My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 293 - 247 Pan Shi City and Extreme Sublimation (3K)_1

Chapter 293: Chapter 247 Pan Shi City and Extreme Sublimation (3K)_1

“This type of armored train is said to be independently developed by the Tai Xuan Alliance, with a large passenger capacity and high stability. Even during the period of the Red Fog Disaster Moon, it can still operate stably.”

“Of course, if it’s during the most intense days of the Disaster Moon, when the entire frontline city is besieged by waves, then the armored train can’t get there.”

“The one we see before us looks like it’s the Blackwater Dragon Type 3 Train.” Isloa glanced at it a few times, then affirmed.

She reads a lot of extracurricular books, acting under the principle that the more knowledge the better, whether it’s useful or not she reads them and then inputs them into her Starlight Magic Sphere System.

She aims to be a human library.

Of course, it’s still currently under construction.

Duo Lai is different. Apart from the few “wow, cool” amazed exclamations, she can’t say anything else.

Mu Yuan is also very curious about the armored train, a new type of transportation.

However, compared to him as a ‘greenhand’, others are very familiar with the armored train. Most players travel between cities by taking the armored train.

Otherwise, how could ordinary players have the power and time to travel to other places?

During wartime, the Tai Xuan Alliance relies on armored trains to constantly transport supplies and reinforcements from the mainland to frontline cities like Shiling Town.

Soon, it was time for the train to depart.

Except for the Azure Bird fortunately selected by Mu Yuan and carried into the lord’s space, everyone else purchased tickets and got on the train.

After all, this is a train between the frontline and the rear. There isn’t much interior decoration and everything is focused on practicality.

Duo Lai was quite excited before getting on the train, but once on it, her small face fell.

The seats were hard. There was noise everywhere, but it was okay. What Duo could not stand was…

She had been looking through the window with disappointment.

The so-called window was more like a shooting hole, very narrow, with countless bars of steel armor welded outside, tightly wrapping the entire carriage.

It’s not at all like the trains on Lanxing!

Although Duo Lai has never ridden a train on Lanxing either.

“This is normal. The safety is the most important thing for an armored train. Everything like comfort and scenery has to step aside in front of safety.”

Mu Yuan said.

In actuality, the interior of the armored train is not only uncomfortable, it’s also filled with various bloody smelly scents, which are very unpleasant. However, players are either already used to it, or are controlling bodies in the Eternal World via media and can’t smell it.

Mu Yuan didn’t say he was used to the smell, but at least he could tolerate it.

After all, he had searched for Soul Sand in piles of corpses.

The speed of the armored train was very fast.

Even during the Red Fog Disaster Moon period, riding the train is much faster and safer than flying or fighting.

However, the sounds of gunfire and monster hits are incessant.

Mu Yuan saw a monster smack onto the armor of the train on his side. The carriage didn’t even shake, clearly demonstrating the high safety factor of the armored train. He imagined that the train would stop and fight with a wave of monsters for three hundred rounds due to an accident, but that probably wouldn’t happen.

Some old players picked up bows and arrows or firearms, set them on the shooting holes, and shot outside.

The bored Duo Lai took the hint and stretched out one finger, then inserted it into the shooting hole and ejected flames outside.

Mu Yuan and Dead Bone sat in their seats. They wouldn’t just sit idle, so they grabbed a couple of Soul Crystals and began to practice.

However, Isloa was looking around, apparently taking notes.

About a dozen hours later, the armored train arrived at Pan Shi City.

“Beep- Pan Shi East Station has arrived. Please disembark from the train in an orderly manner. Remember to take your carry-on items and accompanying troops.”

“Beep- Pan Shi City welcomes your arrival.”

“Pan Shi City has simple folk customs, hospitable local residents, a wide variety of specialty goods, and…”

Since they entered by train, Mu Yuan couldn’t see the magnificent walls of Pan Shi City from outside, but from inside the city looking out, he could get a glimpse.

Standing under the city wall, it feels as small as an ant.

The city wall is tens of meters high, with an invisible enchantment extending towards the sky.

Any flying monster can’t cross the city wall to enter the city.

“With such a city wall as protection, you can truly feel safe.”

Mu Yuan admired.

General Dead Bone nodded, setting a small goal for his own territory to build such a wall as well.

Not only is the city wall lofty, but the city of Pan Shi is also very prosperous, with various tall buildings lined up, and broad roads with alchemical vehicles coming and going.

People come and go on the streets, but it’s not easy to tell who are players and who are local residents.

Because, even the players, many of them don’t wear swords and armors here, but they go out in ordinary clothes, just like in the cities of Lanxing. Only, the local customs here are more robust than Lanxing’s.

There are people wearing casual clothes, fully armed people, and people followed by a group of big muscle-bound troops.

Various types, all mixed together.

“You can hardly tell that this place is also on the frontline.”

Mu Yuan marvelled.

Pan Shi City is indeed on the frontline — this territory has been established for a long time. To the north of Pan Shi City, countless subsequent territories were established.

However, to the west of Pan Shi City is one of the well-known Jedi within the Tai Xuan Alliance’s territory – the Dark Forest.

In high-risk areas like the Dark Forest, new territories won’t be born. Naturally, Pan Shi City is a frontline city and the gateway of the Tai Xuan Alliance to the Dark Forest.

Keeping a close eye on the movement of the monster forces within it.

Following the flow of people, Mu Yuan and one other departed from Pan Shi East Station. The night had already fallen,but the city was brightly lit, as Duo Lai used her pocket money to buy various snacks along the way.

“Here, these are for you guys. This one is for Lord, this one is for Brother Dead Bone, and this one is for Isloa.”

Isloa figured since they were already here, they had Duo Lai, who was like a walking storage vehicle. Wouldn’t it be a loss if they didn’t purchase some equipment to take back?

She received a sum of money from the Lord and dove into the crowd to shop.

Brother Dead Bone…

General Dead Bone silently stayed by his Lord’s side, maintaining vigilance on the passersby.

“Brother Dead Bone is definitely the least troublesome and money-saving.”

That was what Mu Yuan thought to himself.

They spent their night sleeplessly scouting around.

Quickly, it was the next day. Mu Yuan, Brother Dead Bone, a few others, and a bird, went to the ‘Dengtian Pavilion’ in the inner city.

This pavilion was the highest level breakthrough building in Pan Shi City. According to the introduction, its core was an Excellent Tier building. The Lord of Pan Shi City had set up various formations and equipment on this foundation, giving it a strong boost effect.

The Dengtian Pavilion is also open for outsiders, but its price… even the secondary breakthrough room costs a pretty penny to rent for just one day, it’s very expensive.

“Even so, the breakout rooms in the Dengtian Pavilion are often fully booked. Most of the time, without connections, you can’t get a spot.”

Isloa relayed the information she’s gathered the previous night.

Mu Yuan didn’t care.

They didn’t need to use these breakout rooms, so regardless of how expensive they were, it had nothing to do with him.

Instead, this time watching the breakthrough to the Legendary Realm is said to be led by the Lord of Pan Shi City, it was quite a profitable business. There were a lot of people gathering outside the Dengtian Pavilion, even if most of them were just spectators, just the ticket income from the one-tenth who would buy a ticket to enter the pavilion…

Tsk tsk tsk.

Mu Yuan darlingwon’t admit that he’s envious.

“Brother Mu?”

“So, you really came to watch and learn.”

An familiar voice sounded, and a certain Mr. Tan appeared from the crowd.

Mr. Tan looked beside Mu Yuan but he didn’t see the dark-haired female president, instead he saw a menagerie of one male and two females.

The male warrior wore a full suit of black armor, and was not very noticeable. The female Mage was shrouded in a large cloak with the hood pulled up, and one could only vaguely see that she was a long-haired woman.

With this kind of outfit, he guessed that these were Brother Mu’s men.

Mr. Tan also brought two or three of his men. Before he came to Pan Shi City, he had hired two senior players to accompany him. However, upon arriving at the city, he let the two players go off on their own.

There was no surprise that Mu Yuan, who was currently in his original form, would be recognized.

Not only by Mr. Tan, he also saw some other acquaintances.

Lord Zhou Ye, who had visited his territory a few days ago, as well as Liu Miumiu accompanied by the Pure Water Princess.

“Feels like a familiar gaze?”

Liu Miumiu turned around.

But she saw a crowd bustling with people, without a familiar figure in sight.

She shook her head and said to the Pure Water Princess Fei Xi, “Although we are still far from the Legendary Realm, it’s always right to take this opportunity to observe.”

The main thing was, she heard that many of her acquaintances had also come, so she couldn’t just be salty fish.

What Mu Yuan did not expect was that Old Brother Mai Wa also came to join in on the fun.

“After all, the opportunity to witness the Legendary Realm with your own eyes is extremely rare. If you miss this one, you may not encounter it again in your lifetime.”

Old Brother Mai Wa chuckled.

The fact that a mere ranger player would spend Soul Crystals to enter the venue made Mr. Tan take a second glance.

” Thanks to Brother Mu’ s fortune, my position in the commercial bank has risen quite fast.” He was referring to the business of selling Remnant Souls.

After a pause, Old Brother Mai Wa added, “You guys probably don’t know much about the breakthrough to the Legendary Realm. I specially asked someone about it before coming here.”

“Between the Fourth-order Peak and the Legendary Realm, there is a chasm-like distance. For this, the breakthrougher needs to burn themselves, to burn their own energy, spirit, will, and even life force, to enter the ‘Extreme Sublimation’ state and have a slight chance of touching that door standing in the clouds.”

“The entire breakthrough process requires you to put all your chips on the table. If you don’t succeed, then you continue to lose.”

“Therefore, in ancient times when an ascension to the Legendary Realm failed, there was only one way: to fall. But in modern times, through the arrangement of rituals and the use of auxiliary elixirs, the risks can be greatly reduced, and failure does not necessarily result in death.”

Mu Yuan actually knew about this information already.

But Mr. Tan was surprised, as these were bit too high-end for him.

“But isn’t it said that as long as you possess the three elements of the Legendary, you can definitely cross the Legendary Chasm?”

Old Brother Mai Wa shook his head, “It’s just a high probability, not a certainty. Moreover, in the three elements of the Legendary, only ‘Domain’ and ‘Light of Will’ have specific standards, but ‘Body Beyond Limits’ does not have a clear boundary, it varies from person to person.”

“Strong people who possess all three elements of the Legendary are actually rare. Among those who are preparing for the breakthrough this time, I heard that most do not possess it. Because of this, they need to use the ‘Dengtian Pavilion’ to help them enter the Ultimate Sublimation State with external forces. Some strong people even break through to the Legendary with this external force.”

“For those who possess all three elements, they do not need external help and can enter the Ultimate Sublimation State on their own. However, if they were to breakthrough in this Dengtian Pavilion, I guess they would be even more secure.”

Old Brother Mai Wa shook his head at the end, “All of these I just heard from a friend, it’s just like reading a scripture.”

“But I think that most of the people here, like us, are just joining in on the hot topic and want to witness the birth of the Legendary. Those who really come here with the aim to observe and learn are likely… few and far between.”

Mu Yuan: “…”

Could he be the only pure learner here?

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