Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 178 Truth Behind The Kings Injuries

Chapter 178 Truth Behind The King's Injuries

It’s been roughly two weeks since Shiro had started to train Lisandra.

Within the two weeks, Lisandra had made significant progress with her overall mana manipulation. Her strongest aspect had to be the way she used her aura coat. During this time, she was able to focus all her mana within a small area in order to create a stronger shock. One that would allow her to stun enemies with greater success.

Of course, this was only achieved due to Shiro placing her in constant danger which forced her to use these abilities in the heat of battle.

Unfortunately, there was one aspect that she couldn’t make any progress on no matter what.

The rotational defence.

If an attack landed on her aura coat with enough force, it would break through quite easily. A way to avoid this would be the rotational defence coat that would direct the attack around you, decreasing the stress on the mana coat.

But since her attention was focused on maintaining the coat, she wasn’t able to let it rotate. And when she did, the coat would become flimsy again.

"The most important part of these are multitasking. You need to be able to set your mind on a minimum of 3 things during the fight. 1, the fight itself. 2, maintaining your coat and finally 3, rotating your coat. These are the bare minimum that you need to do at the same time for you to be effective on the battlefield." Shiro said as she demonstrated with her own mana coat.

Looking at the mana that was rotating around Shiro like a flowing stream, Lisandra couldn’t help but lay on her back.

"Teach, I can multitask with two things but three’s pushing it a little don’t cha think? Especially since I’ve only started to improve on the basics since 2 weeks ago." She replied as she relaxed her body on the grass.

"I guess. But you can’t make excuses for yourself. That will only hinder your progress." Shiro laughed as she handed Lisandra one of the last pieces of wyvern meat she had stored away.

"Sure but I just can’t seem to be able to multitask with three things. Do you have any tips?" Lisandra asked as she sat up.

"Hmm... tips... I do have one which is for you to dual wield while also keeping your mana coat on. However, you’re going to be fighting against swords that are using two different styles of attack so you must keep an eye out for both.

"Oh also, I’ll be attacking you directly with mana so your coat must be durable." Shiro smiled.

"Hmm... if this works then why not." Lisandra nodded her head. After two weeks of life and death training, she had gotten used to Shiro’s ways.

Nodding her head, Shiro tapped her necklace and summoned her swords.

"Get up when you’re ready." She said with a small smile.

"Hang on~"

Grabbing the meat with both her hands, Lisandra started to devour the meat like a wild animal.

"... You know what you look like right now, right?" Shiro said as she could almost feel a sweat droplet rolling down her face.

"And? Training is more important than grace." Lisandra said without looking up.

"Done." She smiled after a short moment.

"Goodness. Well at least this should help you digest the food." Shiro smiled wearily.

Lisandra retrieved two swords from her own spacial bracelet and took a deep breath. Getting herself into a stance, she waited for Shiro to begin.

Flexing her finger, Shiro sent two of her swords to attack Lisandra while she herself gathered a pulse of mana in her palms, ready to attack Lisandra’s mana coat at any moment.


Deflecting the two swords, Lisandra narrowed her eyes and activated her mana coat.


The force sent the two swords flying back for a moment. However, they recovered quickly and shot towards Lisandra once more.

The first sword used Asura Path while the second sword adapted to her movements and used a different style of attack.

Gritting her teeth, Lisandra flicked her sword in a reverse grip and blocked the second sword.

’Now.’ Shiro thought as she pushed out her palm and send a shot of mana towards her.



The power of the mana shot easily destroyed her mana coat since her concentration had fluctuated the moment she blocked the sword.

"Again!" Lisandra cried out as she flipped herself back on her feet.

Nodding her head, Shiro sent the swords to attack her once more.


"We’ll finish here for now." Shiro said as she looked at the barely standing Lisandra.

"Hai~" *Thud*

Chuckling slightly, Shiro carried the fallen Lisandra and sat her up next to the tree.

Today was the 3rd day of trying to get Lisandra to succeed in multitasking. While there was progress, Shiro guessed that it was a 30% chance for her to succeed since her coating would still fluctuate quite often.

But baby steps.

Right now, the day was split into 2 parts. In the morning, they would go out and hunt demons while at night, they would be sparring against each other.

Just after two and a half weeks worth of training, she had managed to raise Lisandra’s level up to 36 while her own class up requirement has made some ’slight’ progress.

[ 22/1,000 ] C class mana stones

Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to run into many C classed monsters so she could only harvest 19 mana stones.

’Hopefully, there should be more C classed monsters in the war.’ She thought to herself.

In addition to this, there was also the problem of reaching tier 3 in her attunements.

While she did have the pill in her inventory, she was barred from accessing it for now so she could only wait.


"What’s wrong teach?" Lisandra asked as she heard Shiro sigh.

"Nothing much don’t worry about it."

"I can see that you’re troubled. It won’t hurt to tell me now would it?" Lisandra replied.

"Mn, well I guess. I need a type of medicine but I left it back in my house. I can’t access it right now so it’s a little unfortunate." Shiro shook her head.

"If it’s important, why didn’t you take it earlier?"

"Because the effects would be dulled. When ingesting the pill, I would suffer pain all over my body. Sure, I may be able to resist the pain but after some point, the body would automatically shut down to protect itself against your will. AND, if I faint, the effects would be dulled. So I wanted to wait till level 50 in order to maximise my chances of staying conscious through the entire process." Shiro shook her head.

"Another question, why do you need to eat the medicine in the first place?" Lisandra asked.

"Because I damaged my body and I need the pill in order to repair it."

"Eh?! That sounds like what happened to father." Lisandra said as she widened her eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I think father was around level 100 before, but after his body was damaged, he reverted back to a level 50. Back then, I remember that his life was in danger and the doctors managed to get a pill that reconstructed his body slightly in order for him to keep his life." She replied with furrowed brows.

"Hou? What kind of pill was it?" Shiro asked as her interest was piqued.

"I’m not sure. You’ll have to ask father when you see him again. But I’m sure that if he has any spare, he’ll give it to you." Lisandra smiled.

"I see... By the way, do you know how your father was injured to begin with?"

She was curious as to why such a powerful person was reduced to a level 50.

"..." Lisandra furrowed her brows as she repeatedly opened her mouth and closed them. Not sure if she should tell Shiro or not.

"If it’s difficult, you don’t have to tell me."

"No it’s fine. Basically, my elder brother injured father. He was swayed by the demons and was converted over to their side." Lisandra sighed as Shiro paused in surprise.

"Is that why it’s only you in the castle?" Shiro asked since she wasn’t able to find any of Lisandra’s sibling.

"Yeah, I don’t know what happened but brother wasn’t like that before. He was kind and caring though." Lisandra sighed.

Shiro could see the sadness in her eyes and realised that their relationship must have been close for her to show this much sadness.

"You care for him even though he almost killed your father?" Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"Well... I don’t know." Lisandra shrugged her shoulders slightly.

Just as Shiro was about to speak, she saw an update in her quest log.

[You’ve discovered the reason as to why the king was injured. Points added to final score.]

’Huh... Seems like I got a bit lucky.’ Shiro thought to herself as she didn’t think that finding out about who injured the king would increase her final score.

"Well let’s not think about that for now. Rest up well because we’ll be invading an encampment tomorrow." Shiro smiled since she had detected movement towards the north of their current location a while ago. From what she could tell, they numbered around 200 demons strong.

’If my guess is right, this should be the scouting group. The demons should have gotten a new commander by now and they’re preparing for war.’ She thought with a slight frown.

Sitting on one of the tallest trees, Shiro created a telescope and searched towards the north.

’Hmm... seems like they’re making a camp.’ She narrowed her eyes. The situation was advancing quicker than she had expected since the moment they finish setting up camp, they’ll be ready for war.

"If I go around destroying the camps with Lisandra, we should be able to increase the amount of time for her to train while also delaying the war for as long as we could." She muttered.

Disassembling the telescope, she opened her bag and took Yin out.

During the time that she had been training Lisandra, she noticed that runes were slowly appearing all over the surface of her egg.

"When will you hatch?" She whispered.


"Two demons on the right." Shiro said over the ’communication’ crystal that she had given to Lisandra. Which in reality, was only a tiny speaker and microphone encased in ice.

While Lisandra was making her way through the camp and killing the demons that she saw, Shiro would point out the demons that she couldn’t see. And if Lisandra wasn’t able to react in time or couldn’t reach a demon, she would finish them off with her ’magic’.

Since Lisandra couldn’t see what she was holding, Shiro only told her that this was one of her most powerful ’magic’. Which was a complete lie.

[Eclipse Particle Cannon LVL 50 – Rail Sniper (Purple+)

+2500 Attack

+2000 Armour Penetration

+1500 Critical Chance

+1000 Critical Damage

+40% Lightning Damage

+40% Piercing Damage

Passive Skill: Headshot, Collateral Damage, Charge Up.

Headshot: Increase Damage and 100% crit when the bullet hits the head.

Collateral Damage: Bullets that pierce multiple enemies would explode.

Charge Up: Damage Multiplier is applied when holding down the trigger to activate the particle accelerator.

The sniper itself was black in colour, red highlights along the edge of the plates and had neon blue coils that protruded from the side of the sniper. The coils would gather the ambient mana and passively increase the power of each shot without burdening Shiro as much.

Looking down the scope, Shiro saw a few demon bowmen pull back on their strings.


Shooting the sniper from her vantage point, Shiro completely decimated the tower due to the fact that her bullet had pierced two bowmen and triggered her Collateral Damage Skill.

"Holy crap teach! You’ve gotta teach me that skill!" Lisandra cried out in surprise seeing Shiro wipe out an entire tower in one go.

"Focus on the task at hand. The boss is coming to you." Shiro replied over the mic.

Flicking a switch on the side of the sniper, several magic circles formed around the coils and started to draw in more mana.


Lightning flickered off the sniper barrel as she could see the charge percentage slowly increase.

While her damage multiplier was slowly increasing, she was spectating Lisandra’s attempt at soloing the boss.

"Top down swing in 2 seconds. Keep an eye on muscle movement." She advised over the mic.

"Parry the right slash then rotate into two upper cuts."

As Lisandra fought the boss, Shiro would advise her about what the boss was doing in order for her to get used to fighting bosses.

It proved helpful since Shiro didn’t need to give as much advice later on since she could tell that Lisandra was fully absorbing her tips.

Not only that, she was improving in regards to multitasking with three things.

However, the stress was a little too much for her as she started to slow down and mistakes appeared more often.

"Not bad progress. Do you want to end this now and recover? There’s always the next camp for you to fight a boss." Shiro asked.

"...Yes please." Lisandra replied in slight frustration. While she was getting into the zone, she also knew that her body was finding it hard to keep up.

"Ok, retreat as much as you can. Minimum of 50 meters." Shiro said while homing onto the bosses head. The current damage multiplier was 250%, more than enough to kill this boss in one go. Plus, he was only level 40, she was 10 levels above him.

Once Lisandra retreated pass the 50 meter mark, Shiro pulled on her trigger.


Lisandra only saw a thin line of white before she was launched back a little from the force of the bullet colliding against the ground.

"WAHH!!!!" She cried out over the mic.

Quickly landing on her feet, she looked up and saw the boss missing the majority of his upper torso.

"Holy sh*t..." She muttered.

"Come back, we’ll be heading to the next camp." Shiro chuckled as she disassembled the sniper and stood back up.

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