My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 121 - 119 I Have General Duo Lai (3K)_1

Chapter 121: Chapter 119 I Have General Duo Lai (3K)_1

Translator: 549690339 |

On one side of the treasure tree, in an area about two hundred meters away.

The representatives from all three parties officially came face to face.

Each of them only brought a few types of soldiers – if they had come with all their troops, it would not be a negotiation of Battle Will, but a direct battle.

To the left and right of Mu Yuan were the generals Dead Bone and Duo Lai.

By his side stood Lu Liu, the sword bearer, while Seventeen, with sharp eyes scanning the surroundings, stood behind him.

On his hand, he still wore the Soul Orb formed by Hong Yi and Rakshasa.

Coming from the left was a young female leader. She was dressed in a moon-white robe that did not show her figure, and hung several ornaments that were likely special items on the outside of her robe.

Next to the young female leader was a griffin and three soldiers, two women and one man.

The male soldier was dressed in bright silver armor and held a red spear. He was probably a Halberd Guard.

One of the female soldiers had long, flaxen hair draped over her shoulders, and her hands had a habitual tendency to come together. Mu Yuan guessed that she was a nun.

In the end, the one holding a staff and wearing the same moon-white robe was likely a rare one-star mage.

These were all just guesses, nothing was certain.

The ‘One Glance to Identify’ skill of the lord could only work on wild monsters and could not pry into others.

On the other hand, lords often equip their generals with advanced equipment. This not only greatly enhances the power of their subordinates, but it also makes it difficult for outsiders to discern the basics of the army from their appearance.

– This only applies to soldier types whose physical appearances are quite ordinary.

On the right was the young lord who had just spoken first.

There were three soldiers each holding large swords and shields in front of him, and behind him were two gunmen holding firearms.

At first glance, the elite under the command of the young lord was not as impressive as the young female leader- neither the extravagance of the equipment nor the rarity of the soldier type could match up.


While appearance can deceive, intuition cannot.

Seventeen, who was growing increasingly intuitive due to his ‘Mind Arrow’ talent, stated that these people in front of them were not weak, they might even be very strong.

There was a quiet hint of pressure.

There are several conventional modes of Battle Will.

Such as the best of three rounds;

Or dividing the treasure into two, three, four parts, and deciding the ownership of a portion of the treasure with each round.

However, the first two methods are too cumbersome.

This location was simply a relatively precious treasure spot in the Secret Realm.

Both Mu Yuan and the female leader defaulted to the winner-takes-all mode.

The draw was quickly concluded.

The first round was between the female leader and the young lord.

Mu Yuan played the role of an onlooker witness.

“Hmm, the first rule is to stop when called.”

“Second, both parties, please send out your generals at the same time.”

From the side of the female leader, the female mage in the moon-white robe came out with her staff.

As for the young lord…

None of his generals stepped forward from his side.

He himself took several steps forward, raised his palm facing outwards, and suddenly, the Lord’s Seal on the back of his hand lit up, summoning a giant shadow.

It appeared with a bang!

Casting a large shadow.


A rare two-star level Giant soldier type!

He was over eight meters tall, with his whole body wrapped in hard and thick armor, only revealing a pair of squinted eyes. He squeezed his palm and stepped forward slowly, the eyes under his mask coldly overlooking the tiny mage facing him.

An indescribable sense of oppression came over them.

The female leader instinctively took a half-step back, and a look of stupefaction appeared on her pretty face.

“How, how can this be?”

“A new lord, huh.”

The young man looked at the female lord, then gazed at Mu Yuan, who was entirely concealed in a tin helmet, with an unreadable expression, “Hiding a few tricks while traveling is basic etiquette. Let me, as a senior, give you newcomers a lesson, with the treasure tree serving as the tuition fee.”

The giant took a step forward and gradually started to run towards the female mage.

Without a doubt, he could turn the female mage into a paste with a swing of his palm.

But the combat instinct of the rare mage was not lacking, aided by the lord behind her who quickly regained her senses and began directing her. She raised her staff high and a small bit of orange-red flame emerged, followed by rapid magnification, transforming into a large fireball over two meters in diameter, glowing hotly and fiercely, and shot towards the Giant.

“It looks like she is indeed a rare one-star ‘Mage’. This type of soldier usually awakens ‘Fireball’, ‘Ice Cone’, ‘Wind Blade’ and other abilities, and this mage’s fireball technique is obviously utilizing energy compression techniques.”

The fireball’s diameter was not as large as when Duo Lai used to wield the Shaman Staff, but the energy was concentrated. Under the giant’s attempt to block with his fist, it exploded mid-air.

A dazzling blaze emerged, spreading out into a fiery canopy covering dozens of meters around them.

However, the next moment, the giant, protected under his thick armor, burst out of the fire and punched down brutally.


The earth trembled and countless cracks encased a visible fist imprint.

But there was no trace of the splattered mage.

In the brief moment just now, a breeze manifested from her staff, wrapping around her and propelling her away by two or three dozen meters.

The mage, who had just set foot on the ground again, once again raised her staff high, and an orange-red flame quickly ignited, transforming into a huge fireball several meters in diameter, which was somewhat unstable.

Before she could throw it out, a huge figure emerged from the smoke and dust, moving with agility and speed that did not match his bulky figure. He flew forward and stepped heavily on the mage.

Boom !

This time he hit her, and the ground quivered violently.

The fireball exploded like a popped balloon, and the flames scattered like water.

A figure was rolling out from the smoky fire. She was still whole, with a faint egg-shaped glow around her that shattered into countless particles of light and disappeared with a pop.

“It’s the Great Amulet.”

She had at least two rare equipment items on her! She’s rich!

However, the female leader conceded in the next second.

“A wise choice.”

The young Lord’s mouth curled up into a smile as he turned to look at Mu Yuan, “It’s your turn.”

The dust cloud gradually dissipated, revealing the giant that showed no signs of injury. The only damage was a slight scorch mark on the gauntlet that had blocked the fiery fireball just now.

He stood like an invincible giant, guarding in front of the precious tree.

“Or, you could choose to admit defeat? That’s also an option.”

Mu Yuan looked at the giant.

Its level was approximately at the peak of the Professional Level, and there was a small chance it had entered the Elite-level.

It was also dressed in sturdy armor and probably had rare equipment on its body. It also had the command of a Lord, which made it slightly easier to deal with than the Earth Rock Dragon.

Seventeen could not compete against it.

The odds were not high with Lu Liu either.

However, for Hong Yi, whose attacks targeted the spirit, such opponents were a good match.

This was the advantage of having a ‘wide pool of generals’.

‘Mages’ were actually at a disadvantage in the Battle of Wills, but the Female Leader probably had no choice; that was the type of soldier she had invested the most resources and had the highest level.

This ‘Mage’ also showed formidable combat power.

The Female Leader was likely a top-ranked contender.


At this moment, Duo Lai chose to fight.

Mu Yuan contemplated and said, “That’s fine.”

For safety, let General Duo Lai slay the giant.

Duo Lai, in a blue robe with her hair fluttering in the wind, entered the battlefield with empty hands.

The second round of the Precious Tree Cup silently began!

It was like spring coming twice.

Duo Lai extended her fair palm, a seedling of fire condensed in the palm, which expanded into a fiery hot fireball in an instant.

Another, another mage?

Fact has proven that Mages are far from a match for the giant. This must indeed be a new Lord who hasn’t been beaten down by society.

Perhaps it’s a top-ranking newcomer.

But no matter how top-ranking, she’s still a newcomer.

The giant swung his fist, smashing the fireball and disintegrating the crackling flame. He charged forward slightly but just after taking a step, another flaming fireball hurtled straight towards his face.

He had to raise his hand to smash this fireball.

Broken flames exploded in the sky once again.

“But the giant is still unharmed. His defence is too terrifying,” the Female Leader murmured.

The next second, however,

One, two, three, four…

The blue-haired girl extended her fair palms, and fireball after fireball condensed and fired intermittently, as if there was no need for chanting, and the energy output didn’t seem to need a break in between.

This continuous bombardment hit the giant’s raised arm.

The firelight exploded, evoking a mist.

The giant was bombarded to the point where his figure shook, and he couldn’t stop himself from stepping backwards, again and again.



“It’s shattered!”

The wrist guard the giant was wearing cracked open, and his arm became scorched under the exploding flames.

Seeing this, the Female Leader perked up as if she herself had waged a victorious move. She clenched her fist and punched the air forcefully.


The giant roared, pulling off the gauntlet with one hand. The next moment, the energy within his body surged out, and streams of energy wrapped and twined around his arm, transforming into a translucent energy armor that dispelled the flaming fireball.

Energy wrapping, energy shaping?


A twenty-foot long energy chain, an inch-by-inch, woven spread was formed in the giant’s clenched palm.

This was energy armor!

This was the symbol of a soldier transitioning into the elite level!

Not only could they shape energy into a protective armor for themselves, but they could also naturally evolve the energy suitable for the specific individual’s energy weapon.

This can also be added to their original equipment, greatly enhancing their destructive power and defensive power.

However, ‘energy armor’ requires skill to use, and also severely consumes the soldiers themselves. Once their energy is insufficient, they can’t maintain it.

At this moment, the giant not only demonstrated the energy armor. His speed and burst power had also improved.

Or rather, when he was dealing with the female mage just now, he was withholding his power.

Now, the giant was displaying his complete capability.

This was a lesson for newcomers from the old Lord and the Old Silver Coin.

The two men’s gazes intersected, then they turned back to the battleground.

The giant launched into a rampage. Unfitting to his bulky figure, he maintained a tremendous speed and the dim orange flames flared on his body. He swung the chain, clearing away the flaming fireballs and set off a series of explosions in midair every time a fireball darted towards him.

The enormous chain, spinning like a grating wheel, swept across the ground, kicked up the dust and clanged against massive rocks. In the giant’s hands, it appeared like a giant python lunging at the petite, fragile, slow mage who looked like she was about to get shattered and torn apart by the chain in the next second.

It hit thin air.

Rock fragments and dust shot up more than ten meters high, like powerful explosives repeatedly detonating, but there was no sign of the blue-haired mage.

Where did she go? What kind of skill did she use?

The young lord suddenly looked up.

Dozens of meters in the air, a girl stood there without the support of wings or swirling winds.

She just stood there, her sky-blue hair naturally falling, as if standing on the ground.

Yet she was high above in the sky.

Looking down on them all..

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