Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 172 Ataraxia

Chapter 172 Ataraxia

Looking at the set armour, Shiro couldn’t help but widen her eyes in delight. The set itself had 7 pieces and 3 stages of set effects. If she equipped each and every piece, she would gain an outrageous increase of 1,200 INT, 1,000 DEF, 1,000 VIT, 1,000 AGI, 300 DEX and 300 STR. In addition to that, the armour pieces also included effects such as +20% Mana Efficiency, +10% Magic Attack, +10% Fire Resistance and +10% Fire Efficiency.

"Holy sh*t..." She muttered.

On top of the stat increase and effects, two of the armour pieces even came with their own skills.

[Passive Skill: Wyvern Force]

Increase strength for a short moment of time.

+10% STR when activated

[Passive Skill: Harden Scales]

+50% DEF and -50% AGI when activated.

If just the base equipment could be this strong for a level 60 item, Shiro couldn’t help but glance towards the set effects. For a set that had 7 pieces of equipment, head, shoulder, arm, torso, legs, boots and cape, the final effect of gathering all 7 pieces had to be incredible.

[Kaiser Wyvern Set Effect 3/7]

+5% overall stat increase

+500 DEF

+20% Fire Resistance

[Kaiser Wyvern Set Effect 6/7]

+1000 INT

+20% Magic Damage

+20% Elemental Damage

+20% Elemental Resistance

[Kaiser Wyvern Set Effect 7/7]

+10% Increase to DEF, INT, STR

Skill: Wyvern Incarnation

Wyvern blood will run through your veins and boost your overall stats for a short moment of time. However, be warned that the backlash would hurt just as much as the increase.

+50% Stat for 30 seconds

-80% Stat for 7 days

At this point, Shiro didn’t know what to say other than amazing. While the level 60 armour couldn’t compare to the stuff she made back when she was a tier 6 legend, she knew how much better this set was when compared to normal level 60 items. Hell, just the set effects alone could compete against some orange equipment of the same level in Shiro’s opinion. Especially Wyvern Incarnation.

While the skill does weaken the user by 80% for a whole week, it was rare for a low level set to include a skill that increases your overall stats by 50%.

In the realms of C class berserk skills, this was definitely top tier.

Unfortunately, all of this was restricted to level 60’s so she could only wait patiently to equip this.

But there was also another worry for Shiro. The lack of Life Steal and Mana Leech.

Her current armour set, the blood crystal set, gave her amazing life steal and mana leech so that she could sustain herself better in combat due to her mana links and low DEF. If she were to remove that, she would need to be much more careful with the hits that she could take along with the spells that she could use.

Example being her brand new Calamity Dragon Arrow. For a skill that took so much MP to use, Shiro would be allowed to regain the MP quite quickly by using her current set. But, if she were to use the new set, that MP would essentially be gone for the rest of that fight.

"Then again, I suppose my current set will become useless once I reach level 55." Shiro muttered with a tired sigh.

All equipment will become useless if they’re used by a person 5 levels higher than the level on the equipment itself. So her current set of level 50 armour would be unusable. The worst part of that was that she couldn’t salvage the set effects either.

While she could recycle items for their innate skills as well as to reinforce her own nanobots so that she could make better equipment, she couldn’t take set effects. Otherwise, she would have recycled the set armour that Helion made a while back.

Shaking her head slightly at the fact that she couldn’t use her ’broken’ life steal and mana leech set in the near future, Shiro looked towards the second rewards she had received. The wyvern soul.

[Wyvern Soul]

A crystallised soul force that belonged to a powerful wyvern. Apply it to a piece of armour or weapon to embed it with the mighty power of a being that could have become a dragon.

"Hou~ So it’s an item version of Calamity’s Will." She muttered with excitement. Calamity’s Will was an augment skill that will boost a certain element. As for Wyvern Soul, it was an augment item that will boost a physical element.

Naturally, Calamity’s Will was more valuable since it will stay with her forever. If she didn’t have a growth type weapon like Ascendant Dream, she wouldn’t get this excited for the item since it would only last her 5 levels.

"Hehehe~ I wonder what kind of upgrade you will get." Shiro smiled like a child who had just gotten a new toy. Taking off her necklace, she placed the Wyvern soul on the surface and glanced at her system.

[Merge :Wyvern Soul: with :Ascendant Dream:?]

[Yes] [No]

Immediately tapping yes, Shiro had to shield her eyes from the blinding glow that emerged from the necklace.

Once everything died down, she opened her eyes and glanced towards her necklace.

Previously, it was just a simple necklace that had a miniature version of her swords attaching in the centre.

However, it was now a finely decorated gem that had a silver sculpture of an array of swords within the gem.

[Upgrade complete. Ascendant Dream (Orange) -> Ataraxia: Sword of Tranquillity (Orange+)]

"So the weapon now has a name? Interesting..." Shiro muttered with a smile.

Weapons that gained a name were similar to when a monster became a named monster. Their stats underwent an overall upgrade and a skill was gained under that name.

It was also one of the requirements for a weapon/armour to reach red grade in terms of quality. Red grade items would have a skill that correlated to the name it was given.

An example of a red grade weapon would be one of the weapons that her friend, Isilia (The Elven Saintess), had used during her life.

Daenire: Sacred Sword of Nature.

The skill, Daenire, allowed her to control nature itself. Of course, the range was limited to how much mana she used and the same went with the duration. However, it was also because of this skill that she was crowned one of the most powerful people to have ever existed in Aria.

As for the extent of control, it stretched out to everything around her that was classified as nature. Of course, it also included the sun since it was apart of the concept of ’nature’.

She could choose to summon down a beam of concentrated plasma or shut of all the oxygen in the area to suffocate anyone that wasn’t her. She could also choose to collapse the very space around her enemies.

Naturally, with the amount of power that Daenire granted her, the MP it required was also astronomical.

"Since the name is Ataraxia, a word that means serene calmness in Greek I believe? Could the skill be something similar?" Shiro muttered in anticipation.

[Ataraxia: Sword of Tranquillity (Orange+)]

Matches Owner Level – Current Level: 49

+2000 Attack

+2000 Sharpness

+1500 Attack Speed

+1300 Ignore Defence

+1300 Critical Chance

+1000 Critical Damage

+30% Elemental Damage

+25% Suppression against enemies of the same level or lower

+20% Self Repair

+15% Life Steal

+5% Mana Disabler

Skills: Element Shift (Ice, Shadow, Metal, Lightning, Dragon), Ataraxia

Bound: Shiro

"Well damn... It even gave me Mana Disabler as an attribute." Shiro said, not being able to suppress her grin.

Mana disabler had a similar effect to her mana disruption bullet. It would cancel out a portion of their spell/ weaken the effect.

For a weapon to have this kind of effect, it was akin to her constantly using mana disruption bullets.

"Element Shift also gained a new attribute, Dragon and I also have the name skill Ataraxia."

[Element Shift: Dragon]

When activated, +500 Attack (doubles for dragon type enemies), +200 Fire Damage


When activated, you enter a state of intense focus. Increases activator’s control over their body. The surrounding area is decolourised into simple black and white with weak points highlighted in bright red. +30% Damage when hitting the marked spots.

User gain: 40% AGI, 30% DEX, 20% STR

Enemies within your area of control are affected with: -30% Speed, -20% DEF, -10% Reaction and a small chance to lose focus for a short moment of time, exposing their weak points.

Duration: 2 minutes

Cost: 30% of total MP

Cool Down: 1 day

Backlash: Lose 60% of vision for 5 hours, 50% muscle fatigue

Shiro didn’t know what to say when she saw the description of the skill, Ataraxia. It was basically a guaranteed kill whenever she used it since the enemy would be weakened while in her presence.

While she could see weak points, it didn’t matter too much since she could find them herself. BUT, the fact that she gained increased damage from hitting weak points was certainly something amazing.

If all of her skills were to stack together, her total damage in a single shot would easily kill the wyvern. Hell, she guessed that she could probably kill the level 76 Corrupted Frost Monarch that she met back in Cairosa.

Even though they were 27 levels apart right now, her skill set would allow her to suppress Lianni, the corrupted frost monarch, and attack her at will. Of course, she’ll still need to watch out for her pure mana manipulation since Lianni was able to injure her using a simple mana pulse.

Looking back at Ataraxia, Shiro couldn’t help but wonder why it wasn’t red grade.

’If the weapon could gain a named skill, that meant it should be red grade. But why is it orange+?’ She wondered to herself.

Her best guess was that the weapon wasn’t high enough level yet. Since it was only level 49, it was still within the realms of D rank.

Orange grade D rank weapons could exist but Red grade D ranks were basically impossible. The purity and concentration of mana needed for a weapon to upgrade into Red grade wasn’t something a D ranked weapon could offer.

"When I rank up, I should be able to upgrade the sword into the next grade." She muttered before placing the new necklace on her neck.

[Store rewards in final chest? All items will be received at the end.]

[Yes] [No]

Looking at the notification that popped up when she went to grab the set armour, Shiro pressed yes and stored them in the final chest. She couldn’t use it right now so it was better than wasting her inventory space on it.

Stretching her body, she marked the Wyvern slaying task as complete.

"Now I just need to go get the Imperium Sword from the bandits."

Putting the sheet of paper away, Shiro looked at the map and started to make her way towards the bandit’s hideout.

The Quin Mountain Bandit’s hideout was to the south of Harrow’s Edge. The distance wasn’t extremely far but it wasn’t close either.

It was easy to spot since the glow of their hideout made them obvious in the dead of night.

"Found them already." She smiled whilst dashing through the trees. Looking up at where the hideout was, she could see several guard towers.

’Well since I also need to kill the generals before Lisandra wakes up, so that I can take her out for training, I’ll just steal the sword and kill the chief rather than fight my way in. I’ll waste too much time otherwise.’ She thought to herself as she started to use her Phantom Path to increase her speed.

Combining it with Faded Snow Movement and Rift Walker, Shiro was akin to a missile that made a beeline towards the hideout.

Vaulting over the watchtowers without anyone noticing, Shiro sent out a weak pulse of mana to find out where the bandit chief was. Since the sword was important, the chief certainly wasn’t going to let it out of his sight.

"Found you." She muttered slightly as she phased through the walls of the hideout.

Meanwhile, the chief had just placed down his sword after some practice since he didn’t know when the army would attack him.

Just as he blinked, Shiro appeared in front of him with her fingers reaching for his eyes.

"URG!!" Quickly bending backwards, the chief felt sweat drip down his spine when the fingers barely missed his eyes.

However, even though he dodged the first attack, Shiro wasn’t bothered but instead readjusted herself.

Flipping her body slightly, she hooked his nose and dragged him over her shoulders.


Throwing the ripped off nose to the side, Shiro coated her hand in corrupted shadows and stabbed towards his torso. The shadows ate away at his flesh like a hungry beast that finally saw food.


The chief tried to scream but Shiro plunged her spare hand into his mouth and destroyed everything inside including the throat and spine.


Grabbing the heart after piercing the ribs, she ripped it out and crushed it like a water balloon. A fleshy, bloody, water balloon.

Merely glancing at the half dead chief with no emotions in her eyes, she froze the brain and crushed it into powder before getting off of the chief’s corpse.

[Imperium Sword (Orange)]

"Bingo." She muttered, seeing the weapon. Stepping into the rift with the weapon, she left without anyone knowing that she had killed their chief and stole his prized weapon.

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