Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 159 Easy Kill

Chapter 159 Easy Kill

Storing the motorcycle in her inventory, Shiro left the area to look for an isolated area for her to modify the vehicle.

Jumping up on one of the destroyed skyscr.a.p.ers, Shiro looked around and saw a few prime locations.

"That one." She muttered, leaping off the building and jumped towards the area using her swords as platforms.

Naturally, she made sure that no one could detect her.

Landing at the location, Shiro surveyed the area to make sure that it was isolated enough so that she could go on to modify the motorcycle however she liked.

`I need to make sure that no one could accidentally stumble in here while I’m working.’ She thought to herself before setting up wires all over the place.

Seeing the area secured, Shiro nodded to herself and pulled out the motorcycle.

Getting a better look at the motorcycle, Shiro couldn’t help but whistle at how nice it looked.

"Not too shabby at all." Shiro smiled.

Flexing her fingers, she created a few tools to help her repair the motorcycle first.

"The main area of damage is around the centre near the engine. The fuel tank itself is dented and could lead to potential leaks. The wheels are bent with the rotor being completely snapped in half. Brakes are non existent and the transmission completely in shambles." She muttered whilst looking at the motorcycle in closer detail.

"Fuel tank can be replaced by a mana converter. I can probably reinforce the chassis itself for more durability and the wheels will be exchanged for some nanofibre rubber and nano steel. I don’t need the transmission since everything will be controlled manually by me."

Taking out all the components that she didn’t need, Shiro first made sure that the overall motorcycle itself was usable with mana parts instead.

Flexing her fingers, metal and lightning twined together to form several components that she needed.

She created a mask and started to weld the parts together.


As Shiro was working on fixing the motorcycle, Yin had digested the mana stone and had asked her for one more.

"Just take it." Shiro dismissed Yin and gave her another C ranked mana stone. She wanted to finish this motorcycle quickly, therefore, didn’t waste any time on entertaining Yin. However, the effects of the mana stone seemed to have diminished as Yin wasn’t able to level up.

After several minutes of wielding parts and connecting them through mana channels on the motorcycle, Shiro injected some mana into it and saw the parts light up.

"Bingo." She grinned seeing her modifications successful.

Naturally, her replacement of the parts would make one wonder about whether or not she could have just made from scratch. The answer is yes but it would bare fewer risks if she had a base to work with.

Not to mention, it would also lighten the burden on her mana links.

Her next tasks would naturally be adding new features along with a redesign in the appearance.

Once she was done, the original white and red design was replaced by black and red. In between the panels, a soft neon red glow could be seen due to the mana converter supplying mana to the entire vehicle.

’Now for some upgrades.’ Shiro thought with a grin. This was her favourite part since she was going to add some of the must have upgrades from her old world.

Her first upgrade was the natural mana absorber that would get mana from the surroundings.

The next upgrade would be the chassis converter followed by navigation system, sonic thrusters, off road module, hyper module and the underwater module.

However, after creating these upgrades, she could feel her body hurt from the strain.

"Tsk, seems like this will do for now." She muttered in annoyance.

If she was given more leeway with her upgrades, she could have made this the most insane vehicle of this time.

Though it wasn’t without its risks as well. Hence when she added the chassis converter. With this, she’ll be able to interchange the appearance of her motorcycle.

The first appearance was that of a normal motorcycle which wouldn’t bring any suspicion onto her.

The second appearance was the more efficient appearance that contained parts and concepts not invented in the current time.

She was about to get onto the motorcycle when she realised a small predicament. Her current outfit wasn’t suited for riding a motorcycle. The main problem was the skirt but that can be easily fixed.

Waiting for a short moment for her mana to regen, Shiro flexed her fingers and created a thin layer of nanotech over her entire body. It took a moment but the final shape was some pants and a jacket.

Moving her body around to make sure that the fit was ok, Shiro stored the motorcycle away.

Leaving the area, she made sure she was alone before placing the motorcycle on the road.

"You can sit here." She said, pointing at a small cabinet at the front.


Yin chirped happily seeing a small room made just for him.

The inside of the cabinet was heated up slightly so that she was comfortable.

Snuggling herself inside the small cabinet, Yin closed her eyes.

Shiro only smiled lightly before pulling up her face mask.

Retying her hair into a ponytail, she hopped onto the motorcycle and turned everything on.

Humming with a softly, neon lights seeped through the edges of the panel, giving it a futuristic look.

Tapping the navigation system, Shiro saw a 3d map appeared in front of her with the route towards Huston Villages highlighted in red.

With her destination and route fully calibrated, Shiro revved the engine before driving out of the city at a moderate pace.

She couldn’t suddenly start speeding through the city now could she?

However, once she left the city, there were no restraints.

Pushing her heel down, Shiro flicked a switch before twisting the handle.


The panels started to shift around as boosters formed around the back of the motorcycle.


Letting out a thunderous pulse of mana, the motorcycle started to accelerate faster and faster.

The people looking at her would just see a blur of black.

Naturally with this kind of speed, one would struggle to see the surroundings. But to Shiro, this wasn’t a problem since she could see everything clearly and control the vehicle without a hitch.

While she was taking shortcuts through the forests, she also took this chance to kill some monsters. Her swords would float around her as she would swing them towards any monsters that would appear in her range and collect the loot instantly without caring about the mana stones.

Of course, there were some monsters closer to level 50 but Shiro easily skidded past them and continue her journey.

It didn’t take long for her to arrive just outside the village hopping off the motorcycle, she disguised herself.

[Ina – LVL 27 Ice Mage]

That way, the Shifter would let its guard down and show itself. Plus, she didn’t want rumours of her being able to disguise herself so she changed her name to Ina.

"Yin, we’re here." Shiro said, patting Yin’s head to wake her up.


Yin opened her eyes groggily as she looked at Shiro.

"We’re here. But I want you to fly above the village and keep an eye out until I call for you."


Yin nodded and flapped her wings.

Storing the motorcycle away, Shiro got herself into the mindset of a young girl that has a slight hero complex and wanted to help everyone.

"Fufufu, this should do." Shiro grinned. Her entire aura had shifted over and if one didn’t know her personally, they would think that she was a twin.

She even adjusted her hair style and made some contact lenses that changed her eye colour to red.

Her current appearance was a girl with red eyes, a white robe dress, stockings and boots. Naturally, they weren’t monster cloth but instead, normal fabric. As for her hair, she let it down and braided a few strands to frame her face.

Walking with a slight skip to her footsteps, Shiro had a carefree smile on her face but made sure to keep an eye out.

Entering the village, she naturally attracted some eyes since she was extremely beautiful and her aura was completely out of place. Everyone in the village had a slightly depressing aura due to the Shifter killing people day after day.

"Ano~ Excuse me? Do you know where the shifter is?" Shiro asked with a smile.

"Why do you want to know?" The woman glanced at her with dead eyes.

"Because I’m gonna kill it. Hehe~" Shiro grinned and showed her a spear made from ice. Obviously, she weakened it to the power of level 27’s.

"...Overestimating yourself." The woman sighed.

"No no. Trust me, I’ve killed a lot of monsters you know." Shiro pouted and conjured up several ice spears that floated in the air.

"...Fine. I’ll get the other villages to tell you what they know." The woman sighed tiredly. She had seen quite a few young adventurers come and not one survived. Anyone higher level couldn’t find the Shifter and gave up.

Following the woman, Shiro saw a few patrolmen walking around.

’Hmm... only level 20. They haven’t even classed up yet.’ Shiro thought to herself.

Arriving at the village centre, most of the villagers have gathered.

Shiro make herself a small platform and made sure she was a head taller than everyone.

"So er, my name is Ina. I’m the adventurer that will help you kill the Shifter since he had killed a lot of people. Is this everyone in the village?" Shiro asked.

"This is everyone." The village leader nodded his head.

Sending some mana into her contact lens, Shiro sent out a thin pulse of mana to the corners of the village and found out that he wasn’t lying.

"Ok, so can we all line up? I got a new item from the guild that helps me see who’s the shifter. It will inject some mana into your body and see if you’re a monster or human." Shiro smiled and pulled out a pair of white gloves.

"The guild has something this good?" The village leader widened his eyes in happiness. The faster they take care of the shifter the better.

"Yes. It was hard to get this from the guild since it was normally a tool used on higher levels. But we can’t just let a monster terrorise this place can we? As long I’m here, I’ll do my best to help." Shiro smiled sweetly.

"Thank the lord." The leader prayed in relief.

Shiro had to resist the urge to slap the old man.

’What do you mean thank the lord?! This princess is going out of my way to help you guys.’

"Yes indeed. Can you bring a table please."

"Of course! Right away."

After they brought a set of table and chairs, Shiro sat down and started to examine everyone. While they do feel a pulse of mana, it was mainly Shiro doing it for effects. While it does allow her to see who is monster and who is human, she doubts the Shifter would be dumb enough to stand at the front.

As she continued to ’examine’ the people, she made sure that her face would slowly drain of colour.

After going through roughly 25% of the people in the village, Shiro’s face was dangerously pale.

"Miss Ina? Are you ok?" One of the guards asked worriedly.

"It’s fine... just, it takes some of my mana to use these gloves." Shiro replied with a weak smile.

"Why don’t we continue this after a while then? We’ll get you a place to rest and mark off every who has already been examined ok?" he suggested.


"We’re already troubling miss Ina so much. This is the least we can do." He patted his chest.

"In that case then thank you." Shiro said after taking a deep breath.

The crowd slowly dispersed as the guards took the identities of people who had already been examined.

Walking away from the scene, Shiro saw a crying girl by the road.

"What’s the problem darling?" Shiro asked with slight signs of sweat on her face.

"My friends *hick* said that I’m *hick* the shifter." She said between tears.

"Aww don’t cry. Why not let this big sis examine you. That way you can prove you’re not the monster." Shiro smiled and put on the gloves.

However, her legs buckled, causing her to fall backwards.

"Are you ok?" The girl asked with worry.

"Yeah, it seems like I don’t have the mana to use the gloves anymore. I’m sorry. We’ll have to do this tomorrow is that ok?" She smiled apologetically.

"Let me help you." She offered her hand as Shiro nodded and tried to get up but failed.

"It’s fine, I’ll just rest for a moment and I’ll be fine."

The girl grinned seeing her so weak. Their location was just right in the way that no one would be able to arrive to help her quick enough. Seeing as this was the perfect moment, she slashed towards her with a dagger.

"Idiot." Shiro’s aura reverted to normal in an instant and pinched the dagger.

"Huh?!" The shifter widened her eyes in shock seeing Shiro recover instantly.

She had made sure that Shiro was completely weak before making a move. Realising she was tricked, the shifter tried to run away but Shiro was faster.

Punching the elbow, she broke the shifter’s arm and ripping off her jaw with ease. Even though the Shifter was in the form of a young girl, she wasn’t fazed at all.

Once it was dead, it would revert back to its original form after all.

It tried to struggle but several ice spears had pierced its body and killed it.

Grabbing the corpse, that was now in its original form, she brought it to the villagers and explained the situation before leaving. They wanted to host a party for her but she rejected with the excuse that she needed to report this quickly.

Getting on her motorcycle once more, Shiro called Yin down before making her way to the lake so that she could kill the corrupted nix.

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