Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 220 Simulated Boss Fight Part 1

Chapter 220 Simulated Boss Fight Part 1

Waking up the next morning, Shiro saw that it was 6am in the morning and she still had quite a while to go before the promised time.

"I’ll go get myself some food I guess." Shiro muttered.

However, the moment she said the word food, Yin’s eyes snapped open and she sat up straight.

"Are we getting food?" She asked eagerly.

"Shut it. Don’t be too loud, you might wake up your sister." Shiro frowned.

"Hais... it’s too late. I’m already up." Lisandra rubbed her hair as she stretched her body.

Having a glutton shout about food next to your bed was probably more effective than any alarm as she snapped out of her dream instantly.

"Tch, next time don’t be so loud in the morning." Shiro flicked Yin on the forehead.

"Ow!" Holding her head in pain, Yin pouted slightly.

"This baby is still growing, I need food."

"You don’t move enough to burn all that excess food away you lazy glutton. Go on a diet or something." Shiro rolled her eyes.

Changing out of their nightwear and into their outfits, they walked towards the dining hall. To her surprise, there were maids already in the hall, ready to take orders.

"Good morning, what would you like to have?" One of the maids asked as she walked up to the trio.

"You work this early in the morning?" Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"We have staff taking shifts throughout the whole day. No matter when you come to the dining hall, there will always be people to serve you." She smiled.

"Ah I see. I’ll just have a simple breakfast. I’m not too picky." Shiro nodded.

"Understood. What about you two ladies?" The maid asked.

"I’ll have the same as m- Teach." Lisandra replied as she corrected herself. Since there were people around, she’ll refer to Shiro as her teacher like before.

"I’ll have a full on steak meal and s- Arg!!! Ah! Mum don’t grab my head like that!!! I’ll die!!!" Yin cried out in shock as Shiro clutched her head and lifted her up.

"Ignore her please. Just give her a normal breakfast like me." Shiro said apologetically. She could already feel one of her veins on the verge of bursting.

"Understood." The maid bowed. It wasn’t her role to judge what the family was like.

Sitting down on one of the tables, three sets of food were laid out in front of them.

"Uwuu... my steak meal..." Yin muttered as she was on the verge of crying.

"Here have some of mine." Lisandra sighed as she passed some of her food to her gluttonous sister.

"I’ll take that. She needs to learn how to stop being greedy." Shiro said while taking away the food. Ignoring Yin’s glare, Shiro ate her food calmly.

Naturally, the three of them needed to remove their mask so she activated Fae Illusions. This way, they wouldn’t see their real appearance.

"Abuse! I call abuse! You can’t treat your baby like this!" Yin protested.

"Keep talking and you get no food." Shiro said as Yin instantly shut up.

"Oh wow, the Ospar family is amazing aren’t they. Just look at this bountiful breakfast." Yin said as she started to eat.


Passing the food back to Yin, Shiro gestured for the maid to come over.

"Get her the steak meal." She said with a weary smile.


"All hail mum!" Yin cried out as she kowtowed on the table.

"Oi, get off the table or else I’ll cancel the order." Shiro frowned.

Yin sat back down obediently.

"Anyways, this is a one off. Don’t eat too much." Shiro sighed and continued her meal.

’You say that mum but you’ll probably let her eat just as much or maybe more in the future.’ Lisandra thought to herself as she could see that Shiro had a small smile.

By the time that they had finished the meal, it was already 8am. Why did it take around 2 hours? That was because Yin had just finished eating her 5th steak meal.

Since Shiro couldn’t keep up the Fae Illusions on all three of them for 2 hours, she had finished as quickly as possible and put her mask back on so that she could deactivate the illusion. Lisandra understood her intent and did the same. With her only needed to activate the illusion on Yin, Shiro kept her eyes on her surroundings so that when no one was looking at Yin, she would deactivate the skill to regenerate some MP. And when they looked back, she would activate the skill once more.

"Fuwaah.... Satisfied." Yin giggled happily and patted her stomach.

Her appetite had shocked everyone that was inside the hall since they couldn’t believe that such a small body could eat 5 steak meals.

Naturally, Isaac had arrived at the hall as well but Shiro used more of her MP to make it so that he couldn’t see the three of them at all. After all, she would rather spend some MP than to deal with that pervert.

Seeing that Yin had finished, Shiro had her put her mask back on before leaving the hall.

Looking at her MP that was slowly regenerating, she couldn’t believe how much she had used just for keeping up an illusion for 2 hours.

’At least this is improving my proficiency with the skill. I should be able to reduce the cost per second sooner or later.’ Shiro thought to herself.

Returning back to their room, they relaxed for a bit.

Shiro browsed through the web for anything interesting and worthy of notice while Yin browsed through menus to see which one she wanted to eat next.

As for Lisandra, she was off by the side practising some exercises to improve her body control. After all, Shiro had always stressed that body control was important.

If one was to look in the room, they would see the kind of personalities that each of them had. Shiro was relaxed, Yin was gluttonous and Lisandra was hard working.

*Knock knock knock

"Come in." Shiro called out. The time was 9:55am so she knew that it was Gilbert.

"Good morning Miss Nytri. Are you ready?" He smiled.

Nodding her head, Shiro stood up while the duo followed behind her.

"Say Gilbert, we have simulation pod’s inside our rooms, why don’t we use them?" Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"Ah, those are connected to your own personal world where you can customise it to set up different scenarios to suit your training. The place we’re going to now is connected to a private server of sorts where we can better monitor your vitals. This way, we can see who’s suited to be in which role. People who are unsuited will be more nervous after all." Gilbert replied with a smile.

"I see."

Arriving at the simulation room, they saw several rows of simulation pods lined up against one another. The other party members have also arrived to the room as each of them were guided to their respective pods.

’Since this is pod will read our details, I’ll need to edit the information so that we’re not exposed.’ Shiro thought to herself as she sat down on the pod.

Several strands of nanobots entered the pod as Shiro closed her eyes.

Linking up to Yin and Lisandra’s pods, she could see their information slowly appearing. Making a few adjustments, she sent them off to the consoles.

Naturally, they had their anti hack but it was nothing in front of Shiro especially after her class up. It was a walk in the park for her to confuse the anti hack system into thinking everything is ok.

Making sure that there were no abnormalities, she nodded her head before entering the simulation. Opening her eyes, she saw that they were all in an empty room.

A countdown could be seen above them as it showed the loading bar for the first boss.

"Miss Nytri!" Isaac shouted out as joy radiated from his face.


Before anyone realised, he had already been smashed into the ground and was on the verge of death. If not for the fact that they made it so that you can’t die in the loading process, he would have died already.

"Tch." Shiro clicked her tongue since she thought that he would die. After all, it didn’t matter too much since it’s just a simulation. However, seeing the way he was twitching with a euphoric face, Shiro no longer had the desire to attack him.

’I can deal with many things but... a hardcore masochist is not one of them!’

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