Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 165 Shut Up And Let’s Fight

Chapter 165 Shut Up And Let’s Fight

The dungeon, King Aephium’s Domain, was located deep in a cave system on the side of the smaller mountain peaks. While the level was considered pretty low for the city, due to the fact that most of the people are already over the level 50 barrier, it was still quite busy due to the abundance of items and materials that you can get from the dungeon itself.

This dungeon was also known as the holy ground for blacksmiths under level 50 due to the fact that the materials dropped are the peak of D class.

Walking to the docking bay for the mounts, Shiro registered herself for a manta ray mount and hopped on its back.

She had rented it to last her for the whole day so that she could take some more time in the dungeon if she wanted.

Plus, she needed to get 10 ice king crowns so that she would definitely need the full day. Especially since the dungeon was going to be slightly longer.

’From the description of the dungeon, it seems like there’s the chance to get a quest from the system.’ Shiro thought to herself.

The quest was completely random so there was no way to guarantee the quest activating except for hoping the system would be nice.

However, the reward for the quest was a choice between two items. The emergency bag or the wish bag.

The emergency bag would give you something that would help you at that moment in time while the wish bag would give you something that you would want. Of course, the bag content was randomised. For all they knew, it could give you some food if you were hungry.

While the reward is amazing, one can only attempt this quest once so they had to choose wisely.

’If I finish the quest, I should probably get the wish bag. It might even give me a rebirth pill.’ Shiro thought wishfully.

Shaking her head, she dismissed the thought and controlled the manta ray to fly towards the mountain.

While on her way to the mountain, she saw several other mounts flying around to different peaks. She could tell that they belonged to other factions due to the fact that their uniforms were completely different.

’That being said, my black outfit isn’t exactly the same as the Winter’s Grace outfit now is it?’ She mused to herself.

While she did know that elders had the freedom of wearing whatever they wanted, they would still choose to wear a colour scheme that matches the faction. They didn’t want to be associated with a different faction after all. However, due to the nature of her contract, she was allowed this freedom.

As she was closing in on her destination, Shiro stood up on the manta ray and pulled out a whistle that she had received after renting the manta ray.

The whistle had two buttons, one was to send it back to the faction and the other was to call it to your location. Since she was heading into the dungeon, the manta ray didn’t need to be around.

Stopping the manta ray above the city, Shiro jumped off and blew her whistle.

Making sure that the mount was making its way back to the faction, she looked down and flipped her body so that she was falling head first.

Her actions caused the people on their mounts to widen their eyes in shock. They didn’t expect a crazy girl to jump off her mount and fall head first! It was pure suicidal, or so they thought.

Acting her Phantom Path and float passive, Shiro landed on the ground gently like a snowflake meeting the palm of one’s hand.

Dusting her outfit, Shiro pulled up a map to see where she needed to go in order to arrive at the dungeon.

Ignoring the shocked gazes of the people around her, Shiro started to walk towards the east of the city.

’Seems like this mountain peak is contested by 2 small factions.’ She thought, seeing two types of uniforms that were present in the streets. One is a white and red while the other is green and blue.

There were some small conflicts that she would see while walking past a few stores, but it never escalated in severity It was as if they were somewhat afraid of breaking the peace by escalating the fight.

"Hm... Could the city lord really be that strong?" She muttered in interest. For a single person to have this kind of effect with just his presence, it really made Shiro curious about his power.

While she was also able to achieve the same effect in her past life, that was considering the fact that no one could defeat her, except for the hero. Adding on the fact that she was able to wipe a city off the face of the planet, literally, everyone behaved themselves as long as she told them to.

While she was thinking about how strong the city lord was, she did some research on the internet and found out that his class was called Armageddon Sentinel, a class specialised for pure destruction.

While there was some information about his skill set and what they did, it was never in detail since the city lord had refused to explain his skills. You don’t want the enemy to study you after all.

Hence all the people could do was to guess his abilities based on what they saw him do in old recordings of his fights.

While the recordings didn’t show everything in detail, Shiro could already tell the lethality of his class with just a single look.

’If I needed to fight against him, the best ways would be either redirecting his power against him or just straight up deal more damage. His class seemed to give him certain resistances to crowd control along with increased defence. The best way would be naturally using a sniper from long ranges to constantly bombard him.’ She thought.

Her current MP was 831k, she estimated that once she reached 1 million MP, she should be able to unlock her Sniper Creation.

At that point, she wouldn’t even need to go close ranged to kill her enemies. She could just use her swords to launch herself high into the air and snipe them from afar.

Of course, she wouldn’t actively choose this since just sitting around and sniping felt boring for her. She would only use this if there were no other options.

Arriving at the cave, Shiro saw people walking in and out constantly.

"Seems like I’m at the right place." She muttered before walking in.

As she walked through the cave, she realised that she was going deeper into the mountain. The temperature was dropping rapidly as ice could be seen on the cave walls.

Naturally, this didn’t bother Shiro since she was a snow girl.

Pressing her palms on the ice, Shiro smiled as she could sense the entire cave system beneath her.

’Interesting... This cave leads to a giant cavity in the mountain where the dungeon portal is. If a large monster breaks out, it could potentially break open the mountain and lead to the collapse of the city above it.’

Following the path down, she arrived at cavity and couldn’t help but crane her head back at the sheer size of the dungeon door.

"Well damn..." She muttered.

Before anyone could even talk to her, Shiro walked towards the dungeon door and entered the dungeon alone.

Adjusting her eyes after teleporting, Shiro found herself at the entrance of the city covered in snow and ice.

There were several guards standing on top of the battlements to keep an eye out for intruders.

"No quest. Unlucky." She sighed seeing no change in the system.

Looking up at the guards, Shiro adjusted her glasses before a horrifying burst of mana encompassed the entire battlement.

Ice spears started to form in the air and shot towards the guards, stabbing them through the head instantly.

Their bodies froze over and crumbled into dust.

"Seems kinda weak for guards." Shiro muttered whilst glancing at the now empty battlement.

Shaking her head, she walked through the gates and casually snapped her fingers.

Frozen Hell: Azure Hell Fire.

Neon blue orbs of fire flared around her and shot into the shadows of the gate.


Without even glancing back, Shiro could tell that all the assassins that were in the shadow were killed.

"Trying to kill this princess while exposing your killing intent like that. Shame." She scoffed.

Once she was pass the gate, she saw a beautiful city that was covered with a thin layer of snow. However, it was eerily quiet with not a single sign of pedestrians.

"Ominous." Shiro chuckled slightly.

Taking a deep breath, Shiro raised her hand and gathered mana in her palms.

A magic circle was slowly being created above her. As the second layer of the magic circle was done, more and more mana started to gather in the circle as Shiro furrowed her brows.

Clenching her hand into a fist, a giant snowstorm started to rage through the kingdom.

Sending out her senses to pick up any life signs within the storm, Shiro found quite a few groups of soldiers and hidden assassins.

Grinning slightly, she tapped her necklace and summoned her swords.

Her body flickered away from her spot as the snowstorm slowly died down.

One of the assassins were confused about the sudden appearance of the snowstorm and started to make his way towards the entrance. He wanted to see what had caused the storm. But before he could even react, a sword glided across his throat and silenced him. During his fall down, he couldn’t even see the shadow of the assailant.

Dashing across the rooftops, Shiro twisted her body to kill each assassin with efficient moves that wouldn’t waste any stamina.

Pivoting on her right leg, she dashed past another assassin while throwing two daggers that pierced their eyes and into their brain.

She wanted to take care of all the assassins first before the soldiers since she could easily kill the soldiers that are bunched up together. However, it wasn’t the same for assassins, she would need to go around killing them individually since they were spread out.

She did this to avoid a situation where the assassins would call the boss in while she was fighting. Even for her, it would be an awkward situation where she could potentially be overwhelmed.

Leaping off the roof of a house, she flipped her body onto the side of a giant cathedral of sorts.

Parkouring her way up to the top, she flexed her fingers and created a bow.

[Nanotech True Sight Bow LVL 50 – Purple]

+1000 Critical Chance

+1000 Critical Damage

+1000 Range

+800 Attack

+500 Armour Pierce

+200 Ignore Defence

Skills: True Sight, Lightspeed, Searing Arrow

The bow itself boasted an incredible crit chance and crit damage set up and could kill in one shot. Only problem being the amount of MP needed per shot.

A basic arrow needed 15k MP while a fully charged arrow could take up to 50k worth of MP.

Naturally, the damaged scaled up to the amount of MP used.

Knocking five arrows, Shiro pulled back on the bowstrings and aimed up into the sky.

Narrowing her eyes, she charged up the arrows before firing them into the sky. Five streaks of neon blue lights could be seen drawing a line in the sky before piercing the head of five different assassin.

"That should be all of the assassins." Shiro muttered in satisfaction.

With all the assassins dead, all she needed to do was kill all the soldiers and the first boss should arrive.

However, due to the layout of the city, everything was in her favour. Especially since there were more than enough cover for her to abuse the boss with her guns.

Creating two hand cannons with suppressors on the barrel, Shiro flipped off the cathedral and landed softly on the ground.

A squadron of soldiers had coincidentally turned the corner as she landed.


Firing the suppressed hand cannon with optimal accuracy, Shiro killed the entire squad with just headshots.

"Easy kills." Shiro grinned before making her way to the next squad.



Killing the final soldier, Shiro felt a burst of mana that came from the centre of the city and smiled knowing the first boss was about to arrive.

Waiting for a short moment, she prepared herself as she saw an armoured silhouette on a horse. He wore a heavy plated armour that was coloured in silver while the horse was extremely muscular to the point that Shiro could feel her disgust increasing every minute. Of all the things that she hated; macho was definitely high up on the list.

Pulling back a supercharged arrow, she narrowed her eyes before firing it.


The arrow released a golden glow and flew towards the boss.

However, just as the arrow was about to collide with the horse, a mana barrier flared around the boss and shielded it from the arrow.

[Imperial General Umak – LVL 50 Boss]

HP: 8,000,000/8,000,000

MP: 9,750,000/10,000,000

"Intruder! For the crime of –"


"Shut up and let’s fight."

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