Chapter 37: Digging deep to find answers

While Rose was fighting to keep her company's good name, somewhere out there, another threat lay in the corner.

Tessa straightened her glasses, reviewing her notes as the waitress deposited two cups of black coffee on the checkered plastic tablecloth. She smiled, a pair of dimples appearing on her face.

Tessa Morgan had hazel eyes that reflected her sharp intellect, complemented by chestnut-brown hair falling just below her shoulders while a light dusting of freckles adorned her nose, adding a touch of charm.

Glancing around the cozy diner, she noted Sam was now 15 minutes late. If he didn't show soon, this early morning trip across town chasing dead end tabloid drama proved pointless.

Tessa had built her investigative reputation on tireless searching for buried truths behind eye catching headlines. When her editor first floated sending her to dig into the alleged Shelley Tech CEO scandal, Tessa balked. Office trysts seemed inconsequential, even if the figurehead was female.

But then she noted the company name and eccentric gears began turning. She picked interest immediately.

Shelley Tech. The mysterious enterprise her own father dedicated 30 loyal years towards, practically a second home. He had guarded their privacy fiercely despite Elena's childhood curiosity. All she gleaned were whispers that they pioneered cutting edge innovations out of public view. And that the equally enigmatic owner had selected her father personally before he tragically passed away.

How fortunate was she that her one true reason for venturing into the world of investigative journalism would fall right at her feet. She had been chasing clues as to the mysterious company and the masterminds behind it as she suspected the owner, none other than Rose Shelly had something to do with her father's demise.

Now tawdry rumors engulfed Shelley Tech and Tessa sensed buried secrets, a deeper story waiting untold beneath the smoke and mirrors. If she could just fit together elusive clues her father left like breadcrumbs...

The arrival of a nervous man in a wrinkled trench coat interrupted Elena's swirling thoughts. Ah, her squirrely informant had decided to show up after all. Good thing too, since she hated early morning adrenaline crashes. She extended a hand and an easy smile calculated to soothe jittery sources, Tessa gestured for Sam to take a seat. Better let him settle in a bit first.

"Sorry, sorry I'm late! Barely caught the early bus across town and then of course it broke down halfway here..." Sam rambled on effusively as Tessa nodded in patient silence. When the waitress returned for a third time eyeing Sam pointedly, Tessa intervened smoothly.

"Can we get two specials with extra crispy bacon and black coffee refills?" she asked brightly, watching Sam exhale in relief. Keep them comfortable; minimize direct questions initially. Her journalism mentor's guidance echoed through Elena's thoughts as she continued lightly chatting about dreadful city traffic until their food arrived.

Only once Sam practically inhaled his first few bites, guard lowered slightly, did Tessa shift gears.

"So Sam, you come highly recommended from an old college friend needing help with a work dilemma." Complete and utter lies she started with. It was total fabrication but it immediately seized his full attention for someone who has just been let off from work, it was sure to have him bite the bait.

"Before we get into that though, I'd love to learn more about your background. I hear you handle financial accounts?"

Clearly craving the chance to vent about his abrupt career shift, words soon tumbled out between bites of syrup-drenched pancakes. Tessa nodded along empathetically as Sam described years of loyal service as an unassuming accountant before some unspecified falling out. Reading between the lines, she deduced this aligned with the sleazy affair rumors ongoing at Shelly technologies.

Interesting, but Sam merely grumbled vague insinuations around confidentiality agreements and trumped up accusations. Nothing concrete yet.

"Well I apologize you got caught up unfairly in other people's mess," Tessa offered earnestly, waiting until Sam relaxed again before carefully probing further. "What specifically did they accuse you of doing wrong? Surely breaching executive caprices alone wouldn't warrant termination?" She ended lightly, keeping her tone curious but non-threatening. "Make it conversational", her mentor always said.

"Lull them into thinking this was simply gossip over late night drinks between new friends rather than a meticulously strategized interview,"

Just as Sam opened his mouth looking fully prepared to spill long suppressed anger, his phone suddenly rang loudly. Glancing down in surprise, all color rapidly drained from his face. Fumbling to silence it awkwardly, he nevertheless stared for too long at whatever notification just appeared. Tessa watched him intently, cataloguing minute reactions that spoke volumes in the right hands.

Whoever messaged him held some power over him still.

"Sorry, I uh...forgot another appointment coming up soon," Sam mumbled vaguely, clearly unsettled. He began gathering up his coat and leftover food, movements jerky with anxiety. Gone was the earlier look of cathartic relief at almost revealing confidential dirt.

Sam's eyes held haunted terror now, reminding Tessa of a police interrogation video she'd studied featuring a key crime syndicate witness right before disappearing permanently. Whatever - or whoever - just messaged him elicited absolute panic.

Question was - who?

Tessa realized she had one slim chance left to salvage this meeting. Reaching out quickly she grasped Sam's forearm. He flinched but met her gaze warily. Softening her voice into soothing reassurance, she turned on the charm.

"It's alright Sam, I understand you're in a difficult position professionally now. Perhaps we could speak again soon under say, more private circumstances?" She slid a business card across the table discreetly.

"Anything shared stays strictly between us. But those nondisclosure contracts won't pay your mortgage long term, you know?"

His stubbled face shone with nervous sweat and he clearly wavered painfully. Glancing from her card to the phone clenched tightly in his hand, indecision kept him paralyzed for a few breathless moments.

'Come on, almost there,' Tessa mentally urged.

Sam represented the lone thread so far offering tangible clues into Shelley Tech's veiled history. If she could just secure his trust enough to reveal what really happened behind those sleek metal doors...

Abruptly Sam shook himself, avoidance written plainly across his features. Shoving the card hastily into a pocket, avoidance practically shimmered around him now. Their interaction clearly triggered some deep seated apprehension. Eyes darting everywhere but directly at her, every cell in Sam's being radiated heightened anxiety.

"Maybe...maybe someday. I-I really need to go," he managed hoarsely before tossing a few crumpled bills atop leftover pancakes. Practically fleeing the cozy diner, trench coat flapping loosely, Sam never glanced back even as Tessa called his name sharply. She watched his retreating form disappear rapidly down rain slicked streets until static drops on windows obscured the last traces.

Pushing away her half eaten breakfast in frustrated acceptance, Tessa tried corralling rapid thoughts. Sam clearly concealed pivotal knowledge around his termination. But potent fear kept him markedly silent too. Someone held power keeping him quiet – the CEO? Or perhaps whatever shady element really controlled Shelley Tech behind the scenes?

This seeming dead end only strengthened Elena's scrutiny moving forward. She would uncover what so terrified cagey little accountant into submission. And what exactly the company was hiding beneath buzzwords around female empowerment and innovation. After all, Sam hadn't thrown away her card. Which meant he might yet reach out given the right circumstances.

Gathering up her things hastily, Tessa strode towards the diner exit already mentally calculating next steps. Locating established contacts linked to Shelley Tech proved the logical starting point.

'If I Shake the bushes enough, someone might lead me towards the rotting fruit hidden from public view,' Tessa felt utterly certain of that fact.

Because she knew with familiar instinctive dread that she was circling the periphery of something pivotal concealed just out of sight. If she pieced together the breadcrumb clues left behind properly, a monumental story waited unseen. The one her father devoted his life safeguarding while raising Tessa on thrilling tales of cutting edge technology. Just before his tragic passing.

She would not fail his long ago passion now. Sliding behind the wheel, jaw set determinedly, Tessa resolved that Shelley's secrets no longer remained impenetrable. Legacies became inked upon history's pages one relentless drip at a time. And she would uncover whatever they desperately concealed – or go down boldly trying.

The race to unravel elusive facts looked promising but perils loomed around Shelley Tech too. This she didn't know but there were forces that far out scaled her comprehension playing the game as well.

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