My Simulated Road to Immortality

Chapter 389: 365: Life and Death Can Refine the Mind

Chapter 389: 365: Life and Death Can Refine the Mind

Translator: 549690339

“If this isn’t a crazy way to practice, then what is?”

After a while, Li Fan, who had finished reading the whole Jade Scroll, couldn’t help but exclaim.

What was recorded in the Jade Scroll was naturally what Zhong Shentong had previously mentioned, the “The Mystical Skill of Life and Death” he had cultivated.

Half a book of broken pages, no one knew where it came from.

The essence of the techniques was somewhat incredible.

The first part of the mantra was straightforward.

It believed that everything in the world would eventually meet its end.

Birds, animals, plants, humans.

Even cultivators, demonic beasts, and even heaven and earth itself.

No one could escape this fate.

If one wants to transcend death, they must reach a state of superposition of life and death, neither alive nor dead, yet both alive and dead, before their own death arrives.

This is also the highest realm envisaged in the techniques.

To be able to “exist simultaneously in life and death”, one needs an unparalleled understanding and perception of the essence of life and death.

“The Sensing of Life and Death Chapter” is a method within the technique used to perceive life and death.

From the initial “fear of death”, to “sacrificing life and forgetting death”, then to “living and dying together”.

“The Mystical Skill of Life and Death” is such a strange technique cultivated with the power of life and death.

Because its aspirations are extremely high, the content of the technique is also extremely profound and abstruse.

Even more so than the “Extraordinary True Spirit Transformation Technique”.

Perhaps it’s because even the founder of the technique hadn’t reached that state of both life and death.

The content of the latter half of the technique mostly involves speculation and conjecture.

Li Fan quickly browsed through it and saw one or two places where there were contradictions.

“The technique isn’t bad, but unfortunately, it’s incomplete. If it’s complete, it could be somewhat useful. Now, it can only be used as a reference.”

“Also, unfortunately, Zhong Shentong’s Seven-color Divine Light doesn’t seem to have anything to do with ‘The Mystical Skill of Life and Death’.”

Li Fan shook his head slightly.

Packing the Jade Scroll, Li Fan pondered for a moment and began to attempt to operate “The Sensing of Life and Death Chapter”.

This chapter is a prerequisite method that must be practiced in order to enter the “The Mystical Skill of Life and Death”, even a mortal can cultivate it.

Li Fan naturally had no problem with it.

Each word quietly flowed in Li Fan’s heart.

Three days and three nights later.

Suddenly, a trauma occurred in the mind of Li Fan who was meditating with his eyes closed.

Countless images abruptly appeared before his eyes.

He seemed to have vaguely returned to Da Xuan, the wholeheartedness when he won the Triple Yuan, acting recklessly in the Empress’s palace, dominating the world…

And then later, he braved many difficulties, breached the Immortal Forbiddance Formation, and finally arrived in the Immortal Cultivation World.

Step by step from a mortal, to refining energy, establishing the foundation, and forming the Golden Core.

Everything that excited him in his past life surged up to his mind one after another.

Making Li Fan feel as if he was experiencing them all over again.

So many joyous events in such a short time.

Even with Li Fan’s will, he couldn’t help but become somewhat light-hearted and joyful.

Just when this joyful atmosphere reached its peak…

All the scenes burst like bubbles, one after another.

What replaced them were the moments when Li Fan was on the verge of death.

“Father, Father…”

“My husband!”

The sound of desperate wailing vaguely came from his ear, that was when in the first life, he was about to die of illness before he realized [Real].

“It’s only seeking a line of vitality!” Kou Hong’s mad laughter accompanied by a huge blast and a sky full of fire appeared before Li Fan’s eyes.

That was the second life, when Dao Xuanzi and Kou Hong fought, Xuan Jing was destroyed in an instant, Li Fan narrowly escaped death.

The Splitting Realm Whale of the Immortal Forbiddance Formation, the rapid aging transformed into the vast ocean, chased and killed by the Law Protector Elders.

One deadly crisis after another seemed to descend on Li Fan at the same time.

Until the space in the Tianxuan Mirror was torn apart, and the face of a kind-hearted old man was faintly visible in the front.

The fear in his heart became increasingly unbearable.

Li Fan broke free from his cultivation.


The remaining part of the word “Real” stuck in his heart, unsaid.

All traces of fear vanished instantly.

Only then was Li Fan able to regain his composure.

His whole body was soaked in cold sweat, his breathing as frantic as if he’d had a narrow escape from death.

Li Fan’s gaze flickered as he reflected on his recent experience.

“The cultivation failed.”

“This Sensing of Life and Death Chapter evokes an inherent dread of dying, certainly far more than any simple illusion.”

“It’s quite similar to the Imaginary Horse, incredibly lucid.”

“If deemed real by the heart, then it is real.”

“Indeed, it’s exceedingly dangerous. If stuck within it, unable to separate reality from illusion, one might truly scare oneself to death.”

“No wonder that Zhong Shentong seemed so deranged…”

“Only thus can one truly experience that dread of dying.”

At this thought, Li Fan heaved a slight sigh.

“Unfortunately, this method proves useless to me.”

“Ordinary people naturally fear and despair when faced with the threat of death.”

“But not me.”

“Regardless of the situation, I always have a lifeline.”

“That is my [Real].”

“The Sensing of Life and Death fully turns into real danger under threat of death. And then, instinctively, I would call upon [Real], and start everything anew…”


In the blink of an eye, Li Fan thought of something, his expression slightly altered.

“The instinct for survival…”

“The Mystic Yellow Heart Refining Mantra…”

Li Fan abruptly got up, his mind racing.

He paced back and forth, weighing its feasibility.

“Reverse Cultivation Dao Heart requires me to fight against my instinct.”

“And, to me, the greatest of instincts is to call upon [Real] when I am on the brink of death.”

“If I were to employ this in the Reverse Cultivation Dao Heart, the gains would surely be beyond belief.”

“However, I can’t exactly give up on [Real] when truly faced with life and death.”

“There won’t be an issue if I use The Sensing of Life and Death Chapter.”

Li Fan’s eyes flickered, and shortly after, he composed himself.

He began the operation of the sensitivity technique anew.

When the beauty of life once again shattered and the threat of death returned,

Li Fan, still unable to break free from this habit etched deep into his soul, invoked [Real].

The second attempt failed.

Li Fan persisted, on the third try, the fourth try…

Until the fifty-sixth attempt.

Confronted with the face of Celestial Doctor, Li Fan activated “The Mystic Yellow Heart Refining Mantra”.

At the same time, with strong willpower, he momentarily suppressed the instinctive urge to call out [Real].

The threat of death did not disappear along with Li Fan’s restraint.

But rather, it became increasingly real.

The face of Celestial Doctor gradually became clear, and the spiritual alert in Li Fan’s heart continued to ring desperately.

Eventually, Li Fan, soaked in sweat, withdrew from the cultivation of The Sensing of Life and Death Chapter.

“Perhaps, only after reaching a point of fearlessness in the face of death during cultivation, can one truly confront death without self-harm.”

Li Fan was fully aware that if he was stubborn earlier, even if he didn’t die on the spot, the outcome certainly wouldn’t be any better.

“This technique is kind of eerie.”

“However, the short period of time just now brought about huge gains.”

A cool sensation slightly stronger than what he obtained from the risk of crossing the white mist, the emergency for help, poured overwhelming in the Grand Millstone of Heart Refinement.

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