My Power is Upgrading Everything (Rewrite)

Chapter 76: Great Upgrade, Great Rewards~!

Chapter 76: Great Upgrade, Great Rewards~!

--- Chapter 76 ---

"Ah... It is the best~!" Huo Yuhao dipped himself inside a private hot spring and groaned in satisfaction. He has been training non-stop and breaking his limit countlessly for over two months, so relaxation is a must.

Even with Ancient Human's strong adaptation talent with Divine Dragon and War Beast's innate aptitude, he still had to consider his overall mental health.

Eluxia commented his Spiritual Sea had reached a stage where he could construct an inner spiritual world. However, he lacked catalysts, which was the Life Gold original Huo Yuhao gained through Auction in the Spirit Master Continental Tournament, or precisely Star Luo Empire. And fortunately, there is an alternative to that.

After the Eyes of the Lord's 2nd awakened to the True Ancestor Eyes of the Lords, the Divine Reflection ability evolved into a Spiritual Field where he could store everything he was like a book. It doesn't just observe everything inside out and copy God's movement anymore because the replication could exceed the original.

Now, It is where everything is getting interesting because Huo Yuhao knew a Title Douluo had to form a core similar to the Golden Core in a classical eastern fantasy novel. Knowing the future knowledge made Huo Yuhao condense three Soul Cores with Eluxia's method.

The first Soul Core was Spirit Energy Core, with all his Spirit Energy condensed in his abdomen area. And Eluxia taught him how to apply Rotation or Spin Force to create a Core that constantly spun and absorbed Spirit Energy through Spirit Circuits, forming a pure mass of energy akin to the sun.

Since Spirit Energy Core is attributeless, Huo Yuhao could channel his Spirit Energy freely to increase the potency of his abilities.

The second Soul Core was the Extreme Blood Core, with all his bloodlines condensed in his heart area. Unlike the Spirit Energy Core, Blood Core is a complex mix of several Rare Beast's Bloodlines. And harder to spin because of the messy wavelength of Blood Energy.

Of course, Huo Yuhao discovered a way to condense his Blood Core after a while. With inspiration from a "certain." anime, he used a Spiral Double Helix shape with Divine Dragon's Blood and War Beast's Mixed Blood as the foundation to support all bloodlines. The Blood Core is a multi-colored Spiral Double Helix with a pure, almost translucent white bubble around it. And It allowed his blood to store Raw Strength and evolve rapidly by converting Spirit Energy into Life Energy/Ki.

Huo Yuhao's natural regeneration speed became faster with Blood Core, and the Blood Energy consumption when using Divine Dragon and War Beast modes, alongside Chaotic Dragon Emperor, decreased significantly. He could fight for months without getting exhausted.

The last Soul Core was the Spiritual Core, which was the condensation of Huo Yuhao's Spiritual Energy. And the way he chose the shape surprised Eluxia because the Spinning Sun and Double Spiral Helix weren't enough according to his liking one month ago.

And Spiritual Core was shaped like a tree. Yes, a massive greenish-white tree with thick green roots and white branches spread across Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea. Because of the unconventional shape, Eluxia even had to argue with Huo Yuhao for weeks. While the roots siphoned the Spiritual Energy from the Spiritual Sea and strengthened the Tree itself, the branches created beautiful golden leaves that could nourish everything spiritually.

After one month and nine days, the Massive Tree covered Huo Yuhao's Spiritual Sea with thick roots and vast branches that supported millions of golden leaves. Even though it looks nothing special, when Eluxia observes the Tree, she notices that every golden leaf possesses dense Spiritual Energy equal to her host's spiritual energy before training.

With this Spiritual Core, Huo Yuhao's Spiritual Energy is close to infinity. And that's ridiculous because everything came from True Ancestor Eyes of the Lord's ability to store more Spiritual Energy than he could handle. Not to mention His Haki reached an unknown level where he couldn't measure his depth.

"Anyway, let's start Upgrading." Huo Yuhao sighed while shaking his head. "Evo, convert everything to a higher grade."


[Upgrading Tickets: Silver(5), Gold(2), Black Gold(1), Platinum(2)]

"Upgrade Random Treasure Box(S) with 1 Platinum Upgrading Ticket."

[Using 1 Platinum Upgrading Ticket on a Random Treasure Box(S)]


[High Roller activated]


[You have acquired Random Treasure Box(EX)]

[Name: Random Treasure Box(EX)]

[Type: Treasure Box]

[Grade: EX]

[Description: A transcendent treasure box with nine random items inside it. And guaranteed to pull one EX Grade]

Huo Yuhao grinned excitedly and said, "Open it."

[Opening the Random Treasure Box(EX)]


[You have obtained]

Clark Kent's Glasses(SS)

Nightmare Demon Pot(SS+)

30kg of Uru Metal(SS+)

Black Gold Upgrading Tickets(5)

Gold Upgrading Tickets(20)


Random Summoning Card(SS)

Hero Summoning Card(SS)

Sky Poison Pearl(EX)

Huo Yuhao stared at the system panel with a dumbfounded expression and began to laugh like a madman because he gained such worth-investing items by upgrading the Treasure Box with Platinum Upgrading Ticket.


"What happened to him?" Tian Meng woke up from her nap because of Huo Yuhao's laughter.

Bing Di shrugged and replied, "The usual."

Eluxia curiously frowned and stared at the thin air where Huo Yuhao's gaze focused, but no matter how much she tried to observe this higher power, she couldn't feel nor see it. Eluxia believed Huo Yuhao wasn't hallucinating because the degree of the miracle he showed so far was impossible to achieve by normal means.

Even though Genius and Madness "actually." were separated by a thin line, Huo Yuhao was something else. A monster that kept evolving and becoming stronger by simply existing.

Huo Yuhao clicked on the nine rewards he gained from Random Treasure Box(Ex) and checked them one by one. And the first item was quite comedic for some reason.

[Name: Clark Kent's Glasses]

[Type: Equipment]

[Grade: SS]

[Description: A casual black-rimmed glasses that could deceive even God's eyes. Upon wearing it, The user would appear to be an ordinary person with a somewhat dull fashion sense]

[Name: Nightmare Demon Pot]

[Type: Artifact]

[Grade: SS+]

[Description: A mysterious artifact from the Tales of Demon and God Universe, Its appearance is that of a black jade pot with a sparkling and translucent, gem-like shine. This artifact can refine Demon Spirits]

[Name: Uru]

[Type: Material]

[Grade: SS+]

[Description: Uru is a unique metal ore have existed since the beginning of the Marvel universe, which resembles stone, but it also appears to have metallic properties. It seems Uru can store most energies, particularly magic]

[Quantity: 30kg]

[Name: Yeoui]

[Type: Weapon/Staff]

[Grade: SSS+]

[Description: Yeoui is one of the three sacred weapons wielded by the legendary Monkey King, Sun Wukong, which took an appearance of a stone-looking bo staff]

[It was the weapon that the Dragons created from the hip bones of Ogre, the first and most powerful dragon, but later held in the Dragon King's Palace to measure the east sea level. The staff is an incomplete Divine Weapon]

[Name: Random Summoning Card]

[Type: Summoning Item]

[Grade: SS]

[Description: An unstable summoning item that could call random individuals from Multiversal Order, transmigrating them to the summoner's world]

[Name: Hero Summoning Card]

[Type: Summoning Item]

[Grade: SS]

[Description: An unique summoning item that could call Heroic Spirits from Throne of Heroes, transmigrating them to the summoner's world]

[Name: Sky Poison Pearl]

[Type: Heavenly Treasure/Divine Artifact]

[Grade: EX]

[Description: The Sky Poison Pearl or Heavenly Poison Bead is one of the Seven Heavenly Profound Treasures from the Against the God Universe and ranks fifth. Its capabilities centered around poison, medicine, purification, and space]

[Warning! The Sky Poison Pearl can release a poison called the Heaven Wounding Thought Severing Poison, which could slay gods and devils]

"Yeoui... It's an imperfect Divine Weapon because Ogre's soul wasn't residing within it." Huo Yuhao muttered while looking at the Monkey King's famous staff. Scathach was nagging him for not using a staff-like weapon for years because it doesn't synergize well with his Classes, but with Yeoui, that shouldn't be a problem.

Of course, he mastered the staff and spear because of Scathach's inhuman teaching for years. He shivered when thinking about it because he would lose one or two limbs every training session.

Huo Yuhao summoned Yeoui and saw a stone-looking bo staff drop from thin air. He prepared himself and caught the staff, finding it heavier than anything he had wielded. His muscle flexed for several minutes before he could finally endure it.

"Damn, you're heavier than I thought." He commented with a speechless tone.

[Do you want to form a connection with Yeoui?] Evo asked with a monotonous voice.


Huo Yuhao nodded and replied, "Sure."

Inside Huo Yuhao's Spiritual Sea, the contracted souls suddenly felt a suction force that devoured their host's Spiritual Energy and Spirit Energy like tomorrow. Spirit Energy Core and Spiritual Core are brimming with white light, moving to Huo Yuhao's hand and covering the stone-looking bo staff.

"What's this?" Eluxia used her Divine Sense and felt Primal Dragon Aura coming from the staff in Huo Yuhao's hand.

After a few minutes, Huo Yuhao gasped in surprise because Yeoui swallowed 40% of his energy. And it would take a few days to recover them.

[True Lord of Dragons activated]

"Come on, girl. Settle down." Huo Yuhao's blue eyes shone with a purplish draconic aura and firmly grasped the rough yet smooth surface of Yeoui.

[Yeoui has acknowledged you]

The weight disappeared, and Huo Yuhao finally let out a sigh of relief. He patted the stone-looking bo staff and said, "Take care of me well, okay."

"Now, the next item might be dangerous..."

[Do you want to form a connection with Sky Poison Pearl?]


A green-colored circular sphere the size of a person's palm appeared before Huo Yuhao. He felt such vicious energy coming from it but grasped it with his left hand.

[Modifying Sky Poison Pearl's Signature]

[The process would be a little painful, host]

[Please bear it for a moment]

Huo Yuhao breathed in and circulated Spirit Energy throughout his entire body. The Sky Poison Pearl released jade-like light and penetrated his skin, causing him to feel immense pain.

[Pain Resistance Level 444]

[Poison Resistance Level 329]

[Your Poison Resistance has reached level 330]

[Your Poison Resistance has reached level 331]

[Your Poison Resistance has reached level 332]

[Your Poison Resistance has reached level 333]

[Your Poison Resistance has reached level 334]

[Your Poison Resistance has reached level 335]

[Your Poison Resistance has reached level 336]

[Your Poison...]

[Your Poison...]

[Your Poison...]

[Your Poison...]





Huo Yuhao's pale creamy skin becomes greenish with several dark blemishes, but his energy runs well. Ancient Human's Adaptability allowed Huo Yuhoo to withstand Sky Poison Pearl's Poison.

[You have attained Heavenly Poison Body(Passive)]

A few hours later, Huo Yuhao opened his left palm and saw a green-colored circle mark. He smiled and heard Evo's notification.

[You have formed a connection with Sky Poison Pearl]

He chuckled and said, "Sweet, another weapon I could use to fight Gods later on."

"W-What is that terrifying thing?!!" Tian Meng shouted with a terrified tone.

"My spiritual body is trembling just by sensing it..." Bing Di commented while covering her body with a blanket made of Ultimate Ice.

"Mm, such a powerful poison." Eluxia moved her gaze to the green-colored mark on Huo Yuhao's palm. "But everything is okay, right?"

Huo Yuhao nodded and replied, "Yeah."

And after that, Huo Yuhao had to explain what's Yeoui and Sky Poison Pearl to his contracted soul and left them speechless inside the spiritual sea.

"Don't be too shocked. We haven't tested Yeoui and Sky Poison Pearl against the Gods from Douluo Dalu's Universe." He whistled and sensed someone entering the hot spring.

Huo Yuhao decided to save the two Random Treasure Boxes for later and purified the hot springs with Sky Poison Pearl. His body releases some of the poison before.

A blue-haired woman walked into the hot spring with a white towel wrapped around her body. She looked around and saw Huo Yuhao.

"Oh, Your training is over, Yuhao?" Huang Yuna asked while waving her hand at him.

"Yeah, do you want to join?" Huo Yuhao returned with a smirk, which caused the Qilin to giggle amusingly.

She walked into the hot spring and replied, "Sure~!"

"Hehehe, let me tell you the story of Heavenly Bread Master."

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