Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 175 Lisandras Element

Chapter 175 Lisandra's Element

Looking at the item that she had received from killing Pildrum, Shiro didn’t know what to say.

A small part of why she chose to target the rear was to satisfy her sadistic urges. *cough*.

But if they started to enjoy it, she wouldn’t get the same satisfaction as she would normally.

Shaking her head, Shiro felt like she wasn’t going to be targeting the rear for a while. She needed to recover after finding out that one of the mighty demon generals was actually such a closet pervert.

"Shame." She muttered while leaving the tent without any of the demon’s sensing her.

She passed through the barrier effortlessly and made her way back to the kingdom. Checking the time through the sky above her, Shiro guessed that it was only one or two hours from the sunrise.

"Now that the three tasks are done, I need to think about where I can train Lisandra along with the whole hidden main quest bullsh*t." She sighed.

Just from reading the quest description that she received, she could see that there were three main steps in completing the quest.

First, she needed to protect the kingdom. Second, she needed to fight off the other generals at different points on the map. Finally, she would need to stop the demon king from procuring the corpse of the dead god.

There were several questions that Shiro wanted answering but could only hold onto them for now. Questions such as what the nodes did and why can’t the demon king access the corpse even though he was a tier 6 legend like what she had been in her old life.

Looking down at her hands, she could see herself shake a little from both excitement and fear.

Excitement due to the fact that she now knew the fact that a tier 7 and 8 exist. Meaning that her journey was still long.

However, at the same time, she felt fear since she knew exactly what a tier 6 legend could do.

Sure, she could say that she didn’t feel fear since she fought monsters higher level than her all the time. But that was lying to herself since the power of a tier 6 was something to be feared.

As she had demonstrated in her old life, even 100 tier 5’s were nothing compared to her tier 6 might.

"Since this is just a quest, it should be fine." She muttered in an attempt to reassure herself.

Furrowing her brows, she took a deep breath and gave herself a slap on the cheeks.

"What the hell am I even doing, I’ve f*cking died already, I shouldn’t be feeling scared in a quest when it’s ok to die." She cursed to herself and dashed towards the kingdom at a quicker pace.

’I’ve already killed a demon king once so I know most of their skills. The only problem is which area he specialises in. Not only that, but it’s probably impossible for me to defeat the other generals since they’ll definitely be much stronger than the trio I fought today. As a tier 6 legend, he’s bound to have generals that are more than level 100. Some may even be more than level 200 and enter tier 4 for all I know.’ She thought to herself.

"That means that I’ll have to unify the other kingdoms in order to get the best grade in this quest." She muttered to herself.

"What a pain."

Trying to unify all the other kingdoms was something that contradicted the way she fought. She would rather fight it out all by herself if given the option.

But as stubborn as she was, she knew that toughing it out wasn’t going to cut it for this mission.

Landing softly on the battlements, Shiro stretched her body slightly and made her way into the castle.

Once she arrived inside the castle, she phased through the walls and rested above the king’s bedroom.

She was going to tell him the moment he wakes up since she wanted to take Lisandra out to train the first thing in the morning.

After waiting for a while, she sensed movement and knew that he woke up.

Just as she was about to phase through the wall, she heard some giggles along with slight rocking on the bed.

"Wait... what are they do- you’ve got to be f*cking kidding me?!?! First thing in the morning???" She muttered in disbelief.

In her opinion, this was something that should be done at night since obviously, one would be tired after such an invigorating exercise so sleep would be desired after finishing.

But for them to start so early in the morning, she wondered how they made it through the day.

’Wasn’t the king injured? He can still make up for the demand?’ She thought to herself while the duo performing the exercise seemed to get more passionate. At this point, she could even feel the ceiling under her shake.

"As expected from level 50’s." She muttered with a slight nod of her head.

"Wait no! I need to tell them that the tasks are complete." She shook her head and phased through the roof.

Hanging herself upside down from the canopy, she coughed slightly at the duo who were in the middle of the act.

"I’ve done all three tasks." She called out.

"$£%^£$%^&!!!!!" The duo cursed out in shock as they quickly covered themselves.

"PRIVACY PLEASE!" The queen shouted out.

"Not my fault that you two were going at it like wild animals. I could feel the shaking from the ceiling." Shiro said, pointing at her previous spot.

"Why the hell were you up there?!" The king asked as he quickly handed his wife a change of clothing.

"Well I finished the tasks so I came back to report. But as you know, you two were... well... You get the idea." Shiro shrugged.

"Impossible! You did this in one night?!" The king widened his eyes.

"Wrong. You should say that it’s possible in one night." She replied with a chuckle.

"But the three demons were higher than level 50! It should be impossible for you to kill the three of them!" The king cried out in shock.

"Just look at this then." Shiro sighed and brought out the three decapitate heads that were collected from their corpses.

"..." Looking at the three heads in disbelief, the king couldn’t believe that Shiro had actually managed to complete the quest.

There was the problem of finding the three demons since the location of their camp was unknown and they could only guess from the intel they received. That should have taken her quite a while due to their secrecy.

Not only that, there was also the problem of the demon army that was commanded by the generals. If she really did kill the three of them, the army should have attacked her as well.

"How?" He asked in confusion.

"Assassination." Shiro grinned and placed her finger on her lips.

"What about the wyvern and the sword?"


Throwing him a piece of the wyvern’s flesh along with the Imperium sword, Shiro chuckled when she saw his expression of disbelief.

Flipping off the canopy, she sat down on the chair and waited for his response.

"... Hais... fine, just go already. Just give me something to contact you quickly with." The king sighed.

"Oh and also, take the sword with you. It should belong to Lisandra from now on."

"Got it. As for a way to contact me... Hmm... Take this." Shiro said as she created a shard of glacial ice. Inside the ice is a thin strand of nanotech wire that would send a signal to her once the ice itself was broken.

"Crush this when the war breaks out and we’ll make it back as fast as we can." She said, handing over the piece of ice.

"Now if you don’t mind me, I’ll go get Lisandra now. See ya." Shiro waved slightly before flashing out of the room.

"Ha...." Sighing heavily, the king felt like he was about to get older.

"Are you alright my king? Why don’t we... you know, continue?"

"That might be what I need."

"Oh by the way, feel free to go at it with everything you got now. I won’t be coming back." Shiro grinned as her head popped out through the wall.


Leaving the scene with the royal couple clearly disturbed, Shiro sent out her mana to locate Lisandra. Finding her room, she didn’t take long to arrive before the door.

*Knock knock knock

"*yawn~ Teach?" Lisandra yawned as she rubbed her eyes.

"Yo. Get changed, we’re heading out for training now." Shiro grinned.

"Right." Nodding her head, Lisandra closed the door to get changed.

Waiting by the corridor, Shiro glanced out of the window as she contemplated about what to do about the quest.

’Annoying...’ She thought to herself. The fact that she would need to make alliances between kingdoms was more than a headache for her. Plus, since she wasn’t the highest level negotiator at the table, it would mean that she lost the initiative. Sure, she could threaten them but that wasn’t going to help her finish the quest.

She would need to persuade the power hungry and proud adventurers in order to complete the quest with a decent grade or else it wouldn’t be worth the trouble.

"I’m ready teach!" Lisandra shouted out as she rushed out her door with a giant backpack.

". . ."

’Where’s the half tired Lisandra from a minute ago?’ Shiro thought to herself, seeing Lisandra brimming with energy.

"Store that backpack away in your bracelet. I know you have one." Shiro shook her head.

"But it doesn’t feel like a trip if I don’t carry the bag." Lisandra shrugged.

"Where do you even get that context from? Hais, never mind. Just put it in the space and I’ll bring you to the training area." Shiro massaged her eyes slightly.

Grabbing Lisandra’s hand, she entered the rift and made her way out of the kingdom.

"Is this how you travel all the time teach?" She asked.

"Yeah it is. I get bonus movement speed in here so I just activate the skill whenever I can." Shiro replied without looking back. It was unfortunate that her time in the rift was a little limited, so she had to constantly activate the skill when she left. But other than that, it was one of the best ways for her to travel since no one else could see her.

"Heh~ Are you able to teach me this?"

"No I can’t. This skill was gained through a special source that’s you can’t access so you can’t learn it. But, it doesn’t mean you can’t have something similar. Depending on your main elemental nature, you’ll be able to develop a movement that uses that element." Shiro replied.

"My main element is light and another one that I don’t know yet."

"!!!" Shiro’s eyes widened instantly the moment she heard that Lisandra had the light element.

Her breathing became a little uneven as she thought about the b*stard that killed her in her past life.


"’s nothing. I don’t have the light element but I can teach you some of the light element movement skills. The concept should be easy for you to memorise." Shiro replied with a shake of her head.

’She’s not the same as that b*stard. There’s no need to take out my anger on her.’ She thought to herself.

After traveling for a while, Shiro landed on top of a small hill.

"Where are we?" Lisandra asked as she looked around curiously.

"We’re near the demon continent. What you’re going to do for the next few days, maybe even weeks, will be fighting demons and sparing against me. We’ll rotate around constantly so you can study both. Got it?"

"Wait what? I’m fighting demons?" she asked in surprise.

"Yeah. Unlike humans, monster’s will often have a title that makes them twice as strong as humans. So a level 30 monster would be twice as strong as a level 30 human." Shiro explained.

"However, even though this is the case, humans have been able to win due to their variety of skills. Monster’s take a long time to become intelligent and even longer to be smart enough to develop skills. In the upcoming war, there will definitely be monsters that have quite a large variety of skills so I want you to slowly get used to their increased stats while also getting used to fighting against me who has a lot of skills. Combine the two and you should be able to hold your own."

Another reason as to why Shiro wanted to do this was because of the fact that Lisandra wouldn’t be able to make the most out of her power if she didn’t get enough experience. If what the king said was true, once Lisandra got her powers unlocked, she would experience a sudden power boost. But if she didn’t have the experience nor the skills to make use of that power, she would be almost harmless.

Like a baby with a gun, sure they have a gun but they’re also a baby and vice versa.

She needed to fix that before the war. Plus, if all things went well, Lisandra may even become her best guarantee in the negotiations to come.

"I see, so what do I do first?" Lisandra smiled in excitement.

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