Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 202 Faction Recruitment P2

Chapter 202 Faction Recruitment P2

Looking at all the disciples fight against one another, Shiro rested her head on her hand lazily. Each of them were novices and she guessed that Lisandra could probably defeat them all never mind her.

"You seem bored." Natash asked as she could see the clear disinterest in Shiro’s eyes.

"A little. I had expected more you know?" Shiro replied.

"Well if we go by your standards, they’re not that good. But otherwise, I can say for sure that each of them are some of the best that we’ve found."

"Is that so? Why don’t we have both Yin and Lisa go test them out then?" Shiro smiled. Both Lisandra and Yin paused in shock and looked towards Shiro.

"Hmm, sure. Let’s do that. But there is a small problem." Natash replied.

"What problem?"

"You need to give them an incentive. After all, fighting with your two daughters gets them no rewards. It’s like an optional fight if you know what I mean."

"Hmm... What can I even give them?" Shiro shrugged.

"Well I suppose you can give them a C class Humiliation item from the monsters. In other words, pre ordering the item." Natash replied.

"That’s too little of a reward. Hmm... For anyone who beats both Lisa and Yin, I’ll give them this weapon." Shiro smiled before pulling out a war axe. This was one of the weapons that she collected from the dungeon but didn’t sell to the faction. She had wanted to keep this weapon for Helion since she wanted to thank him for the help that he’s given to her and the party. A gift between friends if you will.

But since it could be used to improve Lisandra’s and Yin’s fighting standards, Shiro didn’t mind using it. There was plenty of time to give Helion a different weapon after all.

The axe was level 60 graded purple. While the attributes themselves were quite normal for a level 60 weapon, its skill was far from ordinary.

[Fire Spirit Empowerment]

Activate with a fire type elemental armour and the weapon will fuse together with that armour, granting the user with 80% elemental damage, 20% attack speed and 10% armour penetration.

Duration: Continues until the elemental armour is deactivated.

Cooldown: N/A

This was a rather special axe since it could help the person who was using it improve their elemental armours.

Of course, she could also recycle this weapon and get the skill herself. However, she already had the celestial armament along with other skills that would achieve the same effects.

"Holy crap. You sure you want to use this as a reward?!" Natash asked in surprise after seeing the skill.

"Yeah. I have no use for it after all." Shiro smiled.

"Very well. It’s your item." Natash nodded.

While Natash was informing everyone of the optional fight, Shiro turned to the duo.

"You two ready for this?" Shiro asked.

"Of course." Lisandra nodded her head confidently.

As for Yin, she had a small frown on her face.



"I’m not allowed to kill them am I?"

"No you’re not."

"So I can’t use my Dark Star element then. I might kill them by accident you know."

"Don’t worry. I’ll keep them safe. Of course, I’m not telling you to just flood the arena with flames but I’ll be here in case anything goes wrong." Shiro said while patting Yin’s head.

"Mn, alright." Yin nodded.

"Don’t worry big sis." Lisandra encouraged.

"Fufufu~ With Lis and Mum believing in me, of course I can do it." Yin grinned.

"Shiro! You got a few challengers." Natash said, pointing at three disciples who were waiting on an empty stage.

"Got it!" Shiro replied before gesturing for Yin to head down.

Nodding her head, Yin jumped down onto the stage and landed softly.

"So who am I fighting?" Yin asked with a smile.

"Wait I thought I’d be fighting the blond one. Why am I fighting this shrimp?" One of the disciples asked.

"Oi. Who the hell is a shrimp?! I’m a bird!" Yin frowned in displeasure.


She does know that I meant her size right?

"Anyways, Miss Yin, according to the new rules set up but your mother? And the elder, you will choose one of these three to fight. The fight itself will be 1 round with no rematches. If you lose, they’ll be rewarded. And if win... wait what do you get if you win?" The referee asked in confusion.

"Gimme mana stones. C ranked, the higher level the better." Yin asked as her eyes sparkled with the chance for more food.

The referee raised an eyebrow and looked towards Shiro who only nodded her head with a weary smile.

’Still a glutton.’ She thought to herself. Anyone would think of her as crazy if she was to use a weapon for the chance at more mana stones.

"Miss Yin has asked for mana stones, will that be ok with you three?" The referee asked the three disciples.

"Of course. It’s just mana stones." They all nodded.

Looking at the three, Yin stroked her chin and looked at their levels.

’Level 52, 52 and 54 huh?’ She thought to herself.

’If I go for the level 54, I should be able to get more food out of him since higher level means more power. More power means killing strong monsters. And killing strong monsters mean good food.’

"I choose you. Erick." Yin said while pointing at the level 54 Blood Craze Berserker.

"Me?" Erick raised an eyebrow. He was surprised that he was chosen since he expected Yin to choose the level 52’s.

"Alright." He nodded as the two level 52’s walked off the stage. They couldn’t help but feel a little regretful since this meant that Erick was going to get the weapon.

"Are you two ready?" The referee asked, making sure that only the two of them were on the stage.

"Yup." Yin nodded with a smile.

"I’m ready." Erick nodded as well. Flicking his wrist, he brought out his axes and readied himself for the fight. He was aiming to finish this as quickly as he can so he could continue to fight for a higher rank.


Yin instantly activated her True Elemental Armour since she too was aiming to end this as quickly as possible. The faster she finishes, the quicker she gets her snacks.

Crouching down, she dashed towards Erick.

"No weapon?" He muttered before slashing his axe towards Yin.


To his surprise, Yin trapped the axe between her elbow and knee.

"Boo~" She grinned and kicked out with her leg.

Quickly letting go of his spare axe, he reached out to grab her leg.

Seeing this, Yin adjusted her footwork and instead hooked her leg around his arm and swung her body over him.

Snapping her fingers, she sent several strands of shadow towards him.

’Not good!’ Erick thought when he saw the shadows. He didn’t know why but his heart pounded in nervousness and warned him not to touch those shadows.



Activating his own elemental armour, he created several flaming axes and sent them flying towards her shadows.

"Tch." Clicking her tongue in annoyance, Yin frowned when she saw her shadow get overpowered by his flames.

Coating her hand in a layer of Dark Star Element, Yin crushed the axes with ease.

Landing softly, she quickly bent back and dodged one of Erick’s slashes and jumped into the rift before reappeared behind him.

Snapping her fingers, a ball of Dark Star Element appeared in her hands as she pushed it towards the back of Erick’s head.


Quickly raising up the axe in his spare hand, Erick blocked the flame and pivoted on his foot.

Unfortunately for him, Yin grinned excitedly since this was part of her plan. After training with the maze that Shiro had made for her, her mana control had increased by a wide margin. While it couldn’t be called exceptional, it was much better than what she was doing previously.

Swiping out with her hand, the fire contorted itself and lashed towards Erick like wh.i.p.s.

Widening his eyes, Erick didn’t have the time to complain and knew that he needed to act fast.

Giving up on his attack, he let go of his axe and slammed his palm into the ground.


A tornado of fire wrapped around him as he hoped that this skill would redirect Yin’s fire wh.i.p.s.

"Ah, he shouldn’t have done that." Shiro muttered seeing the fire tornado.

Against Yin’s Dark Star Element, fire was the last thing that you would want to use. After all, Dark Star consumes foreign fires to empower itself.


"ARG!!" Crying out in pain from the heat, Erick couldn’t believe what he had just seen.

’Did her fire just take over mine?!’

Just as Shiro was about to make a move, she saw Yin furrowing her brows in concentration.

"Ha!" Pushing out her arms, Yin gathered all of the flames into her palm. Compressing it down to the size of a tennis ball, Yin looked towards Shiro proudly.

Curving her lips into a smile, Shiro nodded her head.

"Fufufu~ I believe I win?" Yin grinned.

However, Erick frowned as he was about to get back up.

"Ap. Be a good boy and admit defeat when you lose ok? This baby isn’t confident with my mana control right now. Who knows, maybe this ball of fire might blow up right now." Yin’s voice rang out behind him.

She was currently grabbing his chin from behind while the ball of fire floated in front of his face.

Hearing the playfulness in Yin’s voice, Erick couldn’t help but feel cold sweat drip down his back.

’Is she crazy!?’

Looking towards the ref, Yin waited for him to announce the winner.

"The winner of this match is Miss Yin! Can both contestants separate yourselves please."

"Ok~" Yin smiled as she stood up.

Looking at the ball of fire in her palm, Yin paused as she realised something important.

"Erm... mum?" She called out.

"What is it?"

"I can’t extinguish this." Yin smiled embarrassingly.

"... Hais." Sighing softly, Shiro flicked her finger towards the fireball. A thin needle of ice shot out as it froze the fireball over and shattered into dust.

"There. Now get your reward and let Lisa have a turn." Shiro smiled. She was quite happy with Yin’s improvements since she could now use her mana control during a match and catch her opponents off guard.

"Got it!"

Turning to Erick, who had just stood up, Yin thought for a moment before grinning.

"Hey, we never specified how many mana stones you were meant to give me now did we?"

Widening his eyes, Erick couldn’t help but feel danger when he saw her grin.

"Give me 500 of your best C ranked mana stones." Yin said while rubbing her palms together eagerly.

"F*ck! 500!?!? Why don’t you rob a bank!" Erick cried out in shock.

Hell, he only had around 70 C ranked mana stones on him right now.

"What? It’s only 500." Yin frowned after seeing his response.

Looking at the referee for help, Erick pleaded for him to do something with his gaze.

However, the referee only looked away and pretended that he didn’t see anything.

"Yin, behave yourself." Shiro called out as Erick sighed in relief.

"He probably doesn’t have that many on him right now so you should write a statement. Have him pay you the missing stones with interest."


"Oh~ Let’s do that then." Yin nodded.

Flexing her fingers, Shiro created a one time use printer without anyone seeing and printed out a contract for the stones.

"Here, I already have the contract on me." She said while throwing the contract towards Yin.

Looking at her actions, the surrounding people were surprised.

’Why the hell do you have a contract written up already?!?!?!’

Catching the contract, Yin opened it and saw her name already printed on the contracting side.

It said that Erick would pay all of the 500 mana stones to Yin within two weeks. If he fails to do this, he’ll have to pay an extra 50 stones for every day over the limit.

Nodding her head happily, Yin passed the contract over to Erick.

Signing the contract unwillingly, Erick passed Yin 70 stones for now.

"For the rest of the stones, just get someone to contact my mum and she’ll tell me." Yin nodded before gesturing for Erick to leave.

Watching Erick leave the stage with basically an empty wallet and a debt, the two others couldn’t help but feel pity for him.

"Mn... I should have said 2,000 mana stones instead. Tch, wasted opportunity." Yin muttered while staring at Erick’s back.

Hearing what Yin had just muttered, Erick escaped as fast as he could.

Suppressing her laughter, Yin turned to the other two.

"So who’s next?" She asked.

"Er... we’d like to challenge your big sister." One of them quickly replied before they got scammed into a fight with her.

"Oi! I’m the big sister here! Little Lis is my little sister!" Yin frowned.


Taking a second look at Yin before glancing at Lisandra, they couldn’t help but wonder why she was the older sis.

"I know what you’re thinking but Little Lis is adopted so naturally I’m the older sis." Yin huffed when she saw their questioning stares.

"But if she’s older in age, regardless of adoption time, aren’t you still the younger sis?" They asked.

"..." Hearing their questions, Yin didn’t know how to answer. After all, she had no idea about how old Lisandra was.

’Wait, wouldn’t Lis be older than mum if I think of it in terms of body age?’ Yin thought since Shiro was only a few months old from what she knows. Of course, this wasn’t accounting for her past life.

Furrowing her brows, Yin walked back to Shiro and crouched down with a serious face.

"You ok big sis?" Lisandra asked.

"Yeah I’m fine. Just calculating age. Anyways, go get some mana stones for your big sis." Yin replied.

"Ok." Nodding her head, Lisandra walked up to the stage.

"So before we begin, can I request something from you?" Lisandra asked.

"What is it?" One of the disciples asked.

"Can I fight the two of you at the same time?"

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