Myth: The Ruler of Spirituality

Chapter 114 - 91: The Unborn Magic Net (Monthly Ticket +1)

Chapter 114: Chapter 91: The Unborn Magic Net (Monthly Ticket +1)

The three deities and the Titans stepped out of the Abyss, and almost instantly, they were swept up by a golden light, returning to the surface of the Earth.

That was Gaia’s power. Perhaps after years of separation, she could hardly wait to see her children.

Standing in the Spirit Realm, witnessing this scene unfold, Laine felt somewhat disappointed. From their beings, he could not discern anything about the Tartarus within them.

But this was expected. Although the Titans had dwelled in the Abyss for tens of thousands of years, they probably never attempted to explore it.

“They are quite fast; it seems they really didn’t delve deep into the Abyss. Besides a touch of chaotic aura, they brought nothing else out.”

“Well, I’ll have to rely on myself.”

With a slight shake of his head, as a realm of the Primordial Gods, the Abyss, like the Land of Eternal Night and the Realm of Lightless, was insulated from the invasion of the Spirit Realm’s power.

So even though he had observed the comings and goings of the Tri-Aspect, Tri-Form, he still knew nothing about what lay inside Tartarus.

However, with the memories of later generations as a reference, he could roughly guess the process, which was nothing more than recruiting three enforcers and happily obtaining three weapons.

Especially when observing the three stirrings that disturbed the heavens and earth shortly after leaving the Abyss, there was no doubt. The legendary Divine Artifacts from future tales, also known as the “Lightning” Thunderbolt Arrow, the Trident of the Sea Emperor that could calm the waves and shake the earth, and the almost inconspicuous Helm of the Underworld King, were successively born in the hands of the Cyclops.

“Lightning” is an extremely rare, combat-centric High-Grade Artifact, and the Trident and Helm were a league apart.

The former was manageable, its power growing with the expanse of ocean it ruled. However, the latter could hardly compare to the robe on Laine’s body.

At least it was made of the same material as the Lady of the Night’s black dress, containing a smidgen of Authority of Secrets; meanwhile, the Helm seemed more like a shoddy imitation.

“As I thought, ordinary high-level artifacts have a minimal effect on Great Divine Power.”

“I wonder if the Thunderbolt Arrow will become even stronger after ascending to Divine King.”

After briefly sensing his surroundings, he expected to feel a threat, but Laine suddenly realized he had no reaction to the aura of the newly born divine artifact.

While this was due to being within the Spirit Realm, at this point in his journey, even if he were to go out, there’d be no difference.

He could momentarily mobilize the Spirit Realm’s own formidable strength, just as the Primordial Gods could briefly invoke their own power.

“It seems I still underestimated the power of the Primordial Gods… No wonder I had such a strange premonition before.”

Sensing the Divine Power flowing within him, Laine was somewhat contemplative. Previously, he definitely underestimated the Twin Gods of the Dark Night’s power because his current strength was vastly different from that of the two Ancient Gods he had envisioned.

This strength was not derived from the Divine Power itself; in fact, in terms of Divine Power alone, he still had a long way to go. But when facing enemies other than the Primordial Gods, whether slightly higher or lower no longer mattered.

Before, when he possessed Intermediate Divine Power, aside from the assistance of artifacts, his strength was not much different from other Genuine Gods of the same level. It wasn’t because the Spirit Realm lacked presence but because he was one level apart from Great Divine Power.

One level apart, unless a price was paid, that sort of power couldn’t be borrowed. But now, even though he was still far from the pinnacle of grand divine strength, the barrier between them no longer existed.

“In that case, my previous plans were too conservative.”

His fingertips lightly tapping on the tabletop, silently adjusting his plans, Laine’s gaze returned to the entrance of the Abyss.

“Tartarus, a place scarcely mentioned in later eras, what exactly does it contain?”

“No matter, it won’t take long for me to figure this out.”

Standing up, with a single step, Laine had already vanished from Mount Sinai.

Ever since Zeus released the Titans, the atmosphere on Chaos’ Earth instantly became tense.

The last factor in the intervention of the Mother Earth in the succession of the Divine King was smoothed over, what remained was a family matter of the Divine King. Gods took their sides, but even more were observing from the sidelines.

In the starry skies, several deities who participated in the division of star regions refused Cronus’ overtures. They did not have an indivisible connection with the Divine King, and naturally, they would not partake in the war. In the vast ocean, perhaps for some reason, although the ancient Sea God did not partake himself, his several children joined Zeus’ ranks.

Among the twelve Titans, the positioning of the ocean deity couple was self-evident, and the God of Meteorology, faced with the conflict of Godhood between Zeus and Poseidon, could only continue to stand by the Divine King. Other Titan deities remained neutral, and most curious of all was the Queen of Gods, Rhea—who had betrayed her husband—yet she still stayed on the Mount of the Gods, not siding with her children.

No one knew what she was thinking, but it seemed as if both sides of gods had forgotten her existence, with no one seeking to disturb the goddess.

In such an atmosphere, perhaps feeling his power had grown, Zeus led his siblings to the peak shaped by the ancient Mountain God, a mountain he named ‘Olympus’.

At the summit, he faced his father across the void, his aura growing ever more somber.

However, the war was a father-son conflict amongst the Divine Kings and of the earth, but it was not of the sea, nor did it belong to Hecate, who had also participated behind the scenes in this changing of the Divine King.

She moved about the seas as if the war had not affected her in the slightest. More than a decade ago, Selene was summoned back to the Moon by her mother goddess, leaving Hecate to continue her journey on the seas alone.

In the past, she had measured the earth, explored the Underworld, and had even been invited to the stars by the Moon goddess. The sea was the first place she came to and would be the last. Now, she had a profound understanding of the elemental distribution of this world.

Her spiritual body shone with the luster of seven lunar phases. Inside her body, a small experimental magic net had also taken shape.

It was a silver net. Nine layers at the front, three at the back, twelve layers in total, each distinctly partitioned. The ninth layer demarcated the boundary between the mortal and the transcendent, through which elements and magic power were transmitted.

Although in essence a net, from the outside it looked like a bunch of silver flames. It took root in the present world and connected to the Spirit Realm, becoming a bridge between the two.

“Soon, when the magic net is fully formed, all elements of the world will be bound by it, and mundane objects will more easily connect with the power of elements.”

“Godhood, will I soon have this thing too?”

A smile appeared on her face but soon disappeared as Hecate took out the Tome of All Spells and prodded it.

“So tell me, stone tablet, how can I change back to my original form!”

Reflecting on the sea surface, unbeknownst to when, the fifteen-year-old girl with red hair and a red dress had transformed greatly. A head of soft blue hair draped over a pale blue dress, and the girl had become a young woman of eighteen or nineteen years of age.

From her appearance alone, the blue-dressed young woman seemed gentle and tranquil, yet as profound as the sea itself. Anyone who glanced at her would be captivated by her temperament.

However, it seemed that Hecate was not quite satisfied with the change in her appearance.

[I’ve already told you, soon, when you have fully constructed the magic net, you will be able to adjust freely between the two states.]

[You should be happy. The changes you’re experiencing now are a manifestation of a unique talent and the outward sign of your potential.]

[The last one to possess this ability was the ruler of the Land of Eternal Night, an Ancient God of Great Divine Power.]

With a pout that didn’t quite fit her image, Hecate looked at her changed appearance with a hint of displeasure, although she knew from the tablet that it was a special talent known as Tri-Aspect, Tri-Form.

If she were still at the foot of Mount of the Gods, she might have longed to grow into the likeness of other goddesses, but over the years, she had come to feel that her unaging form was a unique expression of herself.

Just like a god without godhood, to this day, she was the only one.

“What about you, do you also have the ability of Tri-Aspect, Tri-Form?”

As if thinking of something, Hecate asked.

[It depends on how you understand it.]

[I do have it, but my ‘Tri-Aspect’ may be quite different from you all.]

Without any concealment, in fact, whether looking at it from the perspective of the three divine artifacts or from her own perspective, this ‘Tri-Aspect’ indeed existed.

But just like Hecate, who had only revealed two aspects so far, this unique tri-aspect was also still incomplete.

As for how to complete it, that would be a matter for much later.

[Hurry up. When the Divine Kings change, the laws of the present world may transform abruptly.]

[Prepare everything before that happens.]

“Got it, I’ll be ready,” Hecate replied.

Not only had her appearance changed, but her voice had also become much softer, so much so that the same words gave the listeners a different feeling. Hecate glanced at her reflection on the water surface and decided not to meet with others for a while.

The Grand Sorceress Hecate, after all, couldn’t become as frail-looking as Selene.

Days passed by, and as the final upheaval approached, all the deities were making their preparations. On the two Mounts of the Gods, spirits from different factions began to converge.

Until one day, the ten-year agreement came due.

Thus, between Olympus and Mount Othrys, the war of the deities began, and flames of war ignited across the land.

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