My OP Minion System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 274 Fortress World

The bright sun illuminated the sky, casting warm rays of light over the land. As I walked back home with Chloe, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction from my two-hour practice session. My muscles ached from exertion, but it was a good kind of ache - the kind that told me I had pushed myself to my limits.

Chloe walked beside me, her eyes gleaming with amusement. She had watched as I stumbled and fell during my practice session, but I knew better than to ask what was so funny. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of laughing at me, not after I had worked so hard.

As we approached our house, I could feel my stomach rumbling with hunger. I couldn't wait for my breakfast to arrive, and I was glad to have Chloe there to keep me company. She sat beside me, her smile a gentle reassurance that everything was alright.

I knew why she was smiling, but I didn't want to ask. My falls during practice had made me feel like a laughing stock, and I didn't want to give her the chance to make fun of me. But Chloe was persistent, and eventually, she started the conversation.

"So, how is your back?" she asked, her voice full of concern.

"My back is fine, why do you ask?" I replied, grateful for her concern.

"I noticed you fell a few times during your practice, and I was worried you might be hurting," she explained.

I reassured her that I was alright, but she persisted, offering to arrange a massage. I declined, but she continued to smile, amused by my attempts to prove that I was fine.

We sat in silence for a few moments, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the peace of the moment. As we laughed and talked, the smell of breakfast filled the air, making my mouth water with anticipation.

When the manager knocked on our door, I eagerly opened it, ready to devour my meal. The food was delicious, and I savored every bite, feeling my energy slowly returning.

As we finished our meal and stepped outside, I couldn't help but think about my position in the world. Despite having a powerful army, I was only ranked tenth in strength. I knew I needed to do something to increase my power, so I resolved to create new soldiers to help me achieve my goal of reaching an arm strength of 10,000.

Overall, it had been a great day - full of hard work, laughter, and good food. I felt grateful for Chloe's company and the simple pleasures of life that made every day worth living.

As I surveyed the training ground, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in my army of minions. They were a formidable force, and I knew that with their help, I could achieve any task set before me.

I watched as the archers practiced their aim, their arrows flying through the air with deadly accuracy. Their bows were finely crafted, with intricate designs etched into the wood. The intelligence variants were huddled together, discussing tactics and strategies, their minds sharp and quick.

Meanwhile, the siege machine operators were busy at work, tinkering with their machines to ensure they were in top working order. They were a skilled group, with a deep understanding of mechanics and engineering.

As I observed my minions, I couldn't help but think of the battles we had fought together. The memories flooded back, of the countless enemies we had vanquished and the victories we had achieved. It was a testament to the strength and loyalty of my minions, who had stood by my side through thick and thin.

But there was no time to rest on our laurels. There was still much work to be done, and I knew that we needed to continue training and improving. I made a mental note to recruit more magic minions, whose incredible powers had proven invaluable in battle.

As I opened the advanced control panel to check the number of magic minions available, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. With the strength and skill of my army, there was nothing we couldn't accomplish.


[Resource Division] (1748 Minions)

[See More]


[Combat Division - Standard] (7090 Minions)

-4840x Advance Warrior Minion

.. 165x Intelligence Variant [ Stage 1]

…. 20x Intelligence Variant [ Stage 2]

.. 3400x Brute Strength Variant [ Stage 1]

…. 800x Brute Strength Variant [ Stage 2]

.. 400x Technique Variant [ Stage 1]

…. 55x Technique Variant [ Stage 2]

- 1000x Warrior Minion

- 80x Scout Minion (Swordplay)

.. 140x Silent Killer (Swordplay)

- 1030x Scout Minion (Archery)


[Combat Division - Magic] (303 Minions)

- 29x Scout Minion (Fire Magic - Residential Heater)

- 43x Scout Minion (Fire Magic - Projectile Controller)

- 47x Scout Minion (Fire Magic - Flamethrower)

- 31x Scout Minion (Water Magic - Ice Warrior)

- 25x Scout Minion (Water Magic - Arctic Wind)

- 19x Scout Minion (Water Magic - Water Manipulator)

- 15x Scout Minion (Wind Magic - Defensive Wind)

- 21x Scout Minion (Wind Magic - Visceral Turbine)

- 32x Scout Minion (Wind Magic - Projectile Enhancer)

- 19x Scout Minion (Earth Magic - Brute)

- 14x Scout Minion (Earth Magic - Solid Control)

- 8x Scout Minion (Earth Magic - Land Scaler)


[Utility Division] (326 Minions)

[See More]




I gazed out of the window of my fortress, pondering the recent defeat at the hands of my arch-nemeses, Oliver and Noah. As I watched the sun set over the horizon, I knew that I had to increase the strength of my army if I were to stand any chance of victory.

Swordplay minions were a crucial component of my army, and yet their numbers were dwindling. Their skills with a sword were unparalleled, but their effectiveness in battle had been hampered by their small numbers. Nevertheless, I knew that I could rely on them to upgrade into silent killers, deadly assassins that could eliminate my enemies in the blink of an eye.

With this in mind, I made the decision to train 1000 more swordplay minions. It was a monumental task, but I was determined to succeed. However, I knew that I couldn't rely solely on swordplay minions. I needed a diverse army, one that could withstand any assault.

To this end, I needed to create more defensive minions: wind manipulators, flame throwers, and water manipulators. These minions could create shields, fireballs, and walls of water, respectively, to protect my army from enemy attacks.

Furthermore, I realized that the land scalers, creatures that could burrow through the earth and create tunnels for my army to traverse, were few in number. If I did not act quickly, they would become extinct. To avoid this, I decided to create 10 of each minion category, ensuring that my army would have the diversity it needed to overcome any obstacle.

With my plan in place, I set about training my minions. I had 1000 warrior minions at my disposal, and I assigned 700 of them to technique variant training. These minions were the backbone of my army, and I needed them to be skilled in all aspects of combat. I placed 100 technique variants in stage 2 training, where they could hone their skills even further. Additionally, I assigned 400 brute force minions to stage 2 training. These minions were the heavy hitters of my army, and I needed them to be strong enough to break through any enemy defenses.

As I watched my minions train, I was filled with a sense of pride. These were not mindless drones; they were living beings, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Together, they formed an unstoppable force, one that would crush my enemies beneath its feet.

In the end, my army was stronger than ever before. With their new skills and abilities, my minions were ready to face any challenge that came their way. And although the battle with Oliver and Noah loomed on the horizon, I was confident that this time, victory would be mine.

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