Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 233 Hell Hound Part 1

Chapter 233 Hell Hound Part 1

Flicking her wrist, she sent out a few spikes made from nanobots that would camouflage their presence. After all, if she was to prepare a huge spell, the hound would notice immediately.

Aiming down the sights, Shiro flicked a switch as the ambient mana surged towards her. Activating her Chimera skill and fusing the light and metal elements together, she watched as light particles wrapped around her sniper.

The matt black pieces of metal turned white with golden highlights around the edges. The ominous red energy surging in the body of the sniper shifted to that of a gentle blue.

Lisandra did the same and tapped the magnetic disks on her waist. As the sniper was being formed, a strand of light exited Lisandra’s body and entered the sniper.

"Knew it." Shiro muttered as she saw this scene.

From her connection to her nanobots, she could clearly feel Lisandra enhancing the overall power of the sniper.

"Yin, ready your spell too."

Since the boss hadn’t noticed them yet, it was a prime opportunity to deal as much damage as they could.

"Got it." Yin nodded. Remembering what Shiro had told her, she didn’t use her new element due to the phenomenon that it causes. Otherwise, they risk drawing the boss’s attention, ruining their chance.

Pressing both of her palms together, she furrowed her brows as sweat dripped off her face. She was currently condensing a spark of Dark Star element so that she could increase its power. Once it reached its limit of compression, she would apply another layer of Dark Star over it and continue the compression.

The end result was a pure white spot of light that would flicker with slight traces of black and purple. While it was the same size as a normal Dark Star spark that she would usually make, its power was far stronger.

"Ready?" Shiro asked as her sniper was reaching its limit as well. With her skill that increases the power of the bullet the longer she aimed down, her next shot was already 3 times as strong as what it should be normally.

Both Lisandra and Yin nodded their heads.

"Fire!" She shouted out.

Just as Shiro shouted out fire, Yin released her control on her orb of light and sent it towards the boss.


The surrounding cave started to rumble as the attacks met their target. Both Yin and Shiro’s pierced a hole through the Hellhounds body while Yin’s attack completely annihilated his torso.


Anger overwhelmed his senses as he glared at the three that were flying in the air.

With three wounds that would have been extremely lethal for other monsters, it was almost a miracle that he managed to survive.

[Demonic Hell Hound – LVL 60 BOSS]

HP: 55,300,000/100,000,000

MP: 100,000,000/100,000,000

"Tch, only less than half HP." Shiro clicked her tongue as she had wished they were able to deal more damage.

"Anyways, as we’ve discussed, counter all of its skills and let’s kill it." She said while diving towards the boss with two rail cannons in her hands.


Instantly activating his berserk skill, the hell hound knew that it should go all out or else it’ll die.

As the metal armour separated itself from the hell hound, it revealed his true form. A mass of shadows and red mist which would constantly merge together before splitting apart once more.

Four morning starts formed from all the metal on his body and were connected by spiked chains.

’In his berserk mode, he’ll stay like this for around 5 minutes. The damage he takes is probably reduced considering the fact that he’s shifting through layers of tangibility.’ She thought to herself.

"You two continue to attack! I’ll be tanking as we planned." Shiro called out as she disassembled her rail cannons.

Changing it into a spear, she activated her skills as well to make up for the gap in stats. While she was powerful as a level 53 and could kill most level 60’s with relative ease, a berserk level 60 raid boss was something that she should be careful with.

Looking at the giant morning star that was flying towards her, Shiro narrowed her eyes and readied her sword. Currently, she had Element Shift, Celestial Armament and Celestial Element wheels activated.

Flickering past the morning stars, she twisted her body and slammed her staff into the chains


"Sss!!" Taking in a sharp breath, Shiro realised that she underestimated how heavy the metal was. Even when she was using Phantom Path to redistribute the weight, it barely budged.

"Wait, if the armour was this heavy, could the boss be weighed down?" Shiro muttered as her eyes widened.

Feeling danger behind her, she instantly used Faded Snow Movement that she retained even after her evolution.

"GAH!" Coughing up a mouthful of blood, she was barely able to avoid the boss’s attack as his claw phased through her body.

While the Faded Snow Movement made a portion of her body into snow, it wasn’t able to fully nullify the damage.

Her body shot towards the ground like a broken kite as she quickly readjusted herself.

’Broken ribs and internal bleeding. Tch, what a heavy hitter.’ She thought to herself as she did a quick damage assessment and activated her life fire. In one hit, the boss had pushed her health back to the halfway point.

’An eye for an eye.’ She mused.

Twisting her body, Shiro dodged the hell hound’s next attack. Unlike before, she was now prepared for the sudden change in speed.

Dodging his claw and the morning stars, she narrowed her eyes and formed a nanotech gauntlet. Loading it with all of the attack boosting skills it could handle, she punched towards the hell hound.

Phantom Path!

Sending the force through his body, Shiro rendered his defences null. Unfortunately, the damage she dealt was rather small since he was currently in his berserk phase.

But just as she was about to retreat, a second head emerged from the spot where she had punched and attempted to bite her.

Glacial Touch!

A giant wall of ice erupted around her and stopped the head from damaging her. However, cracks could be heard as the ice started to shatter apart.

"Tch, he’s more troublesome than I thought." Shiro clicked her tongue.

Glancing behind her, she saw that the boss used two sheets of metal to block Yin and Lisandra’s long ranged assault. While the sniper was able to pierce a hole in the metal sheets, more sheets would block the bullet’s path, preventing it from harming the boss.


A bad feeling rose up in Shiro’s heart as she quickly entered the rift.

When she exited, she saw three copies of the boss, each in their berserk phase, glaring at her. Her previous spot had been completely pulverised and was replaced by a deep trench.

Taking a deep breath, Shiro decided to use the Shadow Element Shift along with the Shadow Celestial armament. That was because it acted similar to her Faded Snow Movement and had a passive damage reduction. Plus, there were more benefits that suited her current environment. As they were in a cavern, there was plenty of shadows for her to move around in. Not only that, her speed received a massive increase whenever she enters one so it’ll offset the fact that she’s fighting three berserk bosses now.

Slamming her palms into the ground, a wall of shadows wrapped around her body while all three copies of the boss jumped towards her.

But all they bit was empty air as Shiro had flickered behind them.

After activating the shadow versions of her skills, her outfit was changed into her slightly revealing shadow armour so she layered a nanotech chest plate over the top to cover herself.

The matt black armour with red highlights worked rather well with the shadow armour as it made her look like a death god, ready to reap the souls of the living.

Twisting her body, a ray of dark sword energy cut deeply into their backs but no blood was spilled.


A pulse of mana was sent out from the boss’s body and pushed her back, creating some distance between the two of them.

When the dust cloud settled, Shiro and the hell hound made eye contact as they stayed still. Both were evaluating each other as they were planning their next moves.

Summoning two copies of Ataraxia, she dashed towards the boss.

Celestial Path!

Magic circles appeared around the boss as she merged it with her ice chain skill, creating mana absorbing chains.

Realising that the chains could be dangerous, the boss leapt into the sky and attacked the chains with his morning star.


As the two collided with one another, the chains were easily suppressed as Shiro clicked her tongue.

Celestial path was great for dealing with mages and magic but lacked any physical prowess. This naturally went for her chains as well since their main purpose was to drain the boss of his reserves.

"This fight might be more troublesome than I had expected." Shiro muttered with a frown. All she needed to do was keep it occupied for the duration of his berserk skill but that was easier said than.

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