My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 148 - 144 - The Brilliance of Gold and

Chapter 148: Chapter 144 – The Brilliance of Gold and

Purple, Han Yue (3K) __1

Translator: 549690339

After passing through the golden archway of the secret realm, a white jade cobblestone road appeared before his eyes.

The road was wide enough for two or three carriages to ride abreast. Every few dozen meters stood a majestic arch resembling a doorway. On either side were quaint two-story and three-story buildings. Between the buildings hung a number of large red lanterns, their long tassels swaying in the wind, creating a festive scene.

After passing about three archways, he arrived at a vast square. There were quite a few alleys around him like the one he had come from, and in the distance, there were wide steps that went straight up to the end of the line of sight, where a massive and simple bronze gate stood closed in front of a grand ancient hall shrouded in mist.

Perhaps because the secret realm had just opened and it was not yet six in the morning, there weren’t many people around. He only saw a few or more budding lords like himself, looking around curiously.

But he believed that it wouldn’t be long before this place became bustling.


‘Hint: You have entered the “Festival Grounds”. This secret realm is a safe zone where the use of power is restricted, and those who start disputes maliciously will be repelled by the secret realm.’

‘Hint: The titles are invisible to outsiders. The heroes waiting to be recruited can only see ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ titles from themselves. Also, the more titles a lord has, the more information they can see from the potential heroes.’

At this moment,

Mu Yuan was wearing black armour that enveloped his entire body, he was gazing down and fiddling with something, just like many other lords.

Suddenly, someone not far away shouted, “Hahaha, Griffon breeder, I’ve really formed a rare title! This will definitely help me recruit heroes!”

Some envied him.

Some were speechless as they looked at their solitary ‘Mayor’ title.

Motes of light started drifting out from within Mu Yuan, scattering around him, where it began to coalesce amidst the surrounding white mist.


The standard title appeared in white, making it look particularly unimpressive.


[Explorer], [Pioneer], [Enemy of Monsters], [Tycoon]… he actually had the ‘Tycoon’ title too? Despite being poor all the time!

[New King], [Sword Mastery], [Gun Mastery], [Spell Mastery], [Man of Battle], [Micro-Operation Master], [Individual of Talent],…, [Gun Intent], [Thunder Intent], etc., he had exactly seventeen titles formed by him personally, showcasing his many specialties.

Among them, ‘Gun Intent’, ‘Thunder Intent’, ‘Man of Battle’, and

‘Micro-Operation Master’ were all blue rank titles.

[Goblin Slayer], [Snake Destroyer], [Barren Land], [Three Feet Below], [Victor in Battle], [Enemy of Divine Servants],…

These were the titles obtained from Tianyuan Territory’s raids from south to north.

[Fertile Land], [Full of Talent], [Peace and Prosperity], [Practice Ground], [Mage Territory]…

These were the titles formed based on the rare buildings in his domain. Their number was not high and having a rare building didn’t necessarily mean a title would form.

Among them ‘Land of the Undead’, ‘Forest of Ten Thousand Trees’, and ‘Mage Territory’ were blue rank titles, even though there wasn’t a single real mage in his Tianyuan Territory.

When these were formed, he had dozens of titles.

But it was far from over.

His greatest strength was yet unformed.

[Skeleton Legions], [Night Parade of a Hundred Spirits], [Undead Noble Guest],

[Treeman Troops], [Fairy of Flowers], [Friend of Nature],…

[Friend of Elements],…

[Friend of the Nun] and so on.

Among them, ‘Undead Noble Guest’ was a purple rank title, ‘Friend of Nature’ was a blue rank title, but ‘Friend of the Nun’ was only a green rank title.

Presumably because there were too few nuns. If they hadn’t evolved to the priest level, there might not even have been a title formed.

Mu Yuan quickly skimmed through these titles and turned his gaze to the most dazzling ones among them.

[Mighty Troops], a purple rank title.

[Generals Like Rain], also a purple rank title.

[Matchless Even Among Kings], a light golden title.

[Enlightenment], a golden title.

[Emperor’s Path], another golden title.

Three gold and three purples, his competitiveness wasn’t too shabby.

Mu Yuan couldn’t gauge how strong the top lords who had been developing for more than two years had become. Some of them might even have established cities and commanded large armies.

If they were to calculate based on the development of over two and a half years for the Lord of Han Yue, she probably would have already reached a peerless state.

However, Mu Yuan had almost understood the rules of the festival, and could upgrade his troops significantly to enhance his own competitiveness.

“The actualized titles are also a kind of hint, telling the lord what their strengths are, and in which direction they can develop… This is the hidden benefit of the hero festival, it depends on whether the lords can perceive it.”

He took a tour and appreciated the scenery of the secret realm.

However, since the festival hadn’t started yet, he planned to return and come back on the day of the opening… He had heard that on the official opening day of the festival, there would be unlimited food available. He thought Duo Lai might like that.

He was just on his way back.

“Big Boss!”

“Big Boss Tianyuan!”

Mu Yuan instinctively looked back and saw a girl tentatively calling out to him.

The girl was wearing a moon-white robe, her hood pulled up, revealing a flawless and exquisite face, and faintly visible cyan blue hair.

It seemed to be…

“Liu Miumiu?”

“The big boss really remembers me~!”

Mu Yuan had only seen Liu Miumiu from afar in the Secret Realm of Challenge. They were not familiar at all. However, this girl had a somewhat unique aura, like tranquil water, which he found somewhat familiar. He recalled her after only two seconds of thought.

Compared to Liu Miumiu, his attire was completely different from the one he wore during the Secret Realm of Challenge.

“How did you recognize me?”


“If I see the back, I know it’s you- (proud face)”

She paused again and asked, “Do you have time, boss? Uh… that is… my sister wants to meet you.”

Why are you using speech that suggests a misunderstanding?!

It took a while for Mu Yuan to understand what was going on, it had a lot to do with his secret identity.

On the forum, it seemed that Tianyuan Territory had lost its heat. In reality, domestic and even international forces were trying to uncover the identity of Lord Tianyuan.

The domestic forces began to suspect that Lord Tianyuan did not belong to the elite.

After all, there were only so many second-generation elites of the right age and background. The moment investigation started, potential people were eliminated one by one.

This made the major forces even more concerned; whoever could find Tianyuan would have the chance to make an ally of a future Great Lord.

Foreign forces mainly harbored either an intent to rally behind him or destroy him on time.

“There’s a four-billion-dollar reward on the dark web to reveal your real identity and territorial coordinates. It’s likely from a person with bad intentions, don’t fall for it!”

Do I look that naive to you?

Well, to tell the truth, the four billion dollars could be exchanged for a lot of Soul Crystal Coins. He really was tempted for a moment.

Just where is this dark web?

Liu Miumiu quickly summed up the situation and asked, “Do you have time to meet my sister for afternoon tea?”

After thinking for a moment, Mu Yuan asked, “How should we meet?”

If it was to be a real-world meet-up, then he would decline directly. However, if the meeting place was considered convenient, quick, and safe, he would be open to it.

After all, he’d have to deal with more and more such situations in the future.

He might encounter some tracking methods that he couldn’t anticipate. Liu Miumiu’s elder sister, the Lord of Han Yue City, was held in high regard within the Tai Xuan Alliance and had an excellent reputation.

She was a seemingly wealthy and powerful woman.

At this point, Liu Miumiu took out a crescent-shaped key from the storage ring.

“This key will open the small public secret realm, the ‘Elf’s Courtyard.’ The courtyard is a combat-forbidden secret realm just like the Festival Secret Realm. My sister said that she will arrange it there, so she could meet you whenever necessary.”

Mu Yuan thought for a moment and accepted the Key to the Secret Region, “Alright.”

“I just asked my sister, and she is free now. How about now?”

“Okay, I’ll come in a while.”

Liu Miumiu hopped back to her own encampment.

Mu Yuan took a few looks at the key to the secret realm in his hand and also walked towards the entrance. Just as he was about to leave the main gate… ‘Ping!’

‘Reminder: Detecting the Item “Secret Realm’s Key (Elf’s Courtyard)” is moving cross-domain. An additional payment of 3.5 Soul Crystals is required. Do you wish to pay?’

Mu Yuan:”… Damn, the secret realm is such a rip-off!”

Luckily, Lord Shepherd always carried money on him, otherwise, he might have to let Dead Bone or Duo Lai bring money to the rescue.

Why didn’t Liu Miumiu give a heads up?

Oh, maybe she assumed we knew all about it? But we’re neither elite-second gen nor from a rich civilian background.

Or maybe, could she think, there wouldn’t be people that can’t even afford to pay a few Soul Crystals, right?

Mu Yuan was thinking painfully. If it were not for the fortune he earned, he wouldn’t even have had two Soul Crystals to his name.

With this thought, he went into the warehouse, grabbed a dozen or so Soul Crystals, put them into the storage ring, and then placed the Key to the Secret Region inside.

The third Space Gate opened above the Lord’s Altar, making the place look a bit crowded.

Mu Yuan reached out to touch, contemplated for a while, and chose to load the Duo Lai Template without turning into Lu Liu. He adjusted his appearance a bit, then stepped in.

‘Reminder: You have entered the ‘Elf’s Courtyard’ secret realm. This realm is a peaceful realm. Combat is forbidden, and only lords or heroes can enter.’ As Liu Miumiu had said, the whole secret realm wasn’t large. From afar, he could see the rolling gray fog which marked the end of the Secret Realm. It was like an island in the sky floating above the boundless gray fog. There were various kinds of flowers planted here, streams of water flowing, small bridges and pavilions, and lush greenery that conjured up beautiful scenery.

Liu Miumiu, who was far off, waved her hand and led him to a building that looked like a coffee shop.

“Follow me.”

As they walked in, a server in a black and white maid dress welcomed them softly, “Welcome-”

They were not humans. Even though they had delicate features, flaxen hair draped over their shoulders, large eyes, and fair skin, there was a prominent joint connection at their elbow and knee distinct to humans.

Mu Yuan, due to his sharp observation skills, took a quick glance without lingering.

His attention had already shifted to a woman who was walking over from afar. Her appearance was similar to Liu Miumiu’s, but it was hard to associate them unless they were placed together for comparison.


She was as frosty as ice, her icy gaze, entrancing, yet inscrutable.

She seemed like a fairy descending to the world, undefeatable and peerless.

Is this what a true bigwig looks like?

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