My Martial Spirit is Nanobot

Chapter 173: Chapter 173 Common Trust

Ling Long, walking toward the life and death stage, noticed his gaze turned and glanced at Lin Lee. Seeing he was looking at her, instantly her expression became more cold. She turned her head away, passed by him, and walked toward the stage calmly.

Lin Lee glanced at her back speechlessly, th shook his head and ignored her temper; he was just interested in her duel right now.

"My offer is still valid; if you become my follower, th I will spare your life," Zhou Li said playfully, looking at her up and down.

'Ohh, Spare? Which means the life-and-death dual depds on the winner; if the winner wants, he can spare the loser's life; the rules are quite loose,' Lin Lee thought to himself, intriguingly looking at the stage.

"Be prepared; I won't show mercy." Ling Long replied coldly without caring about his nonsse.

Instantly a gap appeared on her palm, and a long sword blade appeared in her hand. It's a thin blade made from gre scales and leaves; the blade section is made from thin leaves, and the hilt is the gre-patterned scales attached on both sides of the blade.

"A very sharp sword," Lin Lee muttered, glanced at the sword in Ling Long's hand.

"Jade dragon grass sword, the special hairloom of the Jade Dragon family; I didn't expect I would see this unfortunate girl here," Xiao Ling muttered beside him in amazemt, th pity flashed through her eyes looking at the Ling Long.

'Unfortunate girl? Ev if your fortune is multiplied by a hundred, it can't reach her fortune,' Lin Lee thought strangely looking at Xiao Ling but didn't say it out, just asking her doubtfully, "Do you know her? Also, what's unfortunate about her?"


Just as Lin Lee asked doubtfully, both of them heard a sword-slashing sound, and a gre slash pierced the side of the stage and the g.

Lin Lee and Xiao Ling glanced at the Ling Long standing calmly, while Zhou Li sword and neck separated; his head and half sword fell on the g and rolled a on the stage.

Disciple below gulped, looking at the Ling Long on the stage,

"She was born with the dragon king roots, but overnight her jade dragon clan was annihilated and her roots were dug away by someone," Xiao Ling replied, deeply looking at the Ling Long, leaving the life and death stage with a cold expression on her face.

"Clan annihilation? Dragon King roots? Jade dragon grass sword? Can you explain in detail what these are? It's more interesting than I thought." Lin Lee asked thoughtfully, startled the Xiao Ling beside him; she turned and glanced at him in surprise, th fell silt.

After a while, she nodded and said, "Let's go; I will tell you on our way."

Lin Lee nodded and th turned a and walked toward the exit of the sect along with her.

"Can you tell me, are you an ascder?" Xiao Ling asked curiously, turning and glanced at him.

Lin Lee nodded and replied, "I am an ascder, rectly ascded here; can you explain to me what I know about the dragon king roots, the jade dragon sword, and other specialties of heavs? You know I am new here; I don't know anything."

Xiao Ling nodded th said, "I don't know much about lower worlds, but almost everyone knows that ascders don't know anything about immortal realms."

"Don't worry, as a fellow disciple, I will give you the special information about this heav." She th smiled and started explaining,

"Well, first let's start from heavs; there are thirty-three heavs, th the practice realms in heavs are divided into t major realms."

"Qi condsation, foundation, Jindan, Yuan ying, spirit transformation, immortal, immortal master or great immortal, immortal spirit, immortal king, immortal emperor."

Lin Lee's footstep halted hearing her explanation about realms: 'The immortal realms are the same, but I didn't expect there were basic realms before immortal realms.'

"Ar't childr born immortal in the heavs? I heard before every child is born immortal here." Lin Lee asked doubtfully, looking at her, and th moved forward.

Xiao Ling was startled, and th she smiled, shook her head, and said, raising her two fingers, "Actually, you are half right; this is the second thing I was about to tell you: the birth and talt in heavs decided on the basis of mortal and immortal roots."

Lin Lee realized something and nodded thoughtfully. 'Well, I understand; my question was baseless,' he thought to himself.

Xiao Ling th explained further, looking at his thoughtful face, "Actually, its common knowledge here; during the ancit era, the heavs law wasn't complete, and immortal birth was a common occurrce; ev some chos ones were born as the immortal king giants; now childr with true immortal roots are considered as chos ones; that's a huge differce in the ancit and prest era."

Lin Lee nodded and th asked curiously, "What about Ling Long? Was she born immortal because of her dragon king roots?"

Xiao Ling nodded with a smile and said, "Bingo, you understood so soon; if childr with true immortal roots and above are born, th they must be born immortals, and they are called chos ones, but the ratio of such childbirth in the first heav is extremely low compared to the thirty-third heav above." In the d, she sighed in pity.

Lin Lee nodded and th asked further, "What about the immortal weapons in the heavs, like the jade dragon grass sword in Ling Long's possession?"

"Actually, I don't know a lot of information about the treasures, but the treasures are divided into Basic Treasures, Great Treasures, True Treasures, Spirit Treasures, King Treasures, and Emperor Treasures. Also, there are rumors about treasures above Emperor Treasures; I don't know if it's true or not; my master once told me about it," Xiao Ling replied thoughtfully.

"Treasure above Emperor class," Lin Lee asked intriguingly.

"Yes, it sounds unbelievable, but my master told me the legd that wh the thirty-three heavs came into existce, each heav gave birth to a unique heavly treasure; there were a total of thirty-three. My master once countered a brok shard of something; he thought it was one of the brok pieces of a treasure; it was heavier than the thousand mountains similar to our sect mountain."

Xiao Ling th told the story about the legdary heavly treasures she heard from her master.

"I think it may be a rumor; don't take it seriously and look for them; you may waste your time." Xiao Ling th glanced at his thoughtful face; she reminded him hesitatingly,

Lin Lee nodded with a smile looking at her and said, "Thanks for the information; now I know a little details about the heavs. Also, don't worry; I am not an idiot. I will go and look for some lost treasures."

'Well, if my nanobots devour those legdary heavly treasures, th no one will be my oppont in heav and earth,' Lin Lee thought to himself intriguingly while walking calmly with Xiao Ling.

"Well, that's the sect exit; after passing that, we can use our sword for traveling purposes," Xiao Ling pointed at the direction of the trance and exit of sect near the edge of the stairs they are walking on.

"Why don't they allow the disciples to fly on these stairs? It will save time," Lin Lee asked curiously, looking at the stairs edge and exit in front of him.

"Well, this stair is the most important area of sect; it is secured by the formation, and each step contains a differt detection mechanism. That's why flying above is not allowed; ev elders must walk on these stairs," Xiao Ling replied, pointing at the base of the mountain, which is the most vulnerable part of the whole sect mountain. Stairs are located above it.

Lin Lee nodded calmly. 'That old Lg could fly above it without any problem; it seems he must be a very high-ranking person in the sect or ev the sect lord himself,' he thought and th crossed the exit thoughtfully.

After walking for a while following the Xiao Ling, Lin Lee noticed something raised his head and glanced at the trees a and the path in the middle.

After a while, they both appeared near the cliff and stopped looking at the direction of the cloud in front of him.

'Cliff and forest, is this still a mountain, those stairs located halfway on the mountain, th the whole sect? How huge is this mountain?' He thought in surprise, looking at the cloud; he couldn't see below the dse cloud's,

Lin Lee th turned and glanced at the Xiao Ling and said playfully, "This place is not that remote from the sect; are you sure about sneak attacking me here? Why don't we go deep in the cloud and th you can attack me there?"

Xiao Ling was startled, hearing his words and th glanced at him, she replied in surprise, "What are you talking about? It seems the place you came from doesn't have something called common trust among fellow disciples."

... Chapter End ...

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