My Super Farming System

Chapter 25

C25 – Must Use a Bowl!!

Ma Yabei and Xueman had been waiting for what felt like an eternity.

Life in the mountain village was, to put it mildly, dull.

No electricity, no internet.

All they had was the natural world, minus the hustle and bustle that came with the program team’s presence.

Now, it was just the two of them.

This only served to deepen the bond between Ma Yabei and Xueman.

Ma Yabei had even come to learn much about Zhao Yuegu’s history.

But after two days without Zhao Yuegu’s return, worry began to set in.

Ma Yabei felt it most acutely.

To her, the mountains seemed fraught with danger.

Thankfully, just as the sun began to dip below the horizon, Zhao Yuegu made it back.


Xueman sprinted forward, latching onto Zhao Yuegu’s neck with glee.

She had always sought Zhao Yuegu’s embrace since she was little, and growing older hadn’t changed that one bit.

Ma Yabei, on the other hand, couldn’t indulge in such displays.

After all, Xueman was already Zhao Yuegu’s living accessory.

“It’s a relief you’re safe.”

Joy radiated from Ma Yabei.

Zhao Yuegu, feeling a warm glow in his heart, hefted his heavy bags and announced,

“Look what gifts I’ve brought for you both.”

“What are they?” Xueman asked, her face alight with curiosity.

“Let’s head home, and you’ll see,” he replied.

“We’re going home.”

Xueman could hardly contain her excitement.

Zhao Yuegu, leading the two ladies—one tall, one small—exchanged brief greetings with the villagers before they all made their way back to the courtyard.

With the program team gone, the courtyard had become a haven of tranquility.

“How did the courtyard get so clean? There’s not a weed in sight!”

Xueman bubbled with excitement. “Sister Yabei and I did it. Pretty impressive, huh?”

“Xueman, you’re the best,” Zhao Yuegu praised, affectionately tweaking her nose, then turned to Ma Yabei with concern. “How’s your leg?”

Ma Yabei’s first impulse was to nod, but ultimately, she shook her head.

“It’s not healed. I’m afraid I’ll need to recuperate here a bit longer.”

“Of course, you can.”

With the daily sight of beautiful women, Zhao Yuegu was hardly going to object.

Besides, Ma Yabei’s company was good for Xueman.

Neither of them had any reservations about it.

This time, Zhao Yuegu had brought back not only household items but also a bounty of clothes for Xueman.

Yet, no sooner had Xueman tried them on than she began to pout.

“Bro, you went overboard with the size. This could double as a dress.”


Zhao Yuegu glanced over, a touch of embarrassment on his face.

“That wasn’t meant for you.”

He eyed Ma Yabei’s slightly plump figure.

“Here, this one’s for you. Give it a try.”


Ma Yabei accepted it without hesitation.

That yellow dress was hers alone; it wouldn’t fit anyone else.

When she reemerged in her new outfit, Zhao Yuegu’s eyes sparkled with approval.

Sun Ying sure had a knack for choosing clothes!

Ma Yabei’s figure was just right, with curves in all the right places—she looked stunning.

However, Ma Yabei couldn’t help feeling a bit self-conscious under Zhao Yuegu’s gaze.

“It’s a little snug.”

“It’ll loosen up with wear,” Zhao Xueman called out, clearly delighted in her own new attire.

A blush crept onto Ma Yabei’s cheeks.

Truth be told, Zhao Yuegu hadn’t anticipated just how… striking Ma Yabei’s figure could be.

It’s no wonder she was known as the Yabei Goddess.

The thought of living with such a goddess sent a thrill through him.

Meanwhile, Ma Yabei felt a warmth inside.

As she donned the dress, she recognized its value—it wasn’t cheap, likely costing a few thousand.

And Zhao Yuegu had bought her not just one, but six outfits!

While not as many as Xueman’s, it was still incredibly touching.

“He may have made a good sum from selling those watermelons, but he must’ve spent quite a bit on these clothes for me.”

“He definitely has a place for me in his heart.”

Ma Yabei was overjoyed, yet a pang of guilt tugged at her.

She knew how hard Zhao Yuegu worked for his money.

It would be better to save and improve their lives rather than spend so much on her.

But then again…

What girl wouldn’t cherish a gift from someone they admired?

Her heart was already brimming with joy.

Their conversation flowed smoothly, filled with warmth and ease.

But as Zhao Yuegu prepared to head back to his room, something caught his eye under the eaves.

True to her word, Ma Yabei had washed his dirty clothes from the other day.

But what was that hanging beside his own garments?

“Why is there so little fabric?”

“Is that lace on the edge?”

“And is it slightly see-through?”

Ma Yabei’s cheeks flushed red when she caught Zhao Yuegu’s gaze.

“Don’t look!”

In a fluster, she quickly gathered her clothes.

Zhao Yuegu, with a smile, pointed out.

“You missed one over there.”


Ma Yabei let out a shriek, scrambling to pick up the remaining garment before rushing back into the house.

Zhao Xueman, looking confused, cocked his head to one side.

“Why did she take mine too?”

Zhao Yuegu responded with a chuckle.

“She went into my room, after all.”

In Zhao Yuegu’s absence these past days, Ma Yabei had been the one to keep Xueman company at bedtime.

Even now that Zhao Yuegu was back, Ma Yabei hadn’t quite adjusted and had inadvertently locked herself in his room.

With the room now empty, Ma Yabei was still covering her face, mortified.

She listened at the door in silence, only to realize the pair had long since moved on to discussing dinner plans.

This brought her a sigh of relief.

Outside the village, with its meager supplies, they could procure a greater variety of meats.

Though not as pristine as the mountain offerings, the selection was broader.

Zhao Yuegu had brought back two kilograms each of beef and mutton.

And most crucially, there was milk.

“Children need to drink plenty of this to grow up strong and fast.”

He gently tousled Xueman’s delicate strands of hair.

Xueman was perfect in every way, except perhaps a bit too frail.

Without hesitation, Xueman took a curious sip of the milk and then tilted her head.

“Will I grow as big as Sister Yabei if I drink this?”


“It’s soft, feels nice to touch.”

Xueman mimicked the gesture.

Zhao Yuegu’s lips twitched, barely suppressing a wayward thought.

He hadn’t expected… Ma Yabei to be self-conscious about her figure!

With the bounty of food they had brought back, dinner was an extravagant affair.

Xueman had a natural flair for cooking and did an exceptional job.

At some point, Ma Yabei joined in to help, though she kept darting glances away from Zhao Yuegu.

It wasn’t until she saw the table laden with dishes that Ma Yabei finally eased up.

“Let’s dig in!”

She declared, grabbing the wooden rice tub.

Clearly, a bowl just wouldn’t do justice to her appetite.

For a hearty meal, a tub was the way to go!

She was a true foodie, no doubt about it.

After satisfying her hunger, she collapsed into the chair, unconcerned about appearances, and gently massaged her slightly distended belly.

“Ah, that’s the spot!”

“I never get to indulge like this when I’m at work.”

“I’m stuffed.”

Zhao Yuegu had finished eating as well and set aside his utensils.

“Ma Yabei, there’s something I need your help with.”

“Go ahead.”

“Xueman can recognize a few characters, but she’s never actually read a book.”

“I’d like you to teach her.”

Ma Yabei instantly took on a look of determination.

“I’d be happy to, but what exactly should I teach her?”

“I’ve picked up some books from the county. Just go through these with her.”

Zhao Yuegu laid a hefty stack of books on the table.

Ma Yabei’s eyebrows shot up.

This thick?

That’s a massive undertaking!

It might take a year or two to get through all this.

Does he intend to keep me here that long?

But as she examined the books more closely, a wave of distress washed over her.

“Andersen’s Fairy Tales”

“One Thousand and One Nights”

“Legends of the Xia Country”


Tears streamed down Ma Yabei’s face.

“What do you take me for?”

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