My Virtual Girlfriend Is Actually a Lady From the Richest Family

Chapter 40: Go Home

Not long after, David and Mery arrived beside their respective cars.

"I want to go home now, so we part ways here," David told her.

Until now, the woman seemed to be deep in thought.

She glanced at David, and tered her car without saying anything.

"Call me if you need any more help," she said before starting to drive.

Although she might be offded that David's power didn't look at her, she would still do her job well.

This kind of woman was hard not to find attractive in David's personal opinion.

After that, David also started driving home.

He didn't hold back, driving as fast as he could.

Within a few minutes, he finally arrived at the parking lot of his apartmt.

After getting out of the car, he wt straight to the elevator.

There were many other things that were bound to happ tomorrow, so he wanted to get some sleep right away.

Wh he oped the door to his apartmt, he found that Audrey was sitting on the sofa, reading a book with her hair in a neat bun.

She stared at the door, surprised that David was actually home.

"I'm sorry David, but I really didn't remember that the car had so little gasoline left, I only remembered it some time later," she said, sounding regretful.

After that, her eyes wided wh she saw that David's tire outfit was soaked.

"You?" She said as she stood up from the sofa. "Isabel not letting you into her apartmt to wait out the rain?"

"Sis, the car ran out of gas before we ev arrived, and we ded up having to go to the apartmt in the rain," David replied, shaking his head.

How everything happed, Audrey could not fully understand.

"Th why are you coming home now? Does Isabel really not want you in her apartmt for too long? Right, how did you fill up the gas?" she asked.

"I chose to go home myself, it wasn't Isabel who wouldn't let me," David replied. "And I called a frid to help me get gas."


"I'm sure you don't know at all, so there's no point in talking about it."

Audrey, "..."

"Alright, sis, I'm fine, now I want to sleep," David said as Audrey fell silt.

He wt to his room, and immediately changed clothes.

Appartly, Audrey wt into his room after he had put on new clothes.

She was carrying a cup filled with warm ginger.

"Drink up so you don't get sick," she said, handing the cup to David who was sitting on the bed.

From the look on her face, David could tell that she was very worried because she was caught in the rain at this hour.

"Thank you," David said in response. He accepted the cup, starting to drink the ginger.

It was quite delicious to drink in a situation like this.

Audrey didn't leave right away, she sat beside David and placed her hand on his forehead, trying to check his condition.

"Sis, I told you, I'm fine," David said.

He was a little uncomfortable wh his older sister paid too much atttion.

It may have be convit wh he was a kid, but now that he was older, it felt quite awkward.

Of course, his body temperature was perfectly normal.

Audrey let out a sigh of relief.

"You shouldn't have forced yourself to go home," she said.

"Come on sis, I can't sleep in Isabel's apartmt, it's small and has only one room. Plus, she's a woman, and doesn't have clothes for me," David replied.

"Every problem can be solved as long as there is a roof over our heads," Audrey replied.

After saying that, she showed a strange look.

"Is there something going on betwe you two?" she asked in a fairly low tone.

Since she had wanted to make the two close from the start, it was not strange that she was asking about that.

David thought for a while before answering with a faint smile, "yeah, something did happ betwe us."

"What is it?" Audrey's curiosity instantly increased, evidt on her face.

"Good and fun things, of course," David replied in a tone that suggested he was joking.

Audrey couldn't tell if he was lying or telling the truth.

However, she was a bit hesitant to ask further, knowing that it would be too intrusive into David's personal affairs.

"Well, you should go to bed now," she said as she stood up from the bed.

She walked to the door, walked out of the room, and closed the door carefully.

David felt like laughing, but he restrained himself, th turned his gaze to his cell phone.

He checked again the message Isabel had st him to tell him her phone number.

It only contained a thumbs-up emoji.

And appartly, she hadn't slept because David saw that her phone number was online.

(Hello, are you asleep yet?) David messaged her.

(Not yet.) Isabel appartly replied to David's message immediately.

This can be said to be proof that she is currtly happy with him.

(Are you thinking about something?)

(Thinking has become my activity, there are too many things I need to remember and learn.)

(It's hard to understand for people who ar't smart like me.)

(Don't call yourself unintelligt, so far I believe you are an intelligt man.)

(Probably good at bullshit, hehehe. By the way, can we meet again tomorrow?) David th changed the topic.

(We will definitely meet at the university. You know, there's actually a community from our high school at the university, consisting of freshm and siors who graduated high school early. How about you join too?)

(I guess that doesn't really suit me. What I mean is meeting specifically in a place where there are only two of us.)

(Where is a suitable place?) Appartly, Isabel immediately replied to the message ev though it clearly contained suspicious indications.

This only showed that Isabel herself wanted a place where they could be alone together again without thinking about what would happ later.

(Let's think about that tomorrow.) David replied that he himself could not decide on the place right now.

(Okay!) Isabel didn't mind.

After that, David stopped sding messages. He didn't want her sleep to be disturbed because he kept communicating with her.

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