Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 216 Raid Discussion Part 2

Chapter 216 Raid Discussion Part 2

"So far, all of the raid parties have only managed to reach the 4th boss despite all the attempts. They were either killed or forced to retreat with heavy casualties." Kier said seriously as a few holographic images appeared in front of him.

"The reason for their failure was due to the fact that they couldn’t meet the clear requirement for the party wipe skill. Normally, there is only one requirement. But this boss has three, With the limit on party size, each of the members needed to be good at what they were doing in order to clear this wipe skill.

"First requirement, damage. While the boss attempts to use the skill, a layer of armour will wrap around his body and we need damage it as much as we can.

"Second requirement, mob clear. During the phase where we need to damage him as much as we can, minions would spawn around him and we need to kill all of them. Remember, ALL of them. Some might hide around the room but there will always be 50 of them that spawn. With each minion you kill, you’ll get a buff which stacks with each kill you get. This buff is needed for the third requirement.

"The third requirement and possibly the hardest requirement is to shoot targets the moment they appear. The buff is needed since every time you destroy a target, a stack will be consumed. Once all the stacks are consumed, you can no longer damage the targets. On top of this, once you miss a target or hit the wrong one, the time needed for the skill to activate will be shortened. You’ll need to destroy as many targets as you can since the minimum threshold is randomised. There are several rounds to this and if you’ve managed to clear the minimum threshold before the final round is finished, a more powerful version of the buff will be distributed to the entire party.

"It’s only when all three requirements are fulfilled will you enter the damage phase. Depending on how much armour we manage to chip off, the damage we deal to him will increase. The second will allow us to attack him without distractions while the last is a buff to increase our damage.

"Unfortunately, none of the parties have been able to do all three tasks to a decent standard." Kier shook his head.

’The chance of a first kill.’ Shiro thought with a smile. Since this is a new raid, a mutated one at that too, the first kill rewards are bound to be good. Thinking about the possibilities, Shiro’s mood started to brighten up despite the fact that the pervert was still staring at her with such burning passion.

"Since we know the problem regarding the 4th boss, why don’t you explain the first three bosses while we’re at it?" Shiro asked.

"Ah right, you don’t know about the first three bosses yet do you?" Kier nodded as he proceeded to explain their mechanics.

The first boss was just a simple damage check. Much like the first requirement, the party needed to destroy all of his armour so that they can kill him during the damage phase. The second boss summoned minions and would be invincible while they’re still around. As for the third boss, he would cast a spell where several floating orbs will hover around the arena. The team needed to destroy those orbs in time to get a buff so that they can damage the boss. If they fail to destroy the orbs, the boss will get the buff instead.

"So all three bosses were to prepare you for the fourth boss?" Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"Indeed. This is also why we were able to find out about the clear requirements." Kier nodded his head.

"Then what about the 5th boss?" Shiro narrowed her eyes. Since the first three bosses prepared the team for the fourth boss, it meant that the fifth boss should have all the mechanics needed to clear the previous bosses with some extras.

"That’s what we’re hoping to find out. Our main goal for the first two runs is to find out information about how many bosses are left and how we can clear them. In addition to this, it will also allow us to get used to working with each other." Kier smiled.

"Hm... fair enough." Shiro nodded.

The rest of the conference was just a discussion about potential strategies that they could use along with their role. For the first raid, they decided that Shiro will be part of the target shooting team.

Lisandra will be part of the mob clear while Yin will help damage the armour since her Dark Star Element was extremely powerful from what they had observed during their fight.

Leaving the conference hall, Shiro stretched her body as she turned to Kier.

"Am I allowed to use the mana springs tonight?" Shiro asked since this was part of their agreement.

"Of course. Your two friends can join you as well since the agreement also extends to them." Kier nodded.

"Thank you. In that case then, I’ll need your help to show me where it is." Shiro smiled. It would be suspicious if she knew despite the fact that this is her ’first time’ after all.

"Of course. I’ll let Gilbert show you the way. He’s the butler that you had seen on your way here. Meanwhile, I’ll have my maids show you around the mansion first. Afterwards, they’ll show you to your rooms."

"Ah, can the three of us share one room rather than three separate ones?" Shiro asked.

"Of course."

Instructing a few maids to prepare her room, Kier had another maid guide Shiro around the place.

Shiro was more than happy to get a full tour since she could map out the entire Ospar mansion without having to move around suspiciously.

After showing Shiro all that was allowed, the maid took her to her room.

"This will be where you will be staying Miss Nytri." She bowed.

Looking at the room, they could see that it was quite fancy in regards to its furniture. Each piece seemed to be meticulously crafted by an artist while the materials used were ones that ensured the user’s comfort. Three beds were placed in the room with a table between them all.

"Thank you, you can go now." Shiro smiled.

Nodding her head, she left the room and closed the door on her way out.

"Uwabuabua~" Yin cried out as she threw herself on the bed instantly. After standing up for so long, especially since her ability to sit was taken away, she desired nothing more than to just lay down on a soft comfy bed.

Lisandra sighed as she too sat down on the bed. Surprised at the softness of the material, she couldn’t help but turn over and plant the entirety of her body into the bed.

Smiling wearily, Shiro walked over to the closet and had a look at what was inside.

"Just clothes and some armour huh?" She muttered. When she scanned over the armour, she found that all of them were ones that matched what their supposed classes focused on.

However, Shiro didn’t have much interest in them since they didn’t need it. She had her own set armour while Yin couldn’t use any armour since she was a ’pet’.

As for Lisandra, she came with her own that was similar to Shiro’s sword, Ataraxia. It was bound to Lisandra and would strengthen the more she levelled up.

Of course, that didn’t apply to weapons.

Looking through the swords, Shiro found a few that was quite good for Lisandra and passed them onto her.

As for Yin, once again, she couldn’t use any weapons and could only rely on herself. However, it wasn’t much of a problem since her stats were already monstrous. Hell, it was even higher than Shiro’s. When Yin was level 51, her MP was at an astonishing 5 million which is 2.5 times higher than what Shiro has currently.

’I suppose she is a phoenix after all.’ Shiro shrugged slightly.

After resting for a while, they heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Shiro asked while opening it.

"It’s me, Gilbert. I’m here to show you to the mana springs Miss Nytri." Gilbert bowed slightly.

"Ok, just give me a moment." Shiro smiled. Gesturing for Lisandra to drag Yin out of the bed.

"Urg... Lemme stay~" Yin complained.

"Here." Shiro threw three lollipops in the air, confusing Gilbert. But before he realised, Yin was in the air with all three lollipops in her hand.

"You get more if you follow." Shiro said.

"Aiya, why didn’t you say that sooner. We’re wasting time. Come on, let’s go already." Yin called out as she was already out of the room.

"That’s the wrong way Miss Inya." Gilbert forced a slight smile.


Sighing slightly, he showed them the way to the mana springs.

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