Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 224 First Boss

Chapter 224 First Boss

"Let’s go!"

Following behind Isaac, the party marched into the raid door as the spectators cheered.

Glancing at the pillars that she had inspected the last time that she was here, Shiro noticed the clear signs of deterioration.

’Hmm... if I’m not wrong, the raid door will be broken in a minimum of 2 days. If we’re lucky, it’ll take more than 4 days.’ She thought while narrowing her eyes.

"Is there a problem mum?" Yin whispered over.

"Yeah. Seems like the raid door will only last around 2 more days. After that, there’s a high chance that the monsters inside will be free to escape." Shiro replied seriously.

"So we only have 2 days to try to get the first clear?" Lisandra asked. During the time that they would be idle in their room, Shiro explained to her the benefits to an emergency raid like this and how the first clear will give them a unique item that wouldn’t appear again.

"Yeah." Shiro nodded her head.

"Do you think that we can do it by ourselves? If we get the item in front of this many people, wouldn’t we be targeted? No matter how strong we are, fighting and killing this many young masters and mistresses will only invite trouble." Lisandra whispered.

"It depends. We’ll see how it goes in the raid. We’ve already seen how each of the families have a grudge against one another. They won’t drop this no matter what, even if it’s for the raid. The moment a good item appears, a mini war will break out. If not now, later when the raid is cleared. Cairosa will be filled with fighting much like what happened during the slums fight." Shiro replied.

"I see..." Lisandra nodded. However, she didn’t know that Shiro had something else in mind.

The first clear rewards are simply too precious to give up and Shiro knows that whoever lands the last hit on the boss will get it. During that time, if she was to substitute it with something that she made and give it to someone else, she’ll not only divert the attention to said person but also keep the rewards.

Naturally, she had a safety net known as fake identity. During this time, no one had found out about their true identities. Therefore, she could just get rid of this identity and go on with her life as usual. By the time they found her, she should be powerful enough to hold her own. In addition to this, she’s made sure that her identity was different from her real identity since she hadn’t used any of the skills that she’s known for yet. But once she does, a connection will be formed and that’s not what she wanted.

As she stepped into the raid door, a blinding light covered her vision, forcing her to shield her eyes.

Soon, sounds of rustling and birds chirping could be heard.

Opening her eyes, Shiro saw that they were in a jungle. The plant life and such were much different than the ones she had seen online.

’The jungle of a different world.’ Shiro thought to herself.

"Everyone! Formation 2! We’ll have Miss Nytri and the other lower levels kill the monsters for now so that they can level up." Isaac commanded.


With Shiro, Lisandra, Yin and another member of the Hollen family leading the way, the party proceeded through the forest according to the map that the cartographers had created in the Ospar mansion.


Hearing a rustle amongst the bushes, the party instantly went on guard Even though they were confident in killing monsters, being caught off guard will still lead to death. This was no simulation.

However, Shiro only scoffed slightly and pinched her fingers together. Dark Star and Light element concentrated into a needle as she threw it above them.


Widening their eyes in shock, they saw a monster with a clean hole burned through its skull.

"Third rate assassin." Shiro scoffed and proceeded to walk.

Looking at each other in disbelief, the party eventually nodded their heads and followed behind her.

"Mum likes to show off a little huh?" Yin giggled.

"Yeah she does. But sometimes she doesn’t mean too since they are indeed too weak in front of her." Lisandra smiled.


Meanwhile, deep in the jungle, a shadowed figure raised its head into the air a few times and sniffed.

"Tch, new intruders. The seem to be quite powerful too..." It narrowed its eyes.

Looking down on the ground, it clicked its tongue at the female corpses that lay on the ground.

"No fun when they’re cold. F*ck! Why did I get this monster body! It doesn’t feel as good as before." He growled and stuffed all of the corpses into its mouth.

"Hopefully I can get some new playmate hehe." Just as it finished saying this, it disappeared from its spot like a ghost.

The only thing that remained was torn clothes, blood and other bodily fluids.


Making their way through the forest, none of the monsters were able to land a single hit on the party. Some were able to use the Hollen family member as a cover but was easily dealt with by Lisandra.

In the end, it was only Shiro, Yin and Lisandra leading the party.

During this time, Shiro had managed to level up to 52, meaning that Lisandra was the same. As for Yin, her level didn’t increase at all.

This had pushed Shiro’s mana over the 2 million threshold.

"We should be arriving at the first boss soon." Isaac warned.

Treading through the overgrown foliage, they soon saw a giant armoured lizard lathed on the side of a cliff.

[Ancient Armoured Lizard – LVL 60 BOSS]

HP: 30,000,000/30,000,000

MP: 20,000,000/20,000,000

"Guys be careful. While his HP and MP is low for a level 60 boss, his armour stat is off the chart. You attacks that might have done hundreds of thousands to the boss before will only do tens of thousands." Isaac frowned.

"Formation 5, we’ll take care of him as quick as possible."

Shifting their formation once more, the tankers charged forwards Using all of their defence boost skills onto the main tanker, he immediately took the aggro and slammed the giant lizard against the cliff wall.


Cracks spread out as the cliff started to collapse.

"Oh my, seeing his strength after all the buffs in real life is indeed different from the simulations." Alura muttered as the party members couldn’t help but nod.

"Stop being in awe and let’s kill it." Isaac reprimanded while a silver aura enveloped his body.

Nodding their heads, they all readied their skills.

Just as Shiro was about to attack, she noticed a stare sweep past her.

’Hmm... that’s the intelligent monster. I should keep some of my skills hidden for now and weaken my physical abilities too.’ Shiro thought to herself and made a lightning sword instead.

Making eye contact with both Yin and Lisandra, Shiro made a small hand gesture which meant suppress. It was something that they had discussed in their spare time.

Sometimes they can’t talk or else their plan will be exposed so Shiro made up gestures for suppress, all out, control and so on.

Both Yin and Lisandra nodded their heads and restrained their power output.

Since the first boss had already been killed once, they were in no hurry to kill it.

Time passed as the monster’s health decreased. It was a relatively simple raid since all they needed to do was make sure the tanker was alive. Nothing too strenuous for the healers on the team.

However, during this entire time, Shiro had noticed the intelligent monster carefully inspecting their movements.

His gaze had landed on her a few times and it reminded her of the eyes of someone who was inspecting each ’dish’.

’Slave owners.’ Shiro thought to herself. That gaze belonged to one that had owned and bought many slaves in his lifetime. She remembered seeing this type of gaze during one of their missions in the hero party. She and her friends acted like merchandise while the other party members were the traders.

Their goal at that time was to find out where they had kept all their ’shipment’ and the end of the mission was naturally the torture of those who laid a hand on the woman.

’Seems like this monster came from another world similar to me or else the gaze would not be so experienced. Tch, trash.’ She thought while clicking her tongue.

Throughout the boss fight, she had ’accidentally’ flung two attacks at the monster and noticed that it was extremely swift. A speed type monster that was experienced like her.

A troublesome opponent.

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