My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 307: 251: Top-level Devouring, Soldiers Approaching the Nest (4K)_3

There is a beauty in numbers.

“I’m invincible now.” Benduo boasted.

“Perhaps I’m even stronger than Brother Dead Bone-”

Of course, this illusion only lingered in his mind for a moment.

If Brother Dead Bone hadn’t advanced to the fourth order, this thought might have some validity, but now… Duo Lai thinks it’s better for him to remain as the Second of Tianyuan.

Being second is also quite powerful.

Duo Lai attacks in the form of a Slime Knight, joining the troop legion.

Mu Yuan stands in front of the troops, sweeping his gaze over everyone.

“Best wishes, everyone, for a victorious return.”

“Victorious return!”

Skeletons raise their bone swords and shout to the heavens.


Meanwhile, elsewhere…

Lords who understand that time is opportunity swiftly gather and head into battle. It only took them a few hours from when they first heard the news toget to the verge of the filthy region.

This is time seized by hordes of fully activated troop legions, initiating breakout assaults one after another.

At the moment, these hordes are still shimmering with brilliance, carrying the embryonic forms of the Army Souls like heavy swords, iron armor, scythes, and logs over them.

They are slaughtering one group after another of monsters bursting out from within the filthy region.

The process is rather easy.

A legion under the resonance of Army Souls grinds all the monsters crashing into it as if it were a meat grinder.

Still, the Lords present have solemn expressions on their faces.

The real fight will commence once they enter the filthy region.

A hundred meters ahead, the red threads floating in the air suddenly become dense. The ground withers and dies, taking on an eerie brownish-red color. The border between the corroded region and the normal region seems like two separate worlds.

This ominous red line is expanding outward at a noticeable speed.

Wherever it goes, grass and trees quickly wilt before it, emitting ominous vibes.

“This is indeed the Nest of Filth. The expansion rate is frightening.”

“Yeah, the nest was formed not too long ago. If we allow it to grow and spread for tens of kilometers, we might as well wash our necks and await death.”

“The red fog covering the nest’s region is too dense, severely affecting visibility. Reports say it also confuses our senses. It won’t be easy to find the Root of Corruption and the main nest.”

“That’s the challenge in this raid. We need to find and purify the Roots of Corruption within a short time. Only then can we purify the main nest… If we drag it out, new Roots of Corruption will develop, and we’ll be unable to purify the main nest.”

A few Lords discuss among themselves.

The whole expeditionary team is led by the Old Fishing Man’s Hero ‘Demonic Flame King Riding’ and a few veteran Lords, including Lord Kuang Dao.

They are conducting reconnaissance and preparing outside the nest.

Lord Kuang Dao asks, “How many Lords do we have here?”

An official Lord replies, “We have a total of 32 Lords, 16 Heroes, and 69 veteran players.”

The marks of ordinary players are already fragmented, and their Power of Purification is limited. They’ll hardly be useful within the region of the Nest of Filth.

The main force responsible for purifying the Roots of Corruption still has to be the Lords.

Therefore, even the Lords who are only at the Elite-level have joined the force.

They swallow hard, “This… is not going to be a problem, right?”

“No problem at all.”

Lord Kuang Dao states, “We have gathered many strong beings, 13 of them being at the Leader Level. Raiding a Nest of Filth that isn’t yet fully developed shouldn’t be any problem.”

“We should see the bright side. Once we purify the nest, we’ll be hailed as heroes and receive a substantial reward in Contribution Points from the association. Besides, purifying the Nest of Filth also grants gifts from heaven and earth. We can take those treasures back and blind those cowards who didn’t dare to set out.”

“Yes.” Another veteran Lord licks his lips, “Purifying a Root of Corruption brings decent rewards from heaven and earth. Just imagine what we could receive for purifying the main nest… I’ve never raided a Nest of Filth before; I dare not even imagine what tier of reward I would get.”

“Let’s get it done, guys. After we purify the main nest, the treasures will be distributed based on our contributions.”

“For world peace, for the treasures and tomorrow, let’s do this!”

“Nest of Filth, General Duo Lai is here!”

The Tianyuan Corps charges head-on towards their destination.

They climb over mountains and travel across rivers.

In the sky, Jun soars with sharp eyes scanning the surroundings. It isn’t part of the army that will enter the filthy region. Instead, it leads a group of Battle Falcons searching for traces of the filthy region.

They attack flying monsters from time to time.

Their progress isn’t fast.

The Tianyuan Corps is like a battleship breaking through the waves. The battleship is large, but the waves are tumultuous, hitting one after another, forcing the battleship to reduce its speed while continuously slaying monsters. Duo Lai, Xi Liu, Jun as well as Bone Four, have to break out and clear a path intermittently.

They fight and break through all the way.

Finally, a strange and ominous land shrouded in red fog comes into view..

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