My Plunderer System

Chapter 124 122 - Not A Dream

Apparently when his body was possessed, all the skills were unlocked for the system to use, whatever skill it used had to be one of the last ones he would unlock, as it seemed extremely powerful. Milo hadn't raised his Magical Power stat high enough for that skill to be revealed yet, but it did something that allowed him to drain a target's Magic Power. What else it did, Milo had no idea but he would find out once it was unlocked. The idea of draining Magic Power from a target was definitely an attractive skill to have as it would add one more way to increase his Magic Power stat.

After checking himself over still, he returned to the hospital bed and went through the events that had happened during the attack over again in his head. He started to tremble in anger and sadness recounting the events leading up to Corinna's death. This caused his heart rate to increase sending a message to the nurse who was caring for him.

The nurse entered soon after to see what triggered the change in Milo's status and saw him sitting up in bed. They immediately called for a doctor. The doctor informed Milo that he had been in a comatose state for 5 days; they had transported him to the Acropolis after the attack on New York. Milo asked the doctor what the state of his home city was; according to him, the Fellowship chose to retreat following the attack on the refugee camp, due to their leader being captured. Milo didn't know that the cardinal had been captured as he had blacked out before this had happened, but assumed that the Incubus Guild must have showed up.

The doctor then checked over Milo, checking all his vitals and told Milo about when they had found him. Apparently he was found lying in a pool of blood, but there were no visible wounds on his body, this news left Milo somewhat dumbfounded, as he had taken a lot of damage in the fight against the Fellowship's followers but chalked it up to the system at work. The doctor called it a miracle and said that the comatose like state was most likely caused by Magic Power exhaustion.

The doctor then told Milo that if he needed anything to use the call button, in the meantime however there were some members of the association that wanted to talk to him and would be stopping by at some point. Milo nodded in understanding, still a bit lost about all the things that happened in the Fellowship's attack. There was one thing he did know though, that the Fellowship needed to be exterminated at all costs.

Once the doctor left, Milo opened his status screen to see what changes had occurred following the battle of New York.

[Stats] [Tutorials] [Tames] [Plunder]


Name: Milo Fenix

Title: [None]

Level: 43

Gold: 175

Abilities[7 / 7]:

1 - Reinforce: can reinforce the body to make it stronger (lvl. MAX - upgrade available)

2 - Ice - Can freeze water nearby and control it, the higher the ability the better the ice can be shaped (lvl. MAX - upgrade available)

3 - Beast Whisperer - Able to read the thoughts and feelings of friendly beasts, also allows the user to imprint on and tame young beasts(lvl. 8)

4 - Hunter's Eye - Allows the user to overlay their vision that highlights the weak points of lifeforms(lvl. MAX - upgrade available)

5 - Soul Siphon - Allows the user to absorb the life force of another living thing, it drains the targets power and raises the users(lvl. 9)

6 - Fire - Allows the user to control wind currents allowing them to use it as a weapon(lvl. 7)

7 - Earth - Allows the user to control the ground as if it were a part of their own body(lvl. 6)

Free Stat Points: [0]

Strength: [62]

Agility: [57]

Intelligence: [62]

Stamina: [70]

Constitution: [57]

Magic Power: [69]


From the 7 level ups he had received during the fight, Milo had reached level 43 and all his stats were all encroaching on 60 or had already reached it. Along with this, the skill used when he was possessed had raised his Magic Power stat to make it his second highest stat he had, something Milo never would have thought would be possible due to the difficulty of raising it previously. Moving on from the stat values, Milo looked at his abilities. While he was possessed he had apparently copied the Fire and Earth abilities. Normally there was a cooldown but when possessed the system must have bypassed all the limits it had when Milo was in control. This had also filled all of Milo's ability slots. He'd have to check if fusion was possible for any of his abilities when he was done looking over the status screen, and also couldn't wait to see what they did.

He then noticed the level of his abilities had increased, three of them had even reached the max level the system designated for them, most likely it was level 10. His other abilities had even reached levels 8 and 9. There was also something that appeared next to the max level abilities. Milo wasn't sure what upgrading the abilities would do, but it would definitely make them stronger otherwise why would it be considered an upgrade.

Milo had reached a new level of strength in the fight with the Fellowship, but it was all in vain. He had lost one of the most important people in his life. Corinna was the only family he had left and she was gone, her life cut short protecting Milo from a bloodthirsty lunatic who wanted to kill off the human race. Memories appeared in his mind of him and Corinna, her taking him in when his parents disappeared, them laughing and smiling as they joked and played games together, her dressing the cuts and bruises he got from being bullied before going to the academy, her hugging him tightly as she sent him off to school with Krista, finally ending with her smiling up at him as he held her in his arms following her being stabbed. Tears began to stream down Milo's face as the reality of him now really being alone hit him. All the emotions he had tried to keep down flooded out from him as he sat in the hospital bed.

After crying for a few minutes in solitude, a knock was heard at the door and Krista entered with her mother. Krista had a bandage over her forehead and a few other places, covering the wounds she received during the attack. Her mom had her right arm in a sling. Seeing Milo's eyes still full of tears, Krista herself began to cry as she ran forward and embraced Milo in a hug.

"I'm all alone now," Milo sobbed to her.

"I'm still here," she said in response, "and I'm not going anywhere."

They two stayed embraced crying for a while before they finally calmed down. Krista went over what had happened with Milo since they had been brought to the Acropolis. According to her, the Fellowship had gone back into hiding. They vanished as quickly as they had appeared in the city. Milo clenched his fist in anger that they had gotten out of the city and were on the run again. She then told Milo that Alucard was currently with his team members from the Incubus Guild, they said they would take care of him until Milo had woken up. Milo was sure that they'd be spoiling him, as they took quite a liking to the little winged viper on their trip to Atlantic City.

The Incubus Guild had also offered to take care of all of Corinna's funeral expenses. They felt it was the least they could do considering Milo was the one that had to fight the Fellowship alone until they arrived. Krista asked her mom if she and Milo could have a second alone and she complied, closing the door to the hospital room behind her, saying she would go to get them a snack.

Once she had left, Krista asked Milo about what had happened when he seemed to go berserk. He told her about what had happened with the system, about it overloading and the massive amount of Magic Power that he felt at his fingertips. She then questioned what happened after the cardinal attacked him. He told her about the system possessing him, explaining that when he blacked out from the pain of being burned alive he got a system message and couldn't remember anything after that.

Krista then told him what she witnessed. After Milo had blacked out, his body began to float into the air and his eyes opened but were giving off a violet light, the whites of his eyes, his pupil and iris all disappeared. Black shadow-like chains then exploded from his chest. as the chains moved as if they were alive and whipped out towards the surviving Fellowship members, the cardinal included. The chains wrapped around them for a few seconds and then snaked back towards Milo returning to his chest as if they never existed. The minute the chains released the Fellowship members, they collapsed unconscious and all the purple flames that were burning went out as well. It was as if whatever was fueling them was taken away. Once the flames went out, Milo's body fell back to the ground where he originally rose up from, and all his injuries seemed to have vanished.

Hearing the tale, Milo didn't know what to think, he was sure after being burned alive, that he'd be dead, but the system completely reverted all the damage he received and even used skills he himself couldn't activate yet in order to keep him alive. Milo thought about it and then told Krista about the dream he had, when he called it a dream, a system screen popped up in his vision that stopped his story in its tracks...

[New System Message]

It wasn't a dream, remember my message, gather allies whether you tell them of the system is up to you but this isn't something you will be able to do on your own…



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