambush before slowly flying in.

Already gathered around the ox were about seventy or eighty people. Most had bruised faces and swollen noses, looking rather miserable.

Unconcerned by the new arrival, they continued discussing loudly.

Chen An waved Li Fan over.

Li Fan went to Chen An's side and listened to their debate.

"That mouthless freak, it's easy to figure out. You can't speak, not even communicate mentally, or it'll throw you out."

"Right. The key is that guy with the staff."

"Although it doesn't endanger your life, damn does it hurt to get beaten!"

"You've only been here a few days? I've been pummeled over ten times already."

"Don't even mention it. Now I feel a little uncomfortable if I don't get thrashed once a day."


Chen An gave a wry smile as he explained to Li Fan: "With no way in found for so long, everyone can only make the best of a bad situation."

"We still have to rely on fellow Daoist Li."

Chen An looked at Li Fan full of hope.

Li Fan shook his head: "So many people for so many days haven't figured it out. How could I be an exception? Fellow Daoist overestimates me."

"I can only try my best, don't get your hopes up too high."

Chen An nodded: "I naturally understand that. We'll just do what we can."

Li Fan then focused his attention on the straw hut ahead.

Just then, a newcomer went forward to try. Li Fan narrowed his eyes to observe closely.

Having learned from everyone's experience, the man silently approached the straw hut.

But before he could do anything, the muscular freak wielding a wooden staff suddenly glared at him angrily.

The staff in his hand flashed out like an arc of light, fiercely striking the cultivator.

With only time for a miserable shriek, he was sent flying without any ability to resist.

Only when outside the ox cart's range did he finally stabilize himself.

But from the agonized expression on his face, the blow was clearly heavy.

"What cultivation level is he?" Li Fan asked.

"Foundation Establishment late stage." Zhou Ningchang replied.

"There's also a Golden Core mid stage cultivator here, but like those in Qi Condensation, he doesn't have any ability to resist under that staff."

"As for higher, we didn't dare invite any." He added.

"Treated the same regardless of level." Li Fan narrowed his eyes. This trait reminded him of anomalies.

"Could this also be an anomaly?" Li Fan couldn't help voicing this doubt.

"If so, why doesn't this anomaly injure people?" Puzzled, Li Fan decided to try for himself.

Silently he flew close and landed in front of the straw hut, slowly striding forward.

The mouthless freak ignored him, but the one with the staff became angry as Li Fan approached.

Li Fan frowned and retreated.

The staff wielder's expression gradually returned to normal.

Li Fan considered, then continued forward. This time his pace was even slower, but the freak didn't want to play this game of testing boundaries with Li Fan.

The staff flew from his hand, fiercely striking Li Fan's body.

It felt like being viciously kicked in the stomach. Overwhelming force blasted out, sending Li Fan flying uncontrollably.

Li Fan sucked in a breath of cold air.

It really hurt!

Seeing Li Fan's attempt fail, the others were not too concerned and continued discussing in small groups how to try again tomorrow.

Li Fan on the other hand was recalling the scene, constantly pondering.

The next day, everyone began trying again.

One by one they were sent flying in succession.

It was somewhat comical.

When Li Fan's turn came, it was the same, no exception.

The third day.

The result remained unchanged.


Time passed day after day. Seeing they were getting closer and closer to Cloud Water Heavenly Palace, everyone seemed to be slowly losing patience.

Each day fewer and fewer people went to try.

Watching as all methods were exhausted to no avail against the cultivators, Li Fan vaguely had a guess.

So the next day when it came, Li Fan loudly said to everyone: "Would some fellow Daoist in the early Qi Condensation stage like to try advancing after dissolving their cultivation?"

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