My OP Minion System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 235 Forest

As I sit here, pondering the state of this world, I am struck by the stark contrast between the world I come from and this one. In my original world, technology was advanced and progress was a constant. Here, however, we are trapped in a perpetual state of medieval existence. The people here are ignorant of the possibilities that science and technology can bring. They only know how to train soldiers and conquer other lands.

But I, too, have been swept up in this cycle of violence and expansion. I have built an army and have been taking over small lands to increase my numbers. When I first arrived in this world, I was alone, the only human I knew. But then I met Chloe, and now I have a growing population of citizens living in my city.

But as my land grows, so do my enemies. This is a world of scarcity, where everyone is hungry for a piece of the limited resources available. And as I have grown, the other kings have begun to attack my outposts. I must defend against these attacks, or they will only continue to escalate. I have already lost 5 soldiers and I cannot afford to lose any more.

I was lost in these thoughts as I sent an intelligence-gathering minion on his mission. I sent him to infiltrate the kingdom that has been attacking us and gather information about their plans. I instructed him to stay out of their city, for fear of him being captured and used as a catalyst for a full-scale invasion against me.

But there is another matter weighing heavily on my mind. I must create more minions. I now have the resources and the infrastructure to do so. As I embark on my expeditions, I must leave behind a sufficient number of warriors to protect my city in my absence. I cannot leave it vulnerable to attack.

As I am lost in these contemplations, Chloe enters my home. She moves with such stealth that I was unaware of her presence. She sits beside me, observing my introspection with a hint of amusement on her face. She remains silent for some time, but as I show no signs of snapping out of my reverie, she speaks my name - "William."

I am jolted back to reality, and as I look upon Chloe, I am struck by her beauty. Her laughter is infectious and it brings a smile to my face. But even as I smile, my mind is still plagued by the weight of my responsibilities and the constant struggle for survival in this harsh world.

She was still laughing, her joy spreading like a contagious disease, and I couldn't help but join in her mirth. After a moment, her laughter subsided, and she asked, "Do you want to have dinner?"

"I am famished," I replied. "Bring something to eat and tell the minion manager to ask both new and old citizens to prepare today's lunch. Provide them with everything they require and tell them to prepare a feast."

She nodded and left the room, her footsteps light and swift. She returned after a few minutes, sitting back down on the chair and placing her face in her palms, her arms standing, elbows resting on her legs.

"What were you thinking about?" she asked, her voice curious.

"I was contemplating the attack on one of my outposts," I said, my voice heavy with concern.

"What kind of attack and why didn't I know about it?"

"It occurred yesterday before we departed for the attack on the weapon maker's village. The minion manager brought me the daily report and within it, I saw that five archers had been killed at one of the outposts. It was a human attack, as zombies do not possess the power to kill archers standing on the walls," I explained, my mind replaying the events.

"So, what are you thinking now?"

"I have sent an intelligence variant minion to investigate the matter. It doesn't matter if it's a king or not, and even if he is more powerful than me. I will destroy him, so no one will ever dare to mess with my people again," my voice grew heavy with determination and anger.

"Calm down, my friend," she said, her voice soothing. "Even in the face of an enemy, you must not lose your temper. A man cannot make the right decisions if he is angry. Always remember, you are not just a warrior, but a king. And a king must always think of his people. An angry king will make wrong decisions that will not only affect him but also his people."

"You are right," I agreed, my mind clear once more. "I must maintain my composure in every situation."

"Indeed, you must. You were calm when you made the decision to end the liabilities of the city. I, as a warrior, was angry at the time. But after today's expedition, I have come to understand that you were correct. More people will come to this city, and we need empty spaces. We can have that by cutting our liabilities. The old couple were a burden, they could only eat food and couldn't provide any benefit to the city. Their death will be beneficial for both them and for the city."

As we sit here, discussing strategy and plans for the future, my thoughts are also drawn to the dark forest that surrounds us. The trees tower above us, their twisted branches creating a natural canopy overhead. The leaves rustle in the wind, the sound eerie in the stillness of the night. The forest is eerily quiet, save for the occasional hoot of an owl and the rustling of small creatures in the underbrush. The darkness seems to seep into every crevice, the shadows dancing and shifting as the moonlight filters through the leaves. The ground is soft and mossy, and the smell of damp earth and rotting leaves fills the air. It's a place that instills fear in the hearts of many, a place where the unknown lurks around every corner. It's a place that requires a brave soul to venture into, and I couldn't help but wonder what secrets and dangers lie hidden within.

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