My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 929: Persephone and Victor.

Chapter 929: Persephone and Victor.

Waking up in reality, the first thing Victor saw was Anna and Persephone's face.

"How long was I gone?"

"15 minutes."

"...I said it wasn't bad at all."

"Victor, you are the strongest damn dragon god I have ever seen, your body is practically impenetrable, and your regeneration is so perverted, and yet you spit out blood. How is that not bad at all?" Persephone narrowed her eyes. "I didn't even know you could be harmed these days until now."

"I wasn't hurt, just something that happened related to my soul, and it affected my physical body, something small that has since been fixed."

"...What happened, Victor?" Anna asked.

"My soul went through a cleansing process, and all traces of mortality within my soul completely disappeared, all at the same time."

"...I see, and because of that, your body suffered minor damage." Persephone now understood the cause of Victor's reaction. Basically, his soul was exchanging the mortal pillars for the more robust pillars of a dragon god. This process is typically done slowly, but for some reason, all of this was done at the same time.

If Victor's body wasn't so strong, and he had two world trees to support himself, this wouldn't have come out with just a 'minor damage'. Any other normal god would have already died.

In a very human way of putting it, it was as if Victor had removed his entire mortal bone structure and replaced it with a divine bone structure all at once.

"Yes, nothing bad happened." Victor reinforced while making his red blood disappear.

"Does this now mean that your blood is golden like that of the gods?" Anna asked.

"Not exactly. I am a blood god too, after all, so it can be said that my blood is so thick that it should have turned black?" Victor spoke while controlling his own blood, and he materialized it in front of the two.

"...Yeah, it is black blood." Victor nodded when he saw the color of his blood.

Persephone and Anna gulped when they saw Victor's blood floating around. It smelled so good and was so rich in nutrients.

Victor made a gesture with his hand, and his blood disappeared, making the two women return to their senses.

"Did you call the other girls?" Victor asked.

"Anna didn't let me leave." Persephone said and then added: "She said to trust you... But if 30 minutes had passed, we would have called."

"Mm, thank you, Mother. I don't want to make the girls worry over something small like that." Victor spoke.

"This isn't a small thing, Victor; it's your safety," Persephone spoke as she narrowed her eyes.

Anna nodded in agreement with what Persephone said.

Victor just smiled slightly. "For me, it's something small."

He didn't consider something like his safety important because he knew very well that no matter what happened to him, he would be fine. Even his death is somewhat questionable now; after all, thanks to the ability he received from the Elder God if he 'dies' from something, he will immediately adapt to that death and come back to life thanks to his other abilities.

And even if he could die as a god, he would only remake himself again some thousands of years later.

The only possible way to kill Victor now was through his soul or Death herself erasing his soul, but for those who tried, this process would be in for a very unpleasant surprise due to the cosmic horror hidden in his soul. Victor didn't know exactly what his abilities were in relation to this creature, but one thing he was sure of was that he wouldn't fall without dragging the enemy with him.

And despite still being in a 'baby' state, he is sure that this being can somehow harm a primordial. He just doesn't know how yet.

Taking all this into consideration, it is reasonable to say that Victor is physically and spiritually immortal. Therefore, he was not careful about his safety; for him, his family's safety was more important.

"Leaving that small matter aside."

"It is not a small matter," Anna growled at Victor's lack of regard for himself. Her draconic red eyes glowed slightly as the very surrounding reality shuddered at her words.

She didn't like his words at all. As a mother, it was her responsibility to take care of her son, even if technically he was no longer her son, but rather he was her father; it was the feeling that counts.

If Victor protected his family, who would protect him? The answer was obvious: his own family, so Anna made a decision.

She would ensure that the family was strong enough to support him.

She got up from the ground and floated towards the exit in a furious mood. In the face of this anger, the reality around her seemed to fail a little.

"Victor, seal my rune ability and allow me to use it only when I am near you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, there is no point in having a power that I cannot control."

"Very well." Victor nodded and spoke in Draconian language:

"Anna's runic power will be sealed and will only be released when she is by my side."

In the next moment, the effects of Anna's anger actually began to disappear completely, but her mood and the brightness in her eyes did not diminish in the slightest. She was determined and angry.

Upon leaving the room, the doors were closed, leaving Persephone and Victor alone.

"... What was that?" Persephone asked, confused.

"I woke up a dragon." Victor laughed. His words weren't an exaggeration. Anna, up until now, had always acted as second in command when he, Violet, Sasha, Ruby, Natashia, Scathach, Aphrodite, Kaguya, or Agnes weren't present, but she always did it as a last option, and not willingly.

You could say that this was her job, so she took on everything and gained a lot of experience from it, but now... It seemed that this would no longer be a reality. She would not act as a backup leader and would actively meddle in faction-related things.

'That's interesting. I wonder what changes this will bring.' Anna was highly respected within Victor's inner circle, not just because she was Victor's 'mother' but also because of the fact that despite being a brutally honest woman, she was very competent and got along well with everyone.

She was not a social butterfly like Aphrodite who could make even the quietest of women like Eve talk, but she had around her the power of honesty that, even though it was disabled, would work unconsciously, making people feel comfortable with her.

Putting all these facts together, Anna was undoubtedly very respected, and seeing her acting proactively to boost the girls, interesting changes will occur.

And due to Violet's recent changes, Victor suspected that she and Anna would work together to make all these changes happen.

"Waking a dragon... Well, you could say that... Do you plan to make her a wife?" Persephone asked. It is worth mentioning that she was a goddess and not just any goddess, a Greek goddess, and the concept of limits does not exist for these gods.

To that question, Victor just gave Persephone a neutral smile and didn't respond immediately. He picked up Persephone and placed her on his lap. He stroked the goddess of the underworld and Spring's long black hair, then pushed her face into her chest.

Persephone's black dragon horns scratched Victor's face a little but didn't do any damage. Persephone took a deep breath, smelling Victor, and her body began to react to smelling his body. This was the scent of her Progenitor, this was the scent of Victor, this was the scent of the man she wanted for herself but could not have due to Aphrodite's intrusion and her own stupidity.

Persephone was embarrassed when remembering her actions in the past. Due to her work as Ruler and queen of the underworld, she was forced to mature faster, not that she wasn't mature before, after all, she already had children at that time, but her attitude was very... Naive? Stupid? Not ripe? For someone of her status.

Well, they say that the gods take thousands of years to mature. A good example of this was the dead God King Zeus himself, who did not mature even until the end of his life.

Mortals say that responsibility helps people mature, but this was different from person to person; responsibility only made Zeus act more recklessly than before, and the same happened with Poseidon.

Now that she thinks about it, the Greek Gods were no different from humans. It could be said that they were the perfect representation of what humans would do if they were not limited by the laws of society. Knowing humans, they could act even worse than gods and demons combined.

While Persephone was lost in thought, accepting Victor's caresses and smelling him. Victor, who was silent, began to speak:

"I don't plan on doing anything, Persephone."

"...Hmm?" Persephone stopped thinking and looked at Victor. "What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I meant." Victor caressed Persephone's cheeks and made her look up.

"I don't plan to do anything. I will let everything happen naturally, just like it happened before. The only difference is that I won't refuse anything."

Persephone narrowed her eyes slightly and said with an amused smile: "You are a Jerk."


"You're not giving anyone a choice. You're giving a false sense of choice, but I know that from the moment you turned them into dragons, you won't let any of them get away, including Anna, Carmila, Naty, and Hestia, who aren't exactly 'related' to you."

"Manipulation 101 at its best." She snorted.

"Interesting... You didn't put your name."

"Humpf, I'm not included in that anymore. The proof of that is the way we are now; I'm not stupid. I can see your intentions crystal clear."

"Heh~…" Victor's eyes sparkled in amusement as his crimson, violet eyes focused on Persephone's face, "In that case, tell me. What are my intentions with you?"



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