Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 250: Transcendence, Maximum Enhancement, Golden Rune (I)

Chapter 250: Transcendence, Maximum Enhancement, Golden Rune (I)

When the brightly shining red letters announced a first-year student in the middle stage of the Fifth Heavenly Realm, almost every student in the school bases was struck speechless.

As cultivators, they knew how difficult it was to advance even a minor level after reaching the Third Heavenly Realm. Many of them had been stuck at the Fourth Realm for half a year, unable to make any progress.

There were still some third-year students in the Third Realm, and it was even worse for the second-year students. Many with mediocre talent were still struggling in the late stage of the Second Realm, trying to break through to the Third.

But now, a first-year student had not only broken through to the Fifth Heavenly Realm, but had already reached the middle stage!

It wasn't just confusion; many second- and third-year students felt a profound sense of inadequacy and self-doubt.

Are we truly worthless? We’ve been cultivating for three years and are still in the Third Heavenly Realm, while this freshman has cultivated for only one year—no, the second semester just started a month ago, so he’s only been cultivating for six months.

Six months to reach the middle stage of the Fifth Heavenly Realm, nearly advancing one Heavenly Realm per month.

Not only were the older students shocked, but even the other geniuses found the persistent red letters on the screen blinding.

"This junior is even more of a freak than Changkong."

Lin Mei, standing on the rooftop of the girls' dormitory in casual clothes, crossed her arms, marveling at the distant glowing characters. She had been one of the ones to heed the order to return to base from the Yunwu Mountains, since she needed to take care of the Lin sisters, and was able to witness this scene as a result.

Next to her, Lin Xue, who had been talking to Lin Yu, widened her eyes and exclaimed, "Chen Chu? How is that possible?"

"Uhh..." Lin Yu, normally gentle and composed, stood stunned, her mouth slightly open.

Unlike the sisters, once Xia Youhui and his friends recovered from their shock, they went wild, rushing to Chen Chu's side in an instant.

Looking at Chen Chu and his tyrannical aura, Liu Feng exclaimed excitedly, "What the fuck! What the—"

"Stop repeating yourself already," Li Meng said, pushing Liu Feng aside. He looked at Chen Chu with excitement and asked, "Chen Chu, did you find some top-level resource to enhance your realm?"

Chen Chu gave him a side eye. "Do you think that's possible?"

"Hahaha... Ah Chu, your bragging this time is really impressive." Xia Youhui laughed heartily. "Now who would dare to say you’re not the new number one? An Fuqing, Chen Jianyi, Ning Fei, all of them are below you now."

Seeing Xia Youhui getting more and more excited, a peculiar expression flashed in Chen Chu's eyes. For a moment, he wanted to tell them that An Fuqing was already in the late stage of the Fourth Heavenly Realm, only to decide against it

In a serious tone, Chen Chu said, "Old Xia, spread the word. At 2 PM, after I finish my seclusion, I will challenge all seniors in the Fifth Heavenly Realm at base. Tell them, I, Chen Chu, declare that no one can withstand three moves from me."

Chen Chu had originally wanted to say one move, but after some thought, he decided to go with three, just to be safe and avoid being embarrassed by someone using special secret arts.

Even so, the entire square instantly erupted. The older students, who had been in shock and self-doubt, snapped back to reality.

"You're saying that no one in the Fifth Heavenly Realm can withstand three moves from you? Isn't that a bit too arrogant?"

"Yeah, you're only in the middle stage of the Fifth. Anyone who didn't know better might think you were at the peak of the Sixth, for daring to say something like that."

"Right, why don't you challenge Zhang Tianlong and see if he can crush you in three moves."

"Brother, with how loud you're shouting, I thought you were going to go up there and teach him a lesson, show him that seniors can't be disrespected."

The person responded helplessly, "I'm only in the late stage of the Third. How am I supposed to teach him a lesson? If I were at the peak of the Fifth—no, if I were in the Sixth, I'd definitely take him down."

"No shit. If you were in the Sixth, you'd probably be even more arrogant than he is now."

"Now that you mention it, that makes sense. Haha."

Chen Chu's words made many senior students unhappy, feeling he was being far too arrogant. However, these people were in the minority. Most of the seasoned students were actually excited about the upcoming spectacle to watch.

In the buildings at the back, many Fifth Heavenly Realm students who had returned looked serious. They were particularly concerned about the overwhelming and domineering aura emanating from Chen Chu. Even from such a distance, his aura was shaking their spirits. One could only imagine the impact of an actual attack.

A senior student in the early stage of the Fifth Heavenly Realm noticed the distorted air around Chen Chu and remarked solemnly, "Such an overwhelming aura."

Li Fei appeared out of nowhere, sporting a cheerful grin. "Chen Chu, congratulations on your breakthrough. I didn't expect you to have such a domineering side.

"Very good, that's the kind of aura a genius should have. A man not arrogant in his youth is a waste. When the time comes, make sure to give Ji Changkong a good beating for me."

It was clear that his last sentence was his main point. Chen Chu ignored the latter part of his comment and said seriously, "Li Fei, it's good you're here. I heard your circle is well-informed. Could you do me a favor?"

Li Fei had a vague idea of what was coming. "Go ahead."

"Notify everyone at all of the other school bases that I will be challenging all seniors in the Fifth Heavenly Realm one by one. I want to see if there's anyone in the entire southern battlefield who can withstand three moves from me."

"What the fuck!"

"I thought he was arrogant before, but I wasn’t expecting this. He actually wants to challenge the entire southern battlefield?"

"Regardless of his strength, his confidence alone is admirable. I wouldn't dare."

If Chen Chu’s earlier declaration that no senior in Nantian could withstand three moves had seemed arrogant and overconfident, this truly shocked everyone.

This kind of challenge, defeating students from several schools, required continuous fighting. In such a scenario, it would test one's endurance and stamina to the utmost.

Although cultivators in the Fifth Heavenly Realm had abundant true power, it wasn’t infinite. The condition of the three-move challenge meant that both the opponents and Chen Chu himself would use their full strength to unleash explosive ultimate moves.

In such a scenario, the consumption of true power would be astonishing. A cultivator in the early stage of the Fifth Heavenly Realm could fully unleash five ultimate moves at the most, even if their true power was considered abundant.

After all, these were ultimate moves, each strike consuming a large amount of true power. If it were possible to continuously unleash such moves, they would simply be regular attacks.

As for those in the middle stage of the Fifth Heavenly Realm, they wouldn't be able to manage much more. Under normal circumstances, ten full-powered strikes would be their limit; as the power of their combat skills increased with their cultivation, this led to greater consumption.

Therefore, even if Chen Chu's combat strength was enough that no one could truly withstand his full-powered strike, how many times could he continuously unleash such explosive moves?

Twenty? Thirty?

Once his true power is exhausted... Many people, thinking along these lines, shook their heads, feeling that Chen Chu might be overestimating himself. This kind of challenge wasn’t going to allow for an hour of recovery after each fight. The other schools' senior students wouldn't give him time.

After all, if he was arrogant enough to challenge all the top talents in the entire southern battlefield, he must be prepared for exhaustion and defeat.

Regardless of whether people admired Chen Chu's audacity or mocked his ignorance, they could only really watch as these events unfolded.

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