Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 241 Interception

Chapter 241 Interception

Flexing her fingers, she created a scanner to pick up on the closest cl.u.s.ter of mana that was approaching the city.

"Seems like they’re approaching from the north." Shiro muttered as she patted Yin on the head.

"Fly above the clouds and go north for now. I’ll tell you when we can dive down." She instructed.


Nodding her head, Yin flapped her wings and shot into the clouds.

Creating a pair of binoculars, she tried to spot the reinforcements and saw a few distant shadows.

"Bingo." She grinned.

"Yin, are you ready for some slight upgrades to help us?" Shiro asked with a smile.


Seeing that Yin agreed, Shiro placed her palm on Yin’s body and closed her eyes.

A thin layer of nanobots spread outwards and coated her feather’s in a type of reflective material that camouflaged her with the clouds.

"This will help us hide when we come out of stealth. As for you Lisandra, I’ll do the same with your wings. I want you to practice assassination and the use of your wings." Shiro turned to Lisandra who nodded and spread out her wings.

Once her wings were camouflaged, Lisandra jumped off Yin’s back and started to fly alongside her.

"Here’s an ear piece. I’ll instruct you about how you should kill them while I do the same." Shiro said and handed her an ear piece.

Flexing her fingers, she created a dagger and a needle loaded on her free hand. The loader would place nanotech needles perfectly between her fingers and would start to eat away at anything it touched once thrown.

If she was to take someone off guard with this, she’ll even be able to kill level 70’s with a single needle. Of course, that was only if she took them off guard.

"You two ready?" She asked.



Hearing a positive response, Shiro smiled.

"Good, now let’s go." She grinned.


"We’re getting closer to Cairosa Branch, Master." A man, shrouded by a black cloak said towards the woman leading the group of mounts.

"Mn. They dare kill my two darling daughters. Let’s see how I torture them when I’m done." The woman chuckled grimly.

"Has there been anymore reports from the Sermak family?" She asked.

"Not yet. But don’t worry, the cage activated successfully and they’re trapped in the city. Compared to our battalion of 1000 troops, they’re nothing." The man replied.

"Good. I’ll take care of the bothersome Ospar family when we get there. After I was able to find a good EXP spot, I levelled up quite a bit compared to the old geezers they have protecting them." The woman smiled. The highest level people in the city were approaching the level 80 mark while she had managed to level up to 85 after finding a mutated dungeon that was just up her alley.

Her magic was able to counter all of the monsters inside the dungeon, allowing her to level up quickly and surpass even then highest level elder in the city.

"Indeed branch master. But we should still be careful. From what the reports said, they’ve cleared the raid. While they don’t know where the items are, they might be in the hands of the elders. Since it was an emergency raid, they would be able to get the first clear." The man warned.

"Hush. It’s not as if we haven’t prepared for that yet. Didn’t I bring my husband’s treasured item with us? With this, even if they did get some amazing item in the raid, it’ll be disabled." The woman sneered.

However, when she realised the lack of response, she turned around only to widen her eyes in shock.

The man that she was talking to had lost his head completely and fell off his mount.

"ATTACK!!! Everyone into formation!" The woman quickly shouted out and erected a barrier around herself.

A few needles suddenly entered her peripherals as she quickly bent her body back and avoided them.



Two of the guards that followed behind her had needles pierce their eyes. Exploding into a mass of metal, the nanobots started to eat their way inside the guard’s skulls while they clawed at their eyes in no avail. They couldn’t remove the nanobots and could only suffer from the pain helplessly.

Flicking her wrist, the woman sent a barrage of crimson spikes towards the direction the needles came from. However, she frowned when spell missed. With the amount of spikes that she launched, there was no way that the person could have dodged out of the way in time.

But reality proved her wrong.

A flash of light appeared in the centre of the battalion as several sword wounds appeared all over their bodies. However, unlike the previous attacks, they weren’t fatal.

Realising that this meant there were multiple people attacking them, the woman made up her mind and jumped off her mount.

Raising her and up into the air, red mist started to gather towards their location and sealed off all exits.

"Blood Thunder Tribulation!" The woman shouted out as flashes of lightning could be seen in the mist.

This skill would target everyone inside the area, except for those that she had marked. This was the best option for her current predicament as they couldn’t see the enemy. But to her surprise, the thunder didn’t target anyone, meaning that the enemy wasn’t inside the area.

"Impossible!" She widened her eyes.


Quickly turning her head towards the explosion, she was able to get a glimpse of Shiro who waved her hand slightly before disappearing.

"Spread out!" She shouted and dispersed the red mist. Since she knew that it didn’t target Shiro, she decided not to waste any mana on it.

What she didn’t know was that it was part of Shiro’s illusion. It did indeed target her, she just dodged at the last moment and made sure that the woman couldn’t sense the spell’s activation.

The difference between fighting humans when compared to monsters was that they strategized and analysed the situation in battle. As their MP is severely limited compared to monsters, they had to use each point strategically. If a skill didn’t work, they won’t use it.

In some situations, one may say that fighting a human was much easier than fighting a monster.

This was the reason as to why Shiro used her illusions to trick the woman. She had to admit that the spell was a troublesome one. Not only did it strike at her constantly, if she was hit, there’s no doubt that she’ll take a heavy amount of damage.

As the red mist dispersed, they looked up at the sky and saw a phoenix spreading out its wings.


Suddenly, four tier 3 magic circles appeared around them. Meteors started to fall from the sky while dark star fire jumped from person to person.

"Annoying!!!" The woman shouted out as she jumped up into the air.

Pushing her palms out, a pulse of red energy erupted out from her and extinguished the flames forcefully.

’Hmm, seems like the difference in power is a bit much for Yin.’ Shiro thought as she dashed at the woman.

[Sin Yue LVL 85 Blood Sage]

Reaping the lives of the people that were between them, Shiro flexed her fingers and created a handful of daggers.

Celestial path!

Twisting her body, she threw the daggers at Sin Yue and cancelled out her barrier.

Narrowing her eyes, Sin Yue bit her finger and spat out some blood.

"Blood Sacrifice: Bind!" She commanded as chains formed from the blood and launched towards Shiro.

Phantom Path!

Shifting her body, she activated her own passive flight and avoided the chains.

However, additional chains protruded from the individual segments in an attempt to bind her.

"Hmph!" Scoffing slightly, she summoned all seven copies of Ataraxia and stopped the chains from wrapping around her.

Sword Domain + Celestial Path!

Controlling her swords to strike at the chains, she cancelled them out and dashed towards Sin Yue.

But in the time she took to shatter the chains, Sin Yue had already prepared another spell.

"A lowly level 57 like you should just grovel beneath me!" She cried out as her aura magnified exponentially.

"Blood Sacrifice: Hell’s Gate!" She cried out as a portal opened up beneath them.

Calamity Dragon Arrow + Celestial Path!

Grabbing the air in front of her, she created a nanotech bow and aimed it towards the arrow. While she did this, Sin Yue send another attack at Shiro in an attempt to stop her from interfering with the portal.


Firing the arrow, she used the momentum to dodge Sin Yue’s attack.


Shattering into countless particles, the Hell’s Gate spell was forcefully cancelled. While the dragon arrow couldn’t destroy it in normal situations, the addition of celestial path was able to weaken the spell enough for the arrow to work.

"Who are you?" Sin Yue asked as she never heard of anyone being able to cancel out spells at her level. Not only that, she was cancelling out the spells of a level 85! That was a difference of 28 levels!

"I’m a mage’s worst nightmare." Shiro replied with a grin.

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