Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 142 Supression

Chapter 142 Supression

"So how did you fix your voice?" Madison asked whilst taking a sip of some juice. She couldn’t help but repeatedly take a glance at Shiro’s face.

"I’m not too sure. Maybe because I got my 5th star?" Shiro shrugged with a small smile.

’Wow...’ Madison couldn’t help but think, seeing that smile.

"I guess we don’t have to wait till C class for your then huh? Lucky."

"Indeed. So what was this surprise that you wanted me to see?" Shiro asked.

"Ah about that. We were going to tell you but it was kind of cut short due to the whole slums situation."

"Heh~ Is that so."

Leaning back a little, Shiro threw her last Mana Stone lollipop in her mouth and frowned.

"Say, why don’t we hit up a dungeon or something? I need to get some mana stones for little Yin. She’s running out of food."

’And so am I.’ Shiro thought since this was her last meal.

"Ah you need D rank mana stone? I got some here. Me and Lyrica had been in the dungeons for the past few days so I got some spare."

"Is it ok?"

"Yeah just take them. It’s not like we’re low on cash." Madison waved her hand lightly.

Accepting the mana stones, Shiro got two and threw it lightly towards Yin.

*Mofu mofu


"What is it Shiro-nee?"

"Why are you latching onto the back of my head like a koala?" Shiro asked with a weary smile.

"Because Shiro-nee is like a cold pillow." Kanae replied as her eyes started to close.

"Aiya! You’re drooling!" Shiro cried out in slight panic and quickly pulled Kanae off the moment she felt saliva run down her hair.

"Ah sorry." Kanae quickly apologised since it was so comfy for her to hug Shiro that she almost fell asleep.

"Don’t worry about it. Just try not to drool ok?" Shiro patted her head and sat her between her legs.

Waving her hand slightly, Shiro froze the saliva in her hair with ease and crumbled it to dust.

"Seems like your control over ice has improved." Madison complimented seeing how effortless it was.

"Obviously, otherwise I wouldn’t be a 5 star ice mage would I?"


"Ohya? Seems like Lyrica’s waking up." Shiro said whilst looking over at Lyrica’s direction.

"Madi? I just had the wildest dream. Shiro appeared behind us and she could talk. Strange huh?" She replied whilst rubbing her eyes.

"Yo~ It’s not a dream. Fufu, this miss has her voice back." Shiro grinned while giving her a little wave.

"..." Lyrica looked at Shiro and pulled her cheek to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.

"Eh!! What happened to your face and did the trial fix your voice?"

"Hmm... it’s kind of like what happened to Madi I suppose. When I finish the trial, my body experienced a change. As for my face... maybe I got a hidden charm stat? Hahaha." Shiro chuckled.

"What happened to your eyes then and what about that crest on your hand?" Lyrica asked curiously.

Previously, her blue eyes were like the sky, full of curiosity. However, after her trial, her eyes was like an endless void that caused one to not know what she was thinking about.

But that only made Lyrica want to find out more. She wanted to reach the end of that void and see what she was thinking about.

"Well I don’t really have control over my eyes changing. As for my crest, they’re a reward I got from the trial. I can control all the ice around me regardless of who created it."

"So your saying, if an enemy used ice against you, you can steal it?" Madison widened her eyes in shock. She knew the 5th star was strong since hardly anyone managed to reach the 5th star in the history of the current world. However, she didn’t think it would be so powerful.

The fact that they couldn’t use ice against Shiro meant she was the perfect counter to all ice mages. Even more so than fire mages.

"Yup." Shiro smiled.


Their conversation was cut short when something crashed into the side of the building.

Naturally, Shiro instantly entered combat mode and flicked her wrist the moment she felt the building move. Ice wrapped around them and protected them from any debris that tried to crush them.

Of course, she didn’t forget to protect Kanae’s mum and the other tent mates.

Narrowing her eyes, Shiro saw that it was a bloodied woman with blue hair.

’It’s Lianni.’ She thought with narrowed eyes.

"Get out of here." Shiro said quietly not wanting to startle Lianni.

Even though her control over ice had improved significantly, she wasn’t arrogant enough to think that she could suppress Lianni enough so that none of the bystanders would be affected.

A fight between high levels would also cause a huge amount of destruction. The only exception is when one side is suppressed to the point where they can’t retaliate.


"Get out of here." Shiro repeated sternly.

Lyrica and Madison nodded their heads and grabbed Kanae.

Yin flapped her wings and landed on Shiro’s head. Her face was also serious since their lives are linked. If Shiro dies, she dies as well.

Glancing back slightly, Lyrica and Madison saw who Shiro was looking at and paled.

’A level 76 Corrupted Frost Monarch!!!’ They thought with shock.

Before their tent mates could even cry out in surprise, the duo had grabbed everyone and dashed out.

Their actions caught the attention of Lianni.

"Che, that geezer should be coming soon. A few hostages should be fine." She said and aimed her palm at the group.

Before the ice tendrils could even reach them, Shiro dashed in front of the attack and swiped left with her hand.


"!!!" Lianni was shocked feeling her ice magic being ripped from her grasp.

Narrowing her eyes at Shiro who tapped her necklace and summoned four swords, Lianni knew Shiro was the biggest threat in the room.

However, before she could even decide what to do, Shiro had already started to attack her.

’I need to restrain her for a short time.’ Shiro thought to herself since she couldn’t allow Kanae to see a scene of carnage just yet. She was too young and as her ’big sister’ she won’t allow it.

All she needed to do was to buy enough time for the person who sent her flying to arrive. Once he arrived, her job would be finished

Lianni tried to block the four swords with her ice magic once more but that was a mistake.

Ice Domain!

With a simple click of her fingers, the ice spread apart like a blooming flower and exposed Lianni to the swords.

"Don’t get!" She shouted out in anger and reached out for the swords. Raising her palm, Lianni sent out a pulse of mana which caused Shiro to widened her eyes in shock.

Rift Wa-



Her body was launched backwards from the pulse and smashed against the wall. Coughing up some blood, Shiro gritted her teeth and stood back up.

She had opted for Rift Walker instead of Faded Snow Movement since she would still be launched back. Faded Snow Movement would only turn a small portion of her body into snow. The mana pulse Lianni had sent out hit her entire body rather than just a small part.

However, she wasn’t able to enter the rift quick enough so her body had to suffer the damage.

Thankfully, she was also making some mana absorption equipment with her nanotech armour creation skill as a back-up.

If not for that, she would literally be on her breath.

"Since you can control ice, I might as well use mana on its own you brat!" Lianni gnashed her teeth in annoyance. The humiliation of being suppressed, even just for a moment by her, wasn’t a feeling she was going to tolerate. Not to mention, they were 31 levels apart!

What was the strangest occurrence was that she was still alive after all that!

"Hehe, might want to look behind you." Shiro grinned.

"Hm?...!!!!" Suddenly sensing something approaching fast, Lianni turned around and raised her palms quickly.

A three fold magic circle appeared in front of her and erected a multi layered ice shield.

However, all would have been fine if not for the fact that Shiro was nearby.

"Break!" She commanded and clenched her fist.


On her command, the ice shattered apart causing Lianni to glare at her in anger.


A golden arrow pierced Lianni’s shoulder and ripped her left arm out of its sockets.

"Sh*t!!" Quickly drinking a potion, her arm started to regenerate.

She couldn’t stay here for long.

"Just you wait!" She threatened before her body started to turn to ice.

"Did you forget what I can do?" Shiro smirked and flexed her finger at Lianni once more.

"^%$^£$"!!!!" Cursing out loud, Lianni had to resort to reinforcing her body in order to run away.

Chuckling to herself, Shiro coughed up a bit of blood again.

"Che... The hit of a level 76 really isn’t something one should take." Shiro muttered whilst wiping away the blood on her lips.

One of the elders appeared not too long after with a golden bow in hand.

"Thanks." He nodded to Shiro since he was grateful for her actions. While he didn’t know what she did, he knew she had a part in taking down Lianni’s shield due to his amazing eyesight.

Watching him dash away, Shiro couldn’t help but blink.

"He actually took the time to thank me before continuing the chase?" She muttered just to make sure.

"Stupid." Shiro clicked her tongue. While she did appreciate his thoughts, that just allowed Lianni more time to escape. She would rather him kill Lianni than to thank her.

Shaking her head, Shiro healed herself with the Fire of Life.

During their short contact, most of the people had managed to evacuate except for a few slowpokes.

Looking up at the cracking ceiling, Shiro narrowed her eyes since this may cause the building to topple.

Placing her palm on the wall, Shiro flared her mana and used Glacial Touch.



Ice encased the room in an instant and started to fix the gap caused by Lianni’s crash.

It was only after she was sure that the building wasn’t going to collapse did she stop.

"Che, they should be more careful." She muttered. If there was no one to make some support pillars for the building, the entire place could have collapsed onto the street of Cairosa.

Leaving the room, Shiro saw Lyrica, Madison and Kanae waiting for her.

"I swear! Danger always comes to you!" Madison couldn’t help but point out.

"Unlucky maybe? I’ve had worse." Shiro shrugged. Compared to her last life, this life could be described as pretty lax.

She didn’t need to worry about tier 5 adventurer’s suddenly appearing and challenging her.

There were a few times where she would be relaxing on her day off and a group of level 200+’s would suddenly attack her. Naturally, they were all dealt with accordingly.

’What can be worse than fighting a person 31 levels ahead of you?!!!’ They thought in their minds.

"Well forget about that for now. From what I can see, they should be finishing up the slums pretty soon." Shiro said whilst checking up on her phone for any news. Since Lianni, one of the boss’s of the factions, was pushed back this far, that meant the other members shouldn’t be any better.

"Yeah see? There are updates on final clean ups. Shall we join in?" Shiro smiled and licked her lips a little.

Madison suddenly felt a huge amount of pity for the faction members. If they were lucky, they would die quickly. If they’re unlucky, they may lose something else before dying. That is if they hadn’t lost it yet, she wasn’t one to judge~

"You can also say this is a great time for you to gain EXP and level up." Shiro continued.

"Hmm... Fine I’m in." Lyrica nodded since this was a good chance for her to get used to fighting against other humans.

"Um, can I join? I want to get stronger too so I can follow Shiro-nee. They say EXP is used for level ups so I want to get some too." Kanae said whilst holding onto Shiro’s arms.

"Now you see, you’ll do that when you’re older." Shiro smiled trying to pacify Kanae. She didn’t want to expose her to murder just yet.

"But I’m old now. I’ll get my class soon and I’ll fight as well." Kanae replied.

"Hmm... How about this. I’ll take you out to get some EXP when you get your class."

"... Fine." Kanae pouted since she didn’t want to cause too much trouble for Shiro.

"Fufu, good girl. I’ll be back soon." Shiro smiled before looking towards Lyrica and Madison.

"Let’s go."


In the end, Shiro managed to raise up her kill count all the way to 230 but was only able to level up once much to her disappointment.

However, it wasn’t too surprising since the majority of the enemies were low levelled cannon fodder.

"Only 4 more levels till level 50." Shiro muttered while looking up at the sky.

The scene would have been stunning if not for the fact that she was sitting on top of a frozen corpse mountain. Then again, it was still stunning but in a different way.

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