My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 691: The Joys and Sorrows of People Are Not the Same

Chapter 691: The Joys and Sorrows of People Are Not the Same

Qin Feng knew all too well how terrifying the power of the Transcendence Realm was. 

The towering fury of the Garuda King, the world-destroying power of the Candle Dragon-if it had not been for the gathering of countless high-level fighters, who knew how the Battle of Zhenling Pass would have turned out.

In the past, when his father had faced the Lord of the Marsh, even though he had accidentally entered the enemy’s domain and become a fish on a chopping board, his father had honestly admitted that even without entering the domain, he would not have been able to defeat the enemy, he could only to flee.

Only the Transcendence can slay the Transcendence – this was no empty platitude!

The opening of the rift between the Immortal Realm and the Netherworld Realm had greatly increased the overall strength of the human race, but to easily deal with the existence of the Transcendence Realm was still wishful thinking.

Seeing the worry on Qin Feng’s face, Anya comforted him, “You need not be so worried. As long as the seal remains, it will not be easy for the gods and demons of the Immortal Realm to descend into this world. “

“In addition, after the anomaly in this world, some people from the Transcendence Realm have appeared among the human race. For example, Nan Tianlong, the Southern Commander, and Yi Tianluo, the current Northern Domain Commander who rules over the Eight Wildernesses… “

“The human race is also becoming stronger and stronger. They will not allow the gods and demons of the Immortal Realm to have their way in this world.”

Qin Feng nodded slightly as his gaze shifted to Liu Jianli and Cang Feilan, his fist clenching with unwavering determination.

At this moment, Anya spoke up again, “Speaking of powerful individuals in the human race, after the conclusion of the Zhenling Pass Battle half a year ago, the Great Qian has once again produced many reclusive experts.“

“Their cultivation has reached the Three Rank Realm, and there are even some who have reached the Two Rank Realm.”

“His Majesty wanted the Demon Slaying Department and the Prison Department to contact them in order to bring them under his command, but these individuals had no such inclination,” Anya explained.

This was completely unexpected for Qin Feng. The emergence of Ancient Divine Breath, Primal Immortal Qi, and Netherworld Qi had indeed produced a large number of powerful human experts, but it was a step-by-step process.

Take Southern Commander Nan Tianlong, for example-he was already a powerful figure who guarded his domain, and through the mastery of resources and insights, his ascension to the Transcendence Realm was a natural progression.

However, the sudden appearance of so many high-level martial artists did not correspond to the actual situation. After all, in the past, if one possessed the strength of the fourth rank in the Great Qian, it was almost impossible to remain anonymous.

But now, there were suddenly so many third-tier cultivators… Even for reclusive experts, this seemed rather strange.

Qin Feng was about to take a sip of his tea and continue discussing these mysterious new reclusive powerhouses with Anya when a figure at the entrance of the main hall caught his eye, almost causing him to choke on his tea.

The newcomer was no stranger, but the familiar Lan Ningshuang. 

She was still wearing her long pale blue dress and carrying her sword scabbard, but there was something distinctly different about her physique.

It was her chest! 

What was once an endless expanse had now become towering peaks that ordinary people could barely see!

The once pristine moon, though hidden by her robes, was now prominently displayed in front of Qin Feng’s eyes!

The Second Mother opened her mouth with a look of disbelief on her face. 

Cang Feilan’s pale blue eyes widened as she glanced down at her own chest, then back at Lan Ningshuang’s, the stark difference obvious.

The one who was most affected by this was Anya. She had hoped that she and Lan Ningshuang could become close, confiding sisters, even secretly discussing how to enlarge her own breasts.

However, in the span of just two incense sticks, Lan Ningshuang had left her far behind, out of reach! 

Her stature was such that even the magnanimous Empress Mother could not compare.

Anya felt as if she had been stabbed in the back, a feeling of discomfort she couldn’t articulate.

Among those present, only Liu Jianli remained unfazed. As Lan Ningshuanh was her personal sword attendant, she was of course already familiar with the maid’s voluptuous figure.

“Ningshuang, you usually bind your chest for the convenience of cultivation, so why today…” Qin Feng hesitated, unsure of how to proceed.

Upon hearing this, Lan Ningshuang’s face flushed slightly. She had done this to prove herself in front of Anya! 

But how could she say that in front of so many people, especially the young mistress and the master?

After a pause, Lan Ningshuang found an excuse to shyly reply, “My cultivation has progressed, and the circulation of Vigor Qi within me is much faster than before. If I were to bind it like before, it would be harder to breathe and my cultivation would slow down.”

“I see.” Qin Feng cleared his throat, “In that case, it’s better this way. Wrapping your chest with cloth all the time could also be harmful to your body, as I’ve told you before.”

“Thank you for your concern, Master,” Lan Ningshuang replied sweetly.

The others in the hall understood that Ningshuang had always possessed extraordinary natural talents, and had only hidden them until now.

Anya pressed her lips together and looked down at her own chest, then picked up her teacup and blew gently on it, trying to hide the glimmer of frustration in her eyes.

This was just a small incident, but Cang Feilan’s brow furrowed slightly because she had caught something from the previous conversation.

She looked at Qin Feng and asked indifferently, “Husband, how did you know the true size of Ningshuang… there?”

Ah, that… Qin Feng’s hand shook, spilling some tea from his cup.

When Anya and the others heard this and realized the implication, all of them turned to look at him with questioning glances.

Qin Feng swallowed hard, his mind racing to find the right words. He had seen them with my own two eyes, how could he dare to say something like that?

Lan Ningshuang also recalled the scene on the day of the young mistress’s wedding, when she willingly entered the bridal chamber and undressed. Her face turned crimson.

If only she had been a little more forward then, she might have become the master’s wife by now…

Under her piercing gaze, Qin Feng forced himself to remain calm as he spoke slowly and deliberately:

“I am a Literary Saint who practices the medical arts. The structure of the human body is naturally very familiar to me.” 

“When I practiced medicine in Jinyang City, I was able to diagnose a patient’s hidden ailments without even having to examine them closely. “

“So why should it come as a surprise that I recognized the cause of Ningshuang’s frequent chest discomfort and shortness of breath?”

Qin Feng’s expression remained calm, his eyes filled with sincerity, but his palms were already drenched with sweat from the tension.

“That makes sense.” Anya pondered for a moment, then agreed – from her personal experience, she knew the extent of Qin Feng’s medical expertise.

Liu Jianli also nodded slightly. Although she knew about Lan Ningshuang entering the bridal chamber earlier, the details had not been shared with her.

After all, Ningshuang did not have much affection for Qin Feng back then, so why would she voluntarily recount the embarrassing experience of being seen undressed?

Seeing that everyone believed his explanation, Qin Feng breathed a secret sigh of relief, feeling like he had narrowly escaped a crisis.

Time passed quickly without any notice.

Liu Jianli and Cang Feilan still had to nurse their pregnancies, so Anya naturally did not want to disturb them too much and decided to take her leave, having accomplished the purpose of her visit today.

Just as she was about to leave, Anya seemed to have thought of something and turned to ask, “Miss Ningshuang, could you see me off?”

Although a bit curious, Lan Ningshuang nodded in agreement.

At the main gate of the Qin residence, they were about to part ways.

Anya took a deep breath and quietly asked, “Miss Ningshuang, your chest is so wide, is there a secret to it?”

Hearing this, Lan Ningshuang paused for a moment, then shook her head, “There is no secret to it. Once I noticed, it was already like this.” 

“In the beginning, it caused me a lot of inconvenience in my cultivation, and I was quite worried about it.”

Troubled… Anya stood there dumbfounded.

People’s joys and sorrows are not the same. She only felt that Ningshuang was showing off to her… 

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