Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 212 One Point Spar

Chapter 212 One Point Spar

Arriving at hall 7, Shiro saw the party standing around while a few of them were glaring at each other. Shiro recognised them to be Alura Casadan and Lox Sermak.

Surprisingly, Alura had managed to level up to level 56 while Lox wasn’t far off at level 54.

’The elders probably power levelled them in dungeons. But for the two of them to be on the same party despite the fact that they were trying to kill each other before, how peculiar.’ Shiro smiled behind her mask as this seemed quite interesting.

Sweeping her gaze through the group, she noticed that most of the top families had sent their younger generation here.

’Including the Ospar family, we have the Casadan, Sermak, Durmark, Argent, Hollen, Mavic and the Yitri family. All of them are within the top ten.’ Shiro thought to herself as she noticed that the party seemed to be quite balanced. Casadan, Sermak, Argent and Mavic are damage dealers. Hollen and Yitri act as tankers and supports.

"Seems like we’ve made everyone wait." Kier smiled.

"No worries young master Kier, but I can’t help but wonder who are the three behind you." One of the women asked with a slightly seductive smile. Her name was Trisha Hollen, a member of the Hollen family that was ranked 8 in terms of power in Cairosa.

While her face was only above average in terms of beauty, her figure was definitely one that made men drool, especially since the clothes she wore was quite revealing.

However, Kier wasn’t interested at all.

"These three are the people that I wish to bring into the party. I know that they’re quite low levelled, but I can assure you that they’re power is above what their level show." He replied.

"Is that so. Well some of us are a little under levelled anyways so it’s fine. As long as the power matches a certain threshold am I right young master Lox?" Alura smirked.

"Tch, you don’t think I can destroy you despite being two levels under you ah!?" Lox glared back.

"Both of you stop it." Kier frowned as his aura lashed out.

However, Shiro could tell that almost all of his aura was focused towards Lox.

’Heh~ Could it be that he’s interested in Alura?’ Shiro raised an eyebrow as she started to grin behind her mask.

Flinching slightly, Lox clicked his tongue before shutting up. He knew that he was no match against kier no matter how confident he was.

"Anyways, I know that some of you are concerned about their low levels so we’ll have a short spar. 1 point, no restraints. Once an attack hits directly, the match is over. Does that sound fair to everyone?" Kier suggested.

All of them nodded in agreement since they couldn’t say no after all.

"So who would like to start first?" Kier asked with a smile.

"Mom, can I go first?" Lisandra whispered as she wanted to test herself a little against the young geniuses. Much like Shiro, she was also a battle junkie that liked to test herself against strong opponents constantly.

"Of course you may." Shiro nodded with a smile.

Lisandra’s eyes glowed in excitement as she walked to the centre of the hall, where the marked out arena was.

Summoning her swords, Lisandra kept her mask and robe on.

"Lisa, level 51 Arch Light Swordswoman." Lisandra introduced ’herself’ as she scanned her potential opponents.

A small discussion occurred amongst the party as another woman walked into the arena.

"Jessica, level 54 Molten Warrior." The girl named Jessica introduced herself. She was the lowest level melee type class so they decided to put her against the newcomer.

"Start!" Kier shouted out when he saw that both of them were ready.


Lisandra dashed at Jessica as her cloak fluttered wildly from the speed.

Jessica only narrowed her eyes for a moment before stomping down with her foot.


Fractures spread out from the ground as a single stomp was able to force the ground to be uneven.

Taking a deep breath, Jessica plunged her hand into the ground.

Sizzling sounds could be heard as Lisandra instantly felt her instincts warn her of danger.

Pivoting on her foot, she used the uneven ground to manoeuvre her way around Jessica.

"HA!" Pulling out her hand from the ground, Jessica now wielded a molten greatsword along with a pair of molten arm guards.

Swinging her sword, she sent out a ring of fire energy which instantly increased the room temperature substantially.

Tracing her finger down the blade of her sword, Lisandra responded to the attack by sending out her own wave of energy.

*BANG! PING~!!!!

Both attacks cancelled each other out.

Lisandra, knowing that this is a prime opportunity to close the gap between them, readied her sword and charged towards Jessica while activating her True Elemental Armour.

Light erupted from her as the pressure that she exuded increased by a large margin. Naturally, they couldn’t see her armour since it was hidden under her cloak.

Widening her eyes with shock, Jessica gritted her teeth and activated several strength enhancing skills.

Twisting her body, she swung her sword towards Lisandra.

Smiling lightly behind her mask, Lisandra raised up her sword and parried Jessica’s attack. Shifting her body slightly so that she could divert the attack, she used the moment to her advantage and roundhouse kicked Jessica in the side of her body.



Crashing across the ground, Jessica clutched her ribs in pain.

"Match won by Lisa. Racheal, can you heal Jessica please." Kier asked while turning his head towards her location.

Racheal nodded her head and walked over to Jessica while Lisa made her way back to Shiro.

"How was it?" Shiro asked with a smile.

"It was ok. She was less experienced than I thought. Will they be ok in the raid?" Lisandra frowned slightly.

"It’s ok, they make up for it with powerful skills instead. But compared to humans, fighting against monsters is more... simple I suppose." Shiro smiled.

"I guess, but you said that the monster this time is intelligent. Since he could be in the same situation as mum, I don’t feel too confident with this party if they’re all like you."

"Mn, I get your concerns since honestly, I’m the same. No matter how powerful a skill, it wouldn’t matter if it didn’t hit. Plus, if the intelligent monster reincarnated as well like me, he or she might have a lifetimes worth of experience behind them to help them survive. At that moment, the raid party is finished." Shiro shook her head slightly.

Lisandra nodded her head since this was her greatest concern. If another monstrous being like Shiro appeared, their chances of survival will be quite low.

"Anyways, I’ll be fine. At worst, we’ll just use the return stone and get out of the raid." Shiro smiled and patted her shoulder.

"I believe it’s your turn next?" She said, turning to Yin.

"Yup. I’ll make it quick." Yin nodded her head and walked toward the arena.

"So who’s fighting me?" She asked.

Hearing her childish voice along with her physique, the party members couldn’t help but wonder if it was a child under that cloak. However, despite this, they know that they shouldn’t underestimate her because of her appearance.

The image of a certain girl slaughtering her way through the slums was still fresh after all. Especially for Alura.

"I am." Lox stood up and walked to the arena.

"Oh, it’s shorty." Yin sighed slightly.


Lox instantly had the urge to kill the shrimp in from of him. While his height couldn’t be compared to those who were above 6ft, especially since that was now the lower average, he couldn’t be called short either. It was just that he seemed to be short because everyone around him was very tall.

And yet, this child like girl had just called him shorty despite her own height.

Before he could say anything, he felt another killing intent lock onto him. Turning to the source, he paled slightly when he made eye contact with Shiro. Quickly retracting his own killing intent, he kept his guard up just in case the mystery woman wanted revenge after he defeated the midget in front of him.

"Are both contestants ready?" Kier raised an eyebrow but decided to ignore this short contact between Shiro and Lox.

"Yup. Let’s get this over and done with. Inya, level 53 Dark Star Mage." Yin said while stretching her body slightly.

"Lox, level 54 Draconic Lightning Mage."



Several tier 3 magic circles appeared around Lox as they activated one after another.

Even Shiro couldn’t help but applaud at his activation speed. Usually, unless one had a deep understanding of their spell, the activation speed would usually take up to 3 seconds maybe 5. However, Lox was able to activate his spells within the 1 second range. While he couldn’t be called a genius, he was deserving of being called talented when compared to some of the geniuses that Shiro had seen in her previous life.

"1 second huh? Not bad." Yin smiled behind her mask.

Looking at the lightning dragons shooting towards her, Yin yawned slightly before snapping her fingers.


Suddenly, a giant phoenix head made from Dark Star Element erupted from the ground and consumed the dragons before doing a burping motion.

Watching the phoenix fade away, Lox couldn’t help but widen his eyes in disbelief.


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